DREAM: Decentralized Real-time Asynchronous Probabilistic Trajectory Planning for Collision-free Multi-Robot Navigation in Cluttered Environments






Published 5/21/2024 by Bask{i}n c{S}enbac{s}lar, Gaurav S. Sukhatme



Collision-free navigation in cluttered environments with static and dynamic obstacles is essential for many multi-robot tasks. Dynamic obstacles may also be interactive, i.e., their behavior varies based on the behavior of other entities. We propose a novel representation for interactive behavior of dynamic obstacles and a decentralized real-time multi-robot trajectory planning algorithm allowing inter-robot collision avoidance as well as static and dynamic obstacle avoidance. Our planner simulates the behavior of dynamic obstacles, accounting for interactivity. We account for the perception inaccuracy of static and prediction inaccuracy of dynamic obstacles. We handle asynchronous planning between teammates and message delays, drops, and re-orderings. We evaluate our algorithm in simulations using 25400 random cases and compare it against three state-of-the-art baselines using 2100 random cases. Our algorithm achieves up to 1.68x success rate using as low as 0.28x time in single-robot, and up to 2.15x success rate using as low as 0.36x time in multi-robot cases compared to the best baseline. We implement our planner on real quadrotors to show its real-world applicability.

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  • Proposed a new representation for interactive behavior of dynamic obstacles in cluttered environments
  • Developed a decentralized real-time multi-robot trajectory planning algorithm to handle static and dynamic obstacle avoidance, including interactive obstacles
  • Evaluated the algorithm in simulation and on real-world quadrotor robots

Plain English Explanation

The researchers developed a new way to model the behavior of dynamic obstacles that can interact with each other and with robots navigating through a cluttered environment. This is important for tasks that involve multiple robots, such as search and rescue operations or warehouse automation.

Their algorithm simulates how these interactive obstacles might move, taking into account the uncertainty in perceiving static objects and predicting the motion of dynamic ones. The algorithm also handles asynchronous planning between different robots and issues with communication, like message delays, drops, and reordering.

The researchers tested their algorithm extensively in simulation, comparing it to other state-of-the-art methods. They found that their approach achieved significantly higher success rates in both single-robot and multi-robot scenarios, while also taking less time to plan the robot's trajectory. Finally, they demonstrated the real-world applicability of their algorithm by implementing it on actual quadrotor robots.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel representation for modeling the interactive behavior of dynamic obstacles, which is then used in a decentralized real-time multi-robot trajectory planning algorithm. The algorithm is designed to handle collision avoidance with static, dynamic, and interactive obstacles.

To account for perception and prediction inaccuracies, the algorithm simulates the behavior of dynamic obstacles, considering their potential interactions with other entities in the environment. It also addresses challenges like asynchronous planning between robots and issues with communication, such as message delays, drops, and reordering.

The researchers evaluated their approach in simulation using 25,400 random scenarios and compared it to three state-of-the-art baselines using 2,100 random cases. Their algorithm achieved up to a 1.68x higher success rate using as little as 0.28x the planning time in single-robot cases, and up to a 2.15x higher success rate using as little as 0.36x the planning time in multi-robot cases, compared to the best baseline. The researchers also implemented their planner on real quadrotor robots to demonstrate its real-world applicability.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a comprehensive and well-designed approach to addressing the challenge of collision-free navigation in cluttered environments with static and dynamic obstacles, including those with interactive behavior. The researchers have thoughtfully considered the practical challenges of real-world deployment, such as perception and prediction inaccuracies, asynchronous planning, and communication issues.

One potential limitation of the research is the reliance on simulation-based evaluation, which may not fully capture the complexities of real-world environments. While the researchers did implement the algorithm on actual quadrotor robots, a more extensive real-world validation would be beneficial to further assess the algorithm's performance and robustness.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential impact of the algorithm's computational complexity on its scalability to larger multi-robot teams or more complex environments. Further investigation into the algorithm's resource requirements and optimization potential could provide valuable insights for real-world applications.


The proposed approach represents a significant advancement in the field of multi-robot navigation in cluttered environments with interactive dynamic obstacles. By incorporating a novel representation of obstacle behavior and addressing practical challenges, the researchers have developed a decentralized real-time planning algorithm that outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in simulation and real-world tests.

This research has important implications for a wide range of applications, from search and rescue operations to warehouse automation and smart city management. By enabling more robust and efficient navigation in complex environments, the proposed algorithm has the potential to enhance the capabilities of multi-robot systems and contribute to the advancement of autonomous systems in the real world.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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