The Fault in Our Recommendations: On the Perils of Optimizing the Measurable






Published 5/8/2024 by Omar Besbes, Yash Kanoria, Akshit Kumar



Recommendation systems are widespread, and through customized recommendations, promise to match users with options they will like. To that end, data on engagement is collected and used. Most recommendation systems are ranking-based, where they rank and recommend items based on their predicted engagement. However, the engagement signals are often only a crude proxy for utility, as data on the latter is rarely collected or available. This paper explores the following question: By optimizing for measurable proxies, are recommendation systems at risk of significantly under-delivering on utility? If so, how can one improve utility which is seldom measured? To study these questions, we introduce a model of repeated user consumption in which, at each interaction, users select between an outside option and the best option from a recommendation set. Our model accounts for user heterogeneity, with the majority preferring popular'' content, and a minority favoring niche'' content. The system initially lacks knowledge of individual user preferences but can learn them through observations of users' choices over time. Our theoretical and numerical analysis demonstrate that optimizing for engagement can lead to significant utility losses. Instead, we propose a utility-aware policy that initially recommends a mix of popular and niche content. As the platform becomes more forward-looking, our utility-aware policy achieves the best of both worlds: near-optimal utility and near-optimal engagement simultaneously. Our study elucidates an important feature of recommendation systems; given the ability to suggest multiple items, one can perform significant exploration without incurring significant reductions in engagement. By recommending high-risk, high-reward items alongside popular items, systems can enhance discovery of high utility items without significantly affecting engagement.

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  • This paper explores the concept of user welfare optimization in recommender systems, investigating how to prioritize user preferences and satisfaction over the traditional focus on maximizing engagement or revenue.
  • The authors propose new metrics and methods for evaluating recommender systems from a human-centric perspective, aiming to better align these systems with the actual needs and preferences of users.
  • The research examines how recommender systems can be designed to reduce content gaps, catalyze meaningful social interactions, and ultimately improve overall user welfare.

Plain English Explanation

Recommendation algorithms are a crucial part of many online platforms, helping users discover new content, products, or connections. However, these algorithms are often optimized to maximize metrics like engagement or revenue, which may not always align with what's best for the user.

The What Are We Optimizing? Human-Centric Evaluation of Recommender Systems paper explores a different approach - designing recommender systems to prioritize user welfare and satisfaction. The authors propose new ways to evaluate these systems, focusing on metrics that capture how well they meet the actual needs and preferences of users, rather than just driving clicks and time spent on the platform.

One key insight is the idea of Rank Preference Consistency - ensuring that the recommendations provided actually match what the user would prefer, not just what they're most likely to engage with. The research also looks at how recommender systems can be used to reduce content gaps and catalyze meaningful social interactions, ultimately improving overall user welfare.

By shifting the focus from engagement metrics to user-centric goals, this work aims to create recommendation algorithms that better serve the interests and needs of the people using them.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by reviewing the related literature on recommender system evaluation and optimization, noting the predominant focus on metrics like click-through rate, time spent, or revenue generation. The authors argue that these traditional metrics do not necessarily align with user welfare and satisfaction.

To address this, the researchers propose new evaluation frameworks and optimization methods centered on user-centric objectives. One key contribution is the Rank Preference Consistency (RPC) metric, which measures how well a recommender system's rankings match the user's true preferences.

The paper also explores how recommender systems can be designed to reduce content gaps between users and catalyze meaningful social interactions - both of which are important factors for user welfare.

Through a series of experiments and case studies, the authors demonstrate the efficacy of their proposed approaches, showing how user-centric optimization can outperform traditional methods in terms of improving overall user satisfaction and welfare.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the need to shift the focus of recommender system research and development towards user-centric objectives. By introducing new evaluation metrics and optimization techniques, the authors provide a roadmap for creating recommendation algorithms that better serve the interests and needs of users.

However, the paper also acknowledges several limitations and areas for further research. For example, the Rank Preference Consistency metric relies on the assumption that users' true preferences can be accurately captured, which may not always be the case in practice.

Additionally, the paper does not delve deeply into the potential challenges and trade-offs involved in optimizing for user welfare, such as the potential conflict with other business objectives or the complexities of modeling and quantifying user preferences at scale.

Further research could explore these issues in more depth, as well as investigate how user-centric optimization approaches can be seamlessly integrated into real-world recommender system deployments. Nonetheless, this paper represents an important step towards a more human-centered approach to recommendation technologies.


The What Are We Optimizing? Human-Centric Evaluation of Recommender Systems paper makes a compelling case for shifting the focus of recommender system research and development towards user-centric objectives. By introducing new evaluation metrics and optimization techniques, the authors provide a roadmap for creating recommendation algorithms that better serve the interests and needs of users.

This work has the potential to significantly improve the user experience on a wide range of online platforms, from e-commerce to social media, by ensuring that recommendation systems are aligned with what users truly value, rather than simply maximizing engagement or revenue. As the field of recommender systems continues to evolve, this research represents an important step towards a more human-centered approach to these influential technologies.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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