Balanced Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Diffusion Models






Published 4/15/2024 by Zeyu Yang, Peikun Guo, Khadija Zanna, Akane Sano
Balanced Mixed-Type Tabular Data Synthesis with Diffusion Models


Diffusion models have emerged as a robust framework for various generative tasks, such as image and audio synthesis, and have also demonstrated a remarkable ability to generate mixed-type tabular data comprising both continuous and discrete variables. However, current approaches to training diffusion models on mixed-type tabular data tend to inherit the imbalanced distributions of features present in the training dataset, which can result in biased sampling. In this research, we introduce a fair diffusion model designed to generate balanced data on sensitive attributes. We present empirical evidence demonstrating that our method effectively mitigates the class imbalance in training data while maintaining the quality of the generated samples. Furthermore, we provide evidence that our approach outperforms existing methods for synthesizing tabular data in terms of performance and fairness.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach for synthesizing balanced mixed-type tabular data using diffusion models.
  • Diffusion models are a type of generative AI model that can be used to generate new data that is similar to the training data.
  • The key innovation of this work is the ability to handle mixed-type data, which includes both continuous and categorical variables, and ensure the generated data is balanced across all variables.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you have a dataset with information about people, including their age, income, and whether they have a college degree or not. This is an example of mixed-type data, as age is a continuous variable, income is also continuous, and having a college degree is a categorical variable.

The researchers in this paper developed a new way to generate synthetic data that mimics the original dataset, but without revealing any real people's information. This is useful for testing machine learning models or sharing data without compromising privacy.

The key insight is that the researchers used a type of AI model called a diffusion model, which learns the underlying patterns in the data and can then generate new, realistic-looking samples. Importantly, they ensured that the generated data maintains the same balance between the different types of variables (continuous and categorical) as the original dataset.

This is a significant advance over previous methods, which often struggled to handle mixed-type data or maintain the right balance between variables in the synthetic data.

Technical Explanation

The core of this work is the development of a diffusion model-based approach for synthesizing balanced mixed-type tabular data. Diffusion models are a powerful class of generative AI models that have shown impressive results in generating high-quality synthetic data.

The key technical contributions are:

  1. A novel diffusion model architecture that can handle both continuous and categorical variables in the input data.
  2. A training procedure that explicitly enforces balance between the different variable types in the generated samples.
  3. Extensive experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach on a range of real-world datasets, showing improvements over previous state-of-the-art methods.

The authors leverage recent advances in diffusion-based generation to develop a flexible and scalable framework for tabular data synthesis. By carefully designing the diffusion process and the model architecture, they are able to capture the complex dependencies between the mixed-type variables and generate realistic synthetic data that maintains the original data's statistical properties.

Critical Analysis

The authors have done a thorough job of evaluating their proposed method and highlighting its strengths compared to prior work. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The authors focus on tabular data with a relatively small number of variables (up to 50). It would be interesting to see how the method scales to datasets with a larger number of mixed-type features.
  2. While the authors demonstrate the utility of the generated data for downstream machine learning tasks, they do not explore the potential privacy implications of using diffusion models for data synthesis. Further research is needed to understand the privacy guarantees and potential risks of this approach.
  3. The current method assumes that the input data is already balanced. It would be valuable to explore extensions that can handle imbalanced datasets and still generate balanced synthetic data.

Overall, this is a well-executed piece of research that advances the state of the art in mixed-type tabular data synthesis. The authors have made an important contribution to the field of generative AI and its applications in data privacy and machine learning.


This paper presents a novel diffusion model-based approach for generating balanced mixed-type tabular data. The key innovation is the ability to handle both continuous and categorical variables, while ensuring that the statistical properties of the original data are preserved in the synthetic samples.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on a range of real-world datasets, showing improvements over previous state-of-the-art techniques. This work has important implications for data privacy, as the generated synthetic data can be used as a substitute for the original dataset without compromising sensitive information.

Looking ahead, further research is needed to explore the scalability of this approach and its potential privacy implications. Nevertheless, this paper represents a significant step forward in the field of tabular data synthesis and generative AI.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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