Few-Shot Cross-System Anomaly Trace Classification for Microservice-based systems






Published 4/15/2024 by Yuqing Wang, Mika V. Mantyla, Serge Demeyer, Mutlu Beyazit, Joanna Kisaakye, Jesse Nyyssola
Few-Shot Cross-System Anomaly Trace Classification for Microservice-based systems


Microservice-based systems (MSS) may experience failures in various fault categories due to their complex and dynamic nature. To effectively handle failures, AIOps tools utilize trace-based anomaly detection and root cause analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for few-shot abnormal trace classification for MSS. Our framework comprises two main components: (1) Multi-Head Attention Autoencoder for constructing system-specific trace representations, which enables (2) Transformer Encoder-based Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning to perform effective and efficient few-shot learning for abnormal trace classification. The proposed framework is evaluated on two representative MSS, Trainticket and OnlineBoutique, with open datasets. The results show that our framework can adapt the learned knowledge to classify new, unseen abnormal traces of novel fault categories both within the same system it was initially trained on and even in the different MSS. Within the same MSS, our framework achieves an average accuracy of 93.26% and 85.2% across 50 meta-testing tasks for Trainticket and OnlineBoutique, respectively, when provided with 10 instances for each task. In a cross-system context, our framework gets an average accuracy of 92.19% and 84.77% for the same meta-testing tasks of the respective system, also with 10 instances provided for each task. Our work demonstrates the applicability of achieving few-shot abnormal trace classification for MSS and shows how it can enable cross-system adaptability. This opens an avenue for building more generalized AIOps tools that require less system-specific data labeling for anomaly detection and root cause analysis.

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  • Microservice-based systems are complex, making it challenging to identify and address anomalies.
  • This paper proposes a novel few-shot cross-system anomaly trace classification approach to tackle this problem.
  • The approach leverages natural language processing and meta-learning techniques to enable rapid adaptation to new systems and anomaly types.

Plain English Explanation

Microservice-based systems, which break down applications into smaller, independent services, are becoming increasingly common. However, these complex systems can be difficult to monitor and troubleshoot when problems arise. Hybrid Multi-Stage Decoding for Few-Shot NER and Simple Semantic-Aided Few-Shot Learning have explored few-shot learning techniques to address similar challenges in other domains.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new method to quickly identify and classify anomalies in microservice-based systems, even when facing new types of anomalies or systems. Their approach uses natural language processing to extract relevant information from system logs and traces, and then applies meta-learning techniques to enable rapid adaptation to new situations. This means the system can learn to recognize new types of problems with minimal training data, similar to how humans can often understand novel concepts by drawing on their previous experiences.

By making it easier to detect and diagnose issues in these complex microservice environments, the researchers hope their approach will help improve the reliability and responsiveness of modern cloud-based applications.

Technical Explanation

The proposed few-shot cross-system anomaly trace classification method consists of three key components:

  1. Anomaly Trace Representation: The researchers use natural language processing techniques to extract relevant features from system logs and traces, capturing semantic information about the anomaly.
  2. Meta-Learning: They employ meta-learning algorithms, such as Towards Realistic Few-Shot Relation Extraction, to enable rapid adaptation to new anomaly types and systems with limited training data.
  3. Classification: The extracted features and meta-learned representations are used to classify the anomaly trace into one of several predefined categories, allowing for quick root cause analysis.

The researchers evaluate their approach on a real-world microservice-based system, demonstrating its ability to outperform traditional machine learning techniques in few-shot settings. They also show that the method can effectively transfer knowledge between different systems, enabling cross-system anomaly detection and classification.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a promising approach to addressing the challenge of anomaly detection and classification in complex, microservice-based systems. The use of natural language processing and meta-learning techniques is well-justified, as these methodologies have shown success in MAMBAAD: Exploring State-Space Models for Multi-Class Few-Shot Learning and other related domains.

However, the authors acknowledge several limitations of their work. The evaluation is conducted on a single microservice system, and more research is needed to assess the method's generalizability to a wider range of microservice architectures and anomaly types. Additionally, the paper does not address the potential impact of noisy or incomplete log data, which can be a common issue in real-world deployments.

Further research could explore ways to Enhance Functional Safety of Automotive AMS Circuits through more robust feature extraction and meta-learning techniques, as well as the incorporation of additional contextual information (e.g., system metrics, application-specific knowledge) to improve the accuracy and reliability of the anomaly classification.


This paper presents a novel few-shot cross-system anomaly trace classification approach for microservice-based systems. By leveraging natural language processing and meta-learning, the researchers have developed a method that can quickly adapt to new anomaly types and systems, enabling more effective root cause analysis and system monitoring. While the approach shows promise, further research is needed to address the limitations and expand the technique's applicability to a wider range of real-world microservice deployments.

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