Improving Interpretation Faithfulness for Vision Transformers






Published 5/6/2024 by Lijie Hu, Yixin Liu, Ninghao Liu, Mengdi Huai, Lichao Sun, Di Wang



Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance for various vision tasks. One reason behind the success lies in their ability to provide plausible innate explanations for the behavior of neural architectures. However, ViTs suffer from issues with explanation faithfulness, as their focal points are fragile to adversarial attacks and can be easily changed with even slight perturbations on the input image. In this paper, we propose a rigorous approach to mitigate these issues by introducing Faithful ViTs (FViTs). Briefly speaking, an FViT should have the following two properties: (1) The top-$k$ indices of its self-attention vector should remain mostly unchanged under input perturbation, indicating stable explanations; (2) The prediction distribution should be robust to perturbations. To achieve this, we propose a new method called Denoised Diffusion Smoothing (DDS), which adopts randomized smoothing and diffusion-based denoising. We theoretically prove that processing ViTs directly with DDS can turn them into FViTs. We also show that Gaussian noise is nearly optimal for both $ell_2$ and $ell_infty$-norm cases. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through comprehensive experiments and evaluations. Results show that FViTs are more robust against adversarial attacks while maintaining the explainability of attention, indicating higher faithfulness.

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  • Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various computer vision tasks
  • However, ViTs suffer from issues with explanation faithfulness, where their attention points can be easily changed by small perturbations to the input image
  • This paper proposes a new approach called Faithful ViTs (FViTs) to address these issues

Plain English Explanation

Faithful ViTs (FViTs): Robust and Explainable Vision Transformers

Vision Transformers (ViTs) are a type of artificial intelligence model that have become very good at various computer vision tasks, like identifying objects in images. One reason for their success is that they can provide explanations for their decision-making, by showing which parts of an image they are focusing on.

However, these explanations can be unreliable - even small changes to the input image can cause the model to suddenly focus on different parts of the image, making the explanations unstable and untrustworthy. This is an important issue, as we want AI systems to be transparent about how they arrive at their decisions.

To address this, the researchers in this paper propose a new type of Vision Transformer called a Faithful ViT (FViT). An FViT has two key properties:

  1. Stable Explanations: The parts of the image that the FViT model focuses on (its "attention") should remain mostly unchanged, even if the input image is slightly perturbed or modified.

  2. Robust Predictions: The FViT's final predictions about the contents of the image should also be stable and unchanged by small perturbations to the input.

To achieve these properties, the researchers developed a new technique called Denoised Diffusion Smoothing (DDS). DDS helps make ViT models more robust and faithful in their explanations, without significantly impacting their overall performance.

Technical Explanation

Denoised Diffusion Smoothing for Faithful Vision Transformers

The key technical contribution of this paper is the Denoised Diffusion Smoothing (DDS) method, which the authors use to transform standard ViT models into Faithful ViTs (FViTs).

DDS works by applying randomized smoothing and diffusion-based denoising to the ViT model. Randomized smoothing helps stabilize the model's attention weights, making them less sensitive to small input changes. Diffusion-based denoising then further improves the robustness of the model's predictions.

The authors show that processing ViTs directly with DDS can turn them into FViTs that satisfy the two key properties: stable attention explanations and robust predictions. They also provide theoretical analysis to show that Gaussian noise is nearly optimal for achieving these properties under both the β„“β‚‚ and β„“βˆž norms.

Through comprehensive experiments, the researchers demonstrate that FViTs are more robust against adversarial attacks while still maintaining the explainability of their attention mechanisms. This indicates that FViTs achieve higher faithfulness compared to standard ViTs.

Critical Analysis

Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Active Vision Systems

One potential limitation of this work is that the proposed DDS technique may come with a computational cost, as it requires additional processing steps beyond the standard ViT architecture. The authors do not provide a detailed analysis of the computational complexity or performance impact of DDS.

Additionally, while the experiments show FViTs are more robust to adversarial attacks, the paper does not explore the extent to which this robustness translates to real-world scenarios with natural distribution shifts or common visual distortions. Further testing in diverse, real-world settings would help better assess the practical benefits of FViTs.

The paper also does not address potential tradeoffs between the faithfulness of explanations and overall model performance. It's possible that the techniques used to improve faithfulness could negatively impact other metrics like accuracy or efficiency. Exploring these tradeoffs would provide a more holistic understanding of the benefits and limitations of FViTs.

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Self-Supervised Vision Transformers and Exploring Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Deepfake Detection provide additional context on the broader developments in Vision Transformer research that could inform future extensions of this work.


This paper introduces Faithful ViTs (FViTs), a new approach to improving the faithfulness and robustness of Vision Transformer (ViT) models. By applying Denoised Diffusion Smoothing (DDS), the researchers were able to create ViT models with two key properties:

  1. Stable attention explanations, where the parts of the input image that the model focuses on remain mostly unchanged even with small perturbations.
  2. Robust predictions, where the model's final output is also insensitive to minor changes in the input.

The results show that FViTs are more resistant to adversarial attacks while still maintaining the explainability of their attention mechanisms. This represents an important step towards building more trustworthy and transparent computer vision AI systems. Further research is needed to fully understand the practical implications and potential tradeoffs of this approach, but the work presented in this paper is a promising advance in the field.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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