Fast Timing-Conditioned Latent Audio Diffusion






Published 5/14/2024 by Zach Evans, CJ Carr, Josiah Taylor, Scott H. Hawley, Jordi Pons



Generating long-form 44.1kHz stereo audio from text prompts can be computationally demanding. Further, most previous works do not tackle that music and sound effects naturally vary in their duration. Our research focuses on the efficient generation of long-form, variable-length stereo music and sounds at 44.1kHz using text prompts with a generative model. Stable Audio is based on latent diffusion, with its latent defined by a fully-convolutional variational autoencoder. It is conditioned on text prompts as well as timing embeddings, allowing for fine control over both the content and length of the generated music and sounds. Stable Audio is capable of rendering stereo signals of up to 95 sec at 44.1kHz in 8 sec on an A100 GPU. Despite its compute efficiency and fast inference, it is one of the best in two public text-to-music and -audio benchmarks and, differently from state-of-the-art models, can generate music with structure and stereo sounds.

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  • Researchers focus on efficiently generating long-form, variable-length stereo music and sounds at 44.1kHz using text prompts with a generative model.
  • The proposed model, Stable Audio, is based on latent diffusion and a fully-convolutional variational autoencoder.
  • Stable Audio can render stereo signals of up to 95 seconds at 44.1kHz in 8 seconds on an A100 GPU, while outperforming state-of-the-art models on public text-to-music and -audio benchmarks.

Plain English Explanation

Creating high-quality, long-form audio, like music and sound effects, from text descriptions can be computationally demanding. Previous approaches often struggled to produce audio that varied naturally in duration. The research paper introduces a new model called Stable Audio that addresses these challenges.

Stable Audio uses a technique called "latent diffusion" to efficiently generate long-form, variable-length stereo audio at a high sample rate of 44.1kHz. It is conditioned on both text prompts and timing embeddings, allowing for fine control over the content and length of the generated audio.

Despite its computational efficiency and fast inference speed, Stable Audio outperforms state-of-the-art models on public benchmarks for text-to-music and text-to-audio generation. Uniquely, it can generate music with a clear structure and stereo sound effects, which sets it apart from other leading models in this area.

Technical Explanation

Stable Audio is based on a latent diffusion model, where the latent space is defined by a fully-convolutional variational autoencoder. This allows the model to efficiently generate long-form, variable-length stereo audio at 44.1kHz sample rate.

The model is conditioned on both text prompts and timing embeddings, which gives it fine-grained control over the content and duration of the generated audio. This contrasts with many previous approaches that struggled to produce audio with naturally varying lengths.

Stable Audio is capable of rendering stereo signals of up to 95 seconds in just 8 seconds on an A100 GPU. Despite this computational efficiency, the model outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on public text-to-music and text-to-audio benchmarks. Uniquely, it can also generate music with clear structure and stereo sound effects, which sets it apart from other leading models like AudioLDM and SonicDiffusion.

Critical Analysis

The researchers acknowledge that while Stable Audio is computationally efficient and high-performing, there are still some limitations to the model. For example, the paper notes that the model may struggle with generating highly complex or chaotic audio, and that further research is needed to improve its handling of longer-form audio.

Additionally, the researchers do not address potential biases or ethical considerations that may arise from a model capable of generating realistic-sounding audio from text prompts. As with any generative AI system, there are concerns about the model being used to create misleading or harmful content.

Overall, the Stable Audio model represents a significant advancement in the field of text-to-audio generation, but there is still room for improvement and further research to address its limitations and ethical implications.


The research paper introduces Stable Audio, a novel generative model that can efficiently produce high-quality, long-form stereo audio from text prompts. By leveraging latent diffusion and a fully-convolutional variational autoencoder, Stable Audio is able to generate variable-length music and sound effects at a 44.1kHz sample rate, outperforming state-of-the-art models on public benchmarks.

This breakthrough in text-to-audio generation has the potential to significantly impact various industries, from media and entertainment to accessibility and assistive technologies. As the researchers continue to refine and expand the capabilities of Stable Audio, it will be interesting to see how the model is applied and the ethical considerations that arise from its use.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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