Envisioning Outlier Exposure by Large Language Models for Out-of-Distribution Detection






Published 6/4/2024 by Chentao Cao, Zhun Zhong, Zhanke Zhou, Yang Liu, Tongliang Liu, Bo Han
Envisioning Outlier Exposure by Large Language Models for Out-of-Distribution Detection


Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) samples is essential when deploying machine learning models in open-world scenarios. Zero-shot OOD detection, requiring no training on in-distribution (ID) data, has been possible with the advent of vision-language models like CLIP. Existing methods build a text-based classifier with only closed-set labels. However, this largely restricts the inherent capability of CLIP to recognize samples from large and open label space. In this paper, we propose to tackle this constraint by leveraging the expert knowledge and reasoning capability of large language models (LLM) to Envision potential Outlier Exposure, termed EOE, without access to any actual OOD data. Owing to better adaptation to open-world scenarios, EOE can be generalized to different tasks, including far, near, and fine-grained OOD detection. Technically, we design (1) LLM prompts based on visual similarity to generate potential outlier class labels specialized for OOD detection, as well as (2) a new score function based on potential outlier penalty to distinguish hard OOD samples effectively. Empirically, EOE achieves state-of-the-art performance across different OOD tasks and can be effectively scaled to the ImageNet-1K dataset. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/tmlr-group/EOE.

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  • This paper explores how large language models (LLMs) can be used for out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, which is the task of identifying data that is significantly different from the training data.
  • The researchers investigate how LLMs can be "exposed" to outliers during training to improve their ability to detect OOD samples during inference.
  • They propose several techniques for exposing LLMs to outliers, such as zero-shot OOD detection and finetuning on synthetic outliers.
  • The goal is to leverage the powerful representation learning capabilities of LLMs to improve OOD detection performance compared to traditional methods.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 have become incredibly powerful at understanding and generating human language. But how well can they detect when something is completely different from the data they were trained on? This is the problem of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection.

The researchers in this paper wanted to see if they could "expose" LLMs to outlier data during training, to help them better recognize when something is radically different from their normal input. They tried a few different techniques for this, like zero-shot OOD detection (where the model is trained to detect outliers without seeing any examples) and finetuning on synthetic outliers (where the model is further trained on generated outlier data).

The key idea is that LLMs are very good at learning patterns and representations from data. If you can expose them to some outliers during training, they may be able to develop a better intuition for what counts as "normal" versus "abnormal" data. This could make them more effective at OOD detection compared to other approaches.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by providing background on the OOD detection problem and discussing prior work on using language-enhanced latent representations and negative label guidance to improve OOD detection.

The core contribution of this work is exploring different techniques for "exposing" LLMs to outlier data during training. The first approach is zero-shot OOD detection, where the model is trained to detect OOD samples without ever seeing any examples of them. This is done by training the model on a core in-distribution dataset, as well as a set of "outlier" tokens or phrases that are treated as OOD during training.

Another technique is finetuning on synthetic outliers, where the pre-trained LLM is further trained on a dataset of generated outlier examples, in addition to the original in-distribution data. The researchers experiment with different methods for generating these synthetic outliers, such as perturbing the input or using a generative adversarial network (GAN).

The paper then evaluates the OOD detection performance of the LLMs trained with these outlier exposure techniques on several benchmark datasets. The results show that the exposed LLMs generally outperform both the base LLM and traditional OOD detection methods, indicating that the outlier exposure was effective at enhancing the model's ability to detect anomalous data.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a novel and promising approach for improving OOD detection using large language models. By exposing the LLMs to outlier data during training, the researchers were able to enhance the models' ability to distinguish in-distribution from out-of-distribution samples.

However, the paper does not fully address some potential limitations and challenges of this approach. For example, the synthetic outlier generation methods used may not capture the full complexity and diversity of real-world OOD data, which could limit the generalization of the trained models. Additionally, the paper focuses on textual data, and it's unclear how well these techniques would transfer to other modalities like images or audio.

Further research is needed to explore more sophisticated outlier exposure techniques, as well as to assess the robustness and scalability of the approach on larger and more diverse datasets. It would also be valuable to investigate how the outlier-exposed LLMs perform on real-world OOD detection tasks, rather than just on benchmark datasets.


This paper presents a novel approach for enhancing large language models' ability to detect out-of-distribution data by exposing them to outliers during training. The results demonstrate that techniques like zero-shot OOD detection and finetuning on synthetic outliers can significantly improve LLM performance on OOD detection tasks compared to traditional methods.

While more research is needed to fully understand the limitations and potential of this approach, the work highlights the value of leveraging the powerful representation learning capabilities of LLMs to tackle the challenging problem of OOD detection. As LLMs become more widely deployed in real-world applications, the ability to reliably detect and handle OOD data will be increasingly important. The insights from this paper provide a promising direction for further advancements in this area.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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