Efficient Black-box Adversarial Attacks via Bayesian Optimization Guided by a Function Prior






Published 5/30/2024 by Shuyu Cheng, Yibo Miao, Yinpeng Dong, Xiao Yang, Xiao-Shan Gao, Jun Zhu
Efficient Black-box Adversarial Attacks via Bayesian Optimization Guided by a Function Prior


This paper studies the challenging black-box adversarial attack that aims to generate adversarial examples against a black-box model by only using output feedback of the model to input queries. Some previous methods improve the query efficiency by incorporating the gradient of a surrogate white-box model into query-based attacks due to the adversarial transferability. However, the localized gradient is not informative enough, making these methods still query-intensive. In this paper, we propose a Prior-guided Bayesian Optimization (P-BO) algorithm that leverages the surrogate model as a global function prior in black-box adversarial attacks. As the surrogate model contains rich prior information of the black-box one, P-BO models the attack objective with a Gaussian process whose mean function is initialized as the surrogate model's loss. Our theoretical analysis on the regret bound indicates that the performance of P-BO may be affected by a bad prior. Therefore, we further propose an adaptive integration strategy to automatically adjust a coefficient on the function prior by minimizing the regret bound. Extensive experiments on image classifiers and large vision-language models demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm in reducing queries and improving attack success rates compared with the state-of-the-art black-box attacks. Code is available at https://github.com/yibo-miao/PBO-Attack.

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  • This paper introduces an efficient black-box adversarial attack method using Bayesian optimization guided by a function prior.
  • Adversarial attacks aim to fool machine learning models by adding small, imperceptible perturbations to input data.
  • Black-box attacks do not require knowledge of the model's internals, making them more practical than white-box attacks.
  • The proposed approach leverages Bayesian optimization techniques to efficiently search for adversarial examples, guided by a learned function prior.
  • This leads to improved attack success rates and reduced query complexity compared to existing black-box attack methods.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models, such as those used for image recognition, can be fooled by making tiny, virtually undetectable changes to the input data. These "adversarial attacks" can cause the model to misclassify the input, even though a human would still recognize it correctly.

In this paper, the researchers developed a new approach for conducting these black-box adversarial attacks, where the attacker doesn't know the internal details of the target model. Their method uses a technique called Bayesian optimization, which intelligently explores the space of possible perturbations to find the most effective ones.

Crucially, the researchers also incorporate a "function prior" - essentially, they give the optimization process some initial guidance about the kind of perturbations that are likely to work well. This prior knowledge helps the optimization converge to successful adversarial examples more efficiently, requiring fewer queries to the target model.

Compared to previous black-box attack methods, the researchers' approach achieves higher attack success rates while needing to query the model fewer times. This makes it a more practical and effective tool for evaluating the robustness of machine learning systems to adversarial manipulations.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents a novel black-box adversarial attack method based on Bayesian optimization guided by a learned function prior.

In the black-box setting, the attacker does not have access to the model's architecture or parameters, and can only interact with it through input-output queries. The goal is to find small perturbations to the input that cause the model to misclassify, while remaining imperceptible to human observers.

The key innovations of this work are:

  1. Formulating the adversarial attack as a Bayesian optimization problem, where the objective is to minimize the model's confidence in the correct class.
  2. Incorporating a learned function prior to guide the optimization process, based on data-driven prior learning techniques.
  3. Developing a provably efficient Bayesian optimization algorithm that can handle the heteroscedastic noise inherent in black-box adversarial attacks.

The experiments demonstrate that this BO4IO-based attack outperforms previous state-of-the-art black-box methods in terms of attack success rate and query efficiency, across various model architectures and datasets.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong technical contribution to the field of adversarial machine learning. The use of Bayesian optimization guided by a learned function prior is a novel and effective approach for conducting black-box attacks.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations and caveats to their work. First, the function prior is learned on a subset of the target model's parameters, which may not generalize perfectly to unseen architectures. Additionally, the optimization is still query-intensive compared to white-box attacks, making it less scalable for large-scale evaluation.

Furthermore, the paper does not address the broader implications of adversarial attacks or discuss potential mitigation strategies. While the research advances the technical capabilities of black-box attacks, it is important to consider the ethical implications and responsible development of such techniques.

Future work could explore ways to make the function prior more generalizable, reduce the query complexity further, and investigate defensive methods to enhance the robustness of machine learning models against these types of attacks.


This paper introduces an efficient black-box adversarial attack method that uses Bayesian optimization guided by a learned function prior. By intelligently exploring the space of possible perturbations, the approach achieves higher attack success rates and reduced query complexity compared to previous state-of-the-art black-box attacks.

The technical innovations, including the Bayesian optimization formulation and the use of a function prior, represent a significant advancement in the field of adversarial machine learning. However, the potential negative impacts of such techniques must be carefully considered, and future research should also focus on developing robust defense mechanisms.

Overall, this work contributes valuable insights and tools for evaluating the security and reliability of machine learning systems, which is an important area of study as these technologies become increasingly ubiquitous in our lives.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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