A Fast Maximum Clique Algorithm Based on Network Decomposition for Large Sparse Networks






Published 4/22/2024 by Tianlong Fan, Wenjun Jiang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Linyuan Lu



Finding maximum cliques in large networks is a challenging combinatorial problem with many real-world applications. We present a fast algorithm to achieve the exact solution for the maximum clique problem in large sparse networks based on efficient graph decomposition. A bunch of effective techniques is being used to greatly prune the graph and a novel concept called Complete-Upper-Bound-Induced Subgraph (CUBIS) is proposed to ensure that the structures with the potential to form the maximum clique are retained in the process of graph decomposition. Our algorithm first pre-prunes peripheral nodes, subsequently, one or two small-scale CUBISs are constructed guided by the core number and current maximum clique size. Bron-Kerbosch search is performed on each CUBIS to find the maximum clique. Experiments on 50 empirical networks with a scale of up to 20 million show the CUBIS scales are largely independent of the original network scale. This enables an approximately linear runtime, making our algorithm amenable for large networks. Our work provides a new framework for effectively solving maximum clique problems on massive sparse graphs, which not only makes the graph scale no longer the bottleneck but also shows some light on solving other clique-related problems.

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  • Solving the maximum clique problem, which is finding the largest fully connected subgraph in a network, is a challenging but important task with many real-world applications.
  • The paper presents a fast algorithm to find the exact solution to the maximum clique problem in large, sparse networks.
  • The algorithm uses efficient graph decomposition techniques to greatly prune the search space and a novel concept called the Complete-Upper-Bound-Induced Subgraph (CUBIS) to ensure relevant structures are retained.
  • Experiments on large networks with up to 20 million nodes show the algorithm scales largely independently of the original network size, enabling a near-linear runtime.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the problem of finding the largest fully connected subgraph within a large network. This is known as the maximum clique problem, and it has many practical applications, such as in social network analysis, drug discovery, and image segmentation.

The researchers have developed a new algorithm that can efficiently solve this problem, even for very large and sparse networks. The key ideas are:

  1. Pruning the search space: The algorithm first removes peripheral nodes that are unlikely to be part of the maximum clique, greatly reducing the number of possibilities that need to be checked.
  2. Constructing CUBIS subgraphs: The algorithm then identifies one or two small, dense subgraphs (called CUBIS) that are likely to contain the maximum clique. This allows the search to be focused on these promising areas rather than the entire network.
  3. Bron-Kerbosch search: The algorithm then performs a targeted search within each CUBIS subgraph to find the maximum clique, using an efficient algorithm called Bron-Kerbosch.

The key advantage of this approach is that it allows the algorithm to scale to very large networks without the network size becoming a bottleneck. The experiments show the algorithm can handle networks with up to 20 million nodes, with a runtime that increases roughly linearly with the network size.

This work provides a new framework for efficiently solving the maximum clique problem on massive, sparse graphs, which has important implications for a variety of real-world applications that rely on finding dense substructures in large networks.

Technical Explanation

The proposed algorithm first pre-prunes the network by removing peripheral nodes that are unlikely to be part of the maximum clique. This is guided by the nodes' core numbers, which quantify how well-connected they are to their neighbors.

Next, the algorithm constructs one or two Complete-Upper-Bound-Induced Subgraphs (CUBIS) - dense subgraphs that are likely to contain the maximum clique. The CUBIS are identified by starting from the nodes with the highest core numbers and iteratively adding their well-connected neighbors.

The Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is then applied to each CUBIS to find the maximum clique within that subgraph. Bron-Kerbosch is an efficient backtracking algorithm specifically designed for the maximum clique problem.

The key innovation is the CUBIS concept, which ensures the structures with the potential to form the maximum clique are retained during the graph decomposition process. This allows the algorithm to scale largely independently of the original network size, as the CUBIS tend to be much smaller than the full network.

Experiments on 50 real-world networks ranging from thousands to tens of millions of nodes show the algorithm achieves a near-linear runtime, making it suitable for solving the maximum clique problem on very large, sparse networks.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a thorough evaluation of the proposed algorithm, including comparisons to state-of-the-art methods and an analysis of the algorithm's runtime complexity. However, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Handling dense networks: The algorithm is designed for sparse networks, and its performance on denser networks is not discussed. Adapting the CUBIS construction process to work well with dense graphs could further broaden the algorithm's applicability.

  2. Parallelization: While the algorithm already achieves near-linear runtime, further speedups could potentially be achieved by parallelizing the CUBIS construction and Bron-Kerbosch search steps, taking advantage of modern multi-core hardware.

  3. Approximation algorithms: The proposed algorithm finds the exact maximum clique. Developing an approximation algorithm that can provide guaranteed bounds on the solution quality could be a fruitful area for future research, potentially leading to even faster runtimes.

Overall, the paper presents a novel and highly effective approach to solving the maximum clique problem on large, sparse networks, with promising implications for a variety of real-world applications. The critical analysis suggests several avenues for further improvement and exploration.


This paper introduces a fast algorithm for finding the maximum clique in large, sparse networks. By efficiently pruning the search space and constructing targeted CUBIS subgraphs, the algorithm is able to scale largely independently of the original network size, enabling it to handle networks with up to 20 million nodes.

The key innovations are the pre-pruning of peripheral nodes, the CUBIS concept for retaining relevant substructures, and the use of the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm for the final clique search. Experimental results demonstrate the algorithm's ability to solve the maximum clique problem in near-linear time, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of applications that rely on finding dense subgraphs in large networks.

While the algorithm is primarily designed for sparse networks, the critical analysis suggests potential directions for further research, such as adapting the approach to handle denser graphs, exploring parallelization strategies, and developing approximation algorithms. Overall, this work provides a significant advancement in the field of maximum clique detection, with the potential to unlock new applications and insights from large-scale network data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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