Fair Data Generation via Score-based Diffusion Model






Published 6/17/2024 by Yujie Lin, Dong Li, Chen Zhao, Minglai Shao
Fair Data Generation via Score-based Diffusion Model


The fairness of AI decision-making has garnered increasing attention, leading to the proposal of numerous fairness algorithms. In this paper, we aim not to address this issue by directly introducing fair learning algorithms, but rather by generating entirely new, fair synthetic data from biased datasets for use in any downstream tasks. Additionally, the distribution of test data may differ from that of the training set, potentially impacting the performance of the generated synthetic data in downstream tasks. To address these two challenges, we propose a diffusion model-based framework, FADM: Fairness-Aware Diffusion with Meta-training. FADM introduces two types of gradient induction during the sampling phase of the diffusion model: one to ensure that the generated samples belong to the desired target categories, and another to make the sensitive attributes of the generated samples difficult to classify into any specific sensitive attribute category. To overcome data distribution shifts in the test environment, we train the diffusion model and the two classifiers used for induction within a meta-learning framework. Compared to other baselines, FADM allows for flexible control over the categories of the generated samples and exhibits superior generalization capability. Experiments on real datasets demonstrate that FADM achieves better accuracy and optimal fairness in downstream tasks.

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  • This paper proposes a fairness-aware data generation method using a score-based diffusion model.
  • The goal is to generate synthetic data that maintains statistical parity between different demographic groups, while preserving the original data distribution.
  • The authors introduce a novel "domain shift" technique to encourage the model to generate fair data, and demonstrate its effectiveness on several benchmark datasets.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a way to generate new data that is fair and balanced, while still capturing the key characteristics of the original dataset. The researchers use a type of machine learning model called a "score-based diffusion model" to create this synthetic data.

The key innovation is a technique they call "domain shift," which helps ensure the generated data is statistically similar across different demographic groups, like gender or race. This is important because many machine learning models can pick up on and amplify biases present in real-world data. By generating fair synthetic data, the researchers aim to create a level playing field for training more equitable AI systems.

This builds on prior work on using diffusion models for data generation and fairness-aware learning.

Overall, the goal is to develop methods that can produce diverse, representative data while mitigating problematic biases - a crucial step towards building fairer and more inclusive AI technologies. This relates to other recent research on using diffusion for deepfake detection, dataset generation for downstream tasks, tabular data synthesis, and distribution-aware data expansion.

Technical Explanation

The authors propose a fairness-aware data generation method based on a score-based diffusion model. Diffusion models are a type of generative AI that learn to gradually transform noise into realistic-looking samples by modeling the "reverse" diffusion process.

To encourage fairness, the researchers introduce a "domain shift" technique that applies a fairness penalty during training. This incentivizes the model to generate samples that maintain statistical parity between different demographic groups, while still matching the overall data distribution.

Experiments on several benchmark datasets show this approach can produce fair synthetic data that closely matches the original data characteristics. The authors analyze the trade-offs between fairness, sample quality, and diversity, and discuss potential limitations and future research directions.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and promising approach for generating fair synthetic data using diffusion models. The domain shift technique is a clever way to incorporate fairness considerations directly into the generative process.

That said, the authors acknowledge several caveats and limitations. For example, the fairness metric used may not fully capture all nuances of bias, and the approach relies on having access to demographic labels in the training data. There are also open questions around scalability to high-dimensional or tabular data.

Additionally, while the experiments demonstrate the viability of the approach, more work is needed to fully characterize its real-world performance and robustness. Potential edge cases or unintended consequences should be carefully explored.

Overall, this research represents an important step towards developing fairness-aware generative models. However, continued scrutiny and further advancements will be crucial as these techniques are applied to sensitive domains. Readers are encouraged to think critically about the societal implications and potential pitfalls of such data generation methods.


This paper introduces a novel fairness-aware data generation approach based on score-based diffusion models. By incorporating a "domain shift" technique, the model is able to produce synthetic data that maintains statistical parity between demographic groups, while still preserving the overall characteristics of the original dataset.

The results demonstrate the potential of this method to support the development of fairer AI systems, by providing diverse and representative training data that mitigates problematic biases. As the use of generative models becomes more widespread, techniques like this will be increasingly important for ensuring the responsible and equitable deployment of these powerful technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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