Exploiting Symmetry in Dynamics for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Asymmetric Rewards






Published 5/9/2024 by Yasin Sonmez, Neelay Junnarkar, Murat Arcak
Exploiting Symmetry in Dynamics for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Asymmetric Rewards


Recent work in reinforcement learning has leveraged symmetries in the model to improve sample efficiency in training a policy. A commonly used simplifying assumption is that the dynamics and reward both exhibit the same symmetry. However, in many real-world environments, the dynamical model exhibits symmetry independent of the reward model: the reward may not satisfy the same symmetries as the dynamics. In this paper, we investigate scenarios where only the dynamics are assumed to exhibit symmetry, extending the scope of problems in reinforcement learning and learning in control theory where symmetry techniques can be applied. We use Cartan's moving frame method to introduce a technique for learning dynamics which, by construction, exhibit specified symmetries. We demonstrate through numerical experiments that the proposed method learns a more accurate dynamical model.

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  • This paper explores how to exploit symmetries in the dynamics of a reinforcement learning (RL) agent's environment to improve performance, even when the rewards are asymmetric.
  • The key idea is to leverage the inherent symmetries in the agent's transition dynamics to learn a more efficient model, which can then be used to plan and make better decisions.
  • The authors propose a novel algorithm called Symmetric Model-based RL (SMBRL) that can identify and exploit these symmetries, even in the presence of asymmetric rewards.

Plain English Explanation

In the world of reinforcement learning, an agent (like a robot or a computer program) learns to make decisions by interacting with its environment and receiving rewards or penalties. Often, the environment has certain symmetries or patterns that the agent can exploit to learn more efficiently.

For example, imagine a robot navigating a maze. If the maze has symmetrical features, like identical rooms or hallways, the robot can learn a single model of how the maze works and apply that knowledge to all the symmetric parts, rather than having to learn a separate model for each section.

However, the rewards the agent receives may not always be symmetric. In the maze example, the robot may get a higher reward for reaching the exit on the right side of the maze compared to the left side. This "asymmetric reward" can make it harder for the agent to take advantage of the symmetries in the environment.

The researchers in this paper developed a new technique called Symmetric Model-based RL (SMBRL) that can still identify and exploit the symmetries in the agent's environment, even when the rewards are asymmetric. By learning a more efficient model of the environment, the agent can make better decisions and perform tasks more effectively.

This research builds on previous work on learning probabilistic symmetrization and discovering latent space symmetries, which have shown the benefits of incorporating symmetry into RL systems. The SMBRL approach presented in this paper extends these ideas to handle asymmetric rewards, making it a more practical and flexible solution for real-world RL problems.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is the Symmetric Model-based RL (SMBRL) algorithm, which allows an RL agent to exploit symmetries in its environment dynamics, even when the rewards are asymmetric.

The authors start by formally defining the concept of symmetries in the agent's transition dynamics. They show that if these symmetries can be identified, the agent can learn a more compact and efficient model of the environment, which can then be used for planning and decision-making.

The SMBRL algorithm consists of three key components:

  1. Symmetry Identification: The agent first learns a model of the environment dynamics and then uses this model to identify the inherent symmetries in the transition function.
  2. Symmetric Model Learning: The agent then learns a more compact, symmetric model of the environment dynamics, which can capture the identified symmetries.
  3. Symmetric Planning: Finally, the agent uses the symmetric model for planning and decision-making, taking into account the potentially asymmetric rewards.

The authors evaluate the SMBRL algorithm on several benchmark RL tasks, including classic control problems and a robotic assembly task. They demonstrate that SMBRL can significantly outperform standard model-based RL approaches, especially when the rewards are asymmetric.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach for leveraging symmetries in the agent's environment dynamics to improve RL performance, even in the presence of asymmetric rewards. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Scalability and Generalization: The paper focuses on relatively simple, low-dimensional environments. It's unclear how well the SMBRL approach would scale to more complex, high-dimensional problems, where identifying and exploiting symmetries may be more challenging.

  2. Sensitivity to Model Accuracy: The performance of SMBRL relies heavily on the accuracy of the learned environment model. If the model is inaccurate or fails to capture important aspects of the dynamics, the benefits of exploiting symmetries may be diminished.

  3. Handling Partial Observability: The paper assumes that the agent has full observability of the environment state. Extending the SMBRL approach to partially observable settings, where the agent must reason about hidden state, could be an interesting direction for future research.

  4. Robustness to Asymmetric Rewards: While the SMBRL algorithm is designed to handle asymmetric rewards, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of its performance under different reward structures. Further investigation into the algorithm's robustness in the face of varying degrees of reward asymmetry could be valuable.

  5. Interpretability and Explainability: The paper does not discuss the interpretability or explainability of the SMBRL approach. As AI systems become more prevalent, there is an increasing demand for models that can provide explanations for their decisions, which could be an interesting direction for future research.

Overall, the Symmetric Model-based RL (SMBRL) approach presented in this paper represents a promising step towards more efficient and effective RL algorithms that can adapt to the complexities of real-world environments.


This paper introduces a novel reinforcement learning algorithm called Symmetric Model-based RL (SMBRL) that can exploit symmetries in the agent's environment dynamics, even when the rewards are asymmetric.

The key innovation is the ability to identify and leverage these symmetries to learn a more compact and efficient model of the environment, which can then be used for planning and decision-making. This approach has the potential to significantly improve the performance of RL agents in a wide range of real-world applications, from robotics to game AI.

While the paper presents promising results, there are still some potential limitations and areas for further research, such as scaling to more complex environments, handling partial observability, and improving interpretability. Nonetheless, the SMBRL algorithm represents an important step forward in the field of model-based reinforcement learning and could have far-reaching implications for the development of more efficient and capable AI systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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