DragVideo: Interactive Drag-style Video Editing






Published 4/1/2024 by Yufan Deng, Ruida Wang, Yuhao Zhang, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang



Video generation models have shown their superior ability to generate photo-realistic video. However, how to accurately control (or edit) the video remains a formidable challenge. The main issues are: 1) how to perform direct and accurate user control in editing; 2) how to execute editings like changing shape, expression, and layout without unsightly distortion and artifacts to the edited content; and 3) how to maintain spatio-temporal consistency of video after editing. To address the above issues, we propose DragVideo, a general drag-style video editing framework. Inspired by DragGAN, DragVideo addresses issues 1) and 2) by proposing the drag-style video latent optimization method which gives desired control by updating noisy video latent according to drag instructions through video-level drag objective function. We amend issue 3) by integrating the video diffusion model with sample-specific LoRA and Mutual Self-Attention in DragVideo to ensure the edited result is spatio-temporally consistent. We also present a series of testing examples for drag-style video editing and conduct extensive experiments across a wide array of challenging editing tasks, such as motion, skeleton editing, etc, underscoring DragVideo can edit video in an intuitive, faithful to the user's intention manner, with nearly unnoticeable distortion and artifacts, while maintaining spatio-temporal consistency. While traditional prompt-based video editing fails to do the former two and directly applying image drag editing fails in the last, DragVideo's versatility and generality are emphasized. Github link: https://github.com/RickySkywalker/DragVideo-Official.

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  • Video generation models can now produce highly realistic videos, but accurately controlling or editing these videos remains a challenge
  • Key issues include: 1) providing users with direct and accurate control during editing, 2) executing edits like changing shape, expression, and layout without noticeable distortions or artifacts, and 3) maintaining the video's spatio-temporal consistency after editing

Plain English Explanation

Advances in video generation have led to the creation of remarkably lifelike videos. However, the ability to precisely control or edit these videos remains a significant hurdle. The main problems are:

  1. Giving users direct and accurate control over the editing process. It can be difficult for people to make the specific changes they want.

  2. Executing edits, like altering a character's shape, expression, or positioning, without introducing unsightly distortions or glitches in the final video. Maintaining the video's visual quality is crucial.

  3. Ensuring the edited video remains consistent in terms of space and time. The various elements should flow naturally and seamlessly after any changes are made.

To address these challenges, the researchers developed a framework called DragVideo. This system allows users to intuitively edit videos by "dragging" on the content, similar to how one might edit an image. DragVideo aims to provide precise user control, preserve the video's visual integrity, and keep the spatio-temporal qualities intact.

Technical Explanation

The key innovations in DragVideo are:

  1. A "drag-style" video latent optimization method that updates the video's latent representation based on the user's drag instructions, enabling direct and accurate control.

  2. Integration of a video diffusion model with sample-specific LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) and Mutual Self-Attention mechanisms to maintain the spatio-temporal consistency of the edited video.

The researchers tested DragVideo on a variety of challenging video editing tasks, such as altering motion and skeleton. They found that DragVideo allows for intuitive, intention-preserving edits with minimal distortion or artifacts, outperforming traditional prompt-based approaches and direct application of image-based drag editing.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive technical solution to the challenging problem of video editing, addressing key issues around user control, visual fidelity, and spatio-temporal consistency. However, the researchers acknowledge that their approach has certain limitations:

  • The paper does not explore the scalability of DragVideo to longer or more complex videos, which could present additional technical hurdles.
  • The evaluation focuses on specific editing tasks, and the system's performance on a wider range of real-world editing scenarios remains to be seen.
  • While the paper demonstrates DragVideo's advantages over existing methods, a more extensive comparison to state-of-the-art video editing tools would provide further context.

Additionally, the ethical implications of highly realistic video editing capabilities, such as the potential for misuse or the spread of misinformation, are not addressed in the paper. As these technologies continue to advance, it will be important for the research community to consider such broader societal impacts.


DragVideo presents a novel and promising approach to video editing, addressing longstanding challenges around user control, visual fidelity, and spatio-temporal consistency. By enabling intuitive, intention-preserving edits with minimal distortion, the framework represents a significant advancement in the field of video generation and manipulation. As these technologies continue to evolve, it will be crucial to explore their broader implications and work towards developing responsible, ethical, and socially-conscious applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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