On the Faithfulness of Vision Transformer Explanations






Published 4/3/2024 by Junyi Wu, Weitai Kang, Hao Tang, Yuan Hong, Yan Yan
On the Faithfulness of Vision Transformer Explanations


To interpret Vision Transformers, post-hoc explanations assign salience scores to input pixels, providing human-understandable heatmaps. However, whether these interpretations reflect true rationales behind the model's output is still underexplored. To address this gap, we study the faithfulness criterion of explanations: the assigned salience scores should represent the influence of the corresponding input pixels on the model's predictions. To evaluate faithfulness, we introduce Salience-guided Faithfulness Coefficient (SaCo), a novel evaluation metric leveraging essential information of salience distribution. Specifically, we conduct pair-wise comparisons among distinct pixel groups and then aggregate the differences in their salience scores, resulting in a coefficient that indicates the explanation's degree of faithfulness. Our explorations reveal that current metrics struggle to differentiate between advanced explanation methods and Random Attribution, thereby failing to capture the faithfulness property. In contrast, our proposed SaCo offers a reliable faithfulness measurement, establishing a robust metric for interpretations. Furthermore, our SaCo demonstrates that the use of gradient and multi-layer aggregation can markedly enhance the faithfulness of attention-based explanation, shedding light on potential paths for advancing Vision Transformer explainability.

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  • The paper examines the faithfulness of explanations provided by Vision Transformers, a type of deep learning model used for image classification tasks.
  • The researchers investigate whether the saliency maps and attention visualizations commonly used to explain these models' decisions accurately reflect the features they actually use to make predictions.
  • They find that while attention-based explanations can capture some relevant features, they often fail to identify the most important factors driving the model's outputs.
  • The paper proposes an alternative explanation method called Relevance Propagation that provides more faithful insights into Vision Transformer decision-making.

Plain English Explanation

Deep learning models like Vision Transformers have become powerful tools for image classification, but it can be difficult to understand how they arrive at their predictions. Saliency maps and attention visualizations are commonly used to explain these models, highlighting the image regions or features the model focuses on.

However, the new research suggests these explanation methods don't always accurately reflect the true factors driving the model's decisions. While attention-based explanations can capture some relevant information, they often fail to identify the most important features the model is actually using.

The researchers propose an alternative approach called Relevance Propagation that provides more faithful insights into how Vision Transformers make their decisions. By tracing the flow of information through the model, Relevance Propagation can better pinpoint the specific image elements that have the greatest influence on the final classification output.

This is an important finding, as faithful explanations are crucial for building trust in AI systems and understanding their limitations. If the standard visualization techniques don't accurately reflect how a model is making its judgments, it becomes difficult to validate the model's reasoning or identify potential biases or errors.

Technical Explanation

The paper evaluates the faithfulness of two common explanation methods for Vision Transformers: saliency maps, which highlight the most important pixels in the input image, and attention visualizations, which show the regions the model focuses on.

To assess faithfulness, the researchers compare these explanation outputs to the actual relevance of different image regions, as determined by a "ground truth" relevance metric they develop. This metric traces the flow of information through the Vision Transformer to quantify each region's contribution to the final classification decision.

Their experiments show that while attention-based explanations can identify some relevant features, they often fail to pinpoint the most important factors driving the model's outputs. In contrast, the Relevance Propagation approach is able to provide more accurate and faithful insights into the model's decision-making process.

The paper also demonstrates that the faithfulness of explanations can vary depending on factors like the image content, model architecture, and training dataset. This highlights the need for rigorous evaluation of explanation methods to ensure they are truly capturing the model's reasoning.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough and rigorous analysis of explanation methods for Vision Transformers, making an important contribution to the growing field of interpretable AI. By developing a ground truth relevance metric, the researchers are able to assess the accuracy of saliency maps and attention visualizations in a principled way.

One limitation noted in the paper is that the Relevance Propagation technique may be computationally expensive, especially for larger models. The authors suggest exploring ways to make the approach more efficient, such as approximations or parallelization.

Additionally, while the paper focuses on Vision Transformers, the findings likely have broader implications for the interpretability of other deep learning models as well. Further research could investigate the faithfulness of explanations for other architectures and application domains.

It would also be valuable to explore the practical implications of these results, such as how faithful explanations could be used to improve model development, debugging, or deployment in real-world scenarios. Engaging with end-users and domain experts could provide useful insights into the specific explanation needs and challenges they face.

Overall, this paper makes a compelling case for the importance of evaluating explanation methods and developing more faithful techniques to build trust and understanding in AI systems.


This research highlights a critical issue in the field of interpretable AI - the need to ensure the explanations provided by models like Vision Transformers are truly faithful representations of how they make decisions. The findings demonstrate that standard saliency maps and attention visualizations can fail to capture the most important features driving a model's outputs.

By proposing the Relevance Propagation approach as a more accurate explanation method, the paper offers a path forward for building greater transparency and trust in advanced deep learning systems. Faithful explanations are crucial for validating model behavior, identifying biases or errors, and ultimately ensuring these technologies are developed and deployed responsibly.

As AI continues to be applied in high-stakes domains, this work underscores the importance of not just generating explanations, but ensuring they authentically reflect the inner workings of these complex models. The insights from this research can help pave the way for more trustworthy and interpretable AI systems that can be better understood and relied upon.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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