FitDiff: Robust monocular 3D facial shape and reflectance estimation using Diffusion Models






Published 6/5/2024 by Stathis Galanakis, Alexandros Lattas, Stylianos Moschoglou, Stefanos Zafeiriou



The remarkable progress in 3D face reconstruction has resulted in high-detail and photorealistic facial representations. Recently, Diffusion Models have revolutionized the capabilities of generative methods by surpassing the performance of GANs. In this work, we present FitDiff, a diffusion-based 3D facial avatar generative model. Leveraging diffusion principles, our model accurately generates relightable facial avatars, utilizing an identity embedding extracted from an in-the-wild 2D facial image. The introduced multi-modal diffusion model is the first to concurrently output facial reflectance maps (diffuse and specular albedo and normals) and shapes, showcasing great generalization capabilities. It is solely trained on an annotated subset of a public facial dataset, paired with 3D reconstructions. We revisit the typical 3D facial fitting approach by guiding a reverse diffusion process using perceptual and face recognition losses. Being the first 3D LDM conditioned on face recognition embeddings, FitDiff reconstructs relightable human avatars, that can be used as-is in common rendering engines, starting only from an unconstrained facial image, and achieving state-of-the-art performance.

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  • The paper presents FitDiff, a diffusion-based 3D facial avatar generative model.
  • FitDiff can accurately generate relightable facial avatars using an identity embedding extracted from a 2D facial image.
  • The model outputs facial reflectance maps (diffuse and specular albedo and normals) and shapes, showcasing great generalization capabilities.
  • FitDiff is the first 3D Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) conditioned on face recognition embeddings, enabling the reconstruction of relightable human avatars from a single unconstrained facial image.

Plain English Explanation

FitDiff is a new AI model that can create highly realistic 3D face models from a single 2D photo. Unlike previous approaches that struggled to capture fine details, FitDiff uses a powerful technique called "diffusion" to generate accurate facial features, textures, and lighting.

The key idea is that FitDiff first encodes the identity of the person in the photo into a special numerical representation, or "embedding." It then uses this embedding to guide a reverse "diffusion" process, which starts with random noise and gradually refines it into a detailed 3D face model. This allows FitDiff to reconstruct relightable avatars that can be directly used in games, movies, or virtual worlds, all from just a single unconstrained photo.

What makes FitDiff special is that it's the first 3D model of this kind to be conditioned on face recognition embeddings. This means it can leverage powerful facial analysis techniques to better understand the person in the photo and generate a more accurate 3D representation. FitDiff also stands out for being able to output not just the 3D shape, but also the detailed reflectance properties like diffuse and specular albedo, and normals, which are crucial for realistic rendering.

Technical Explanation

FitDiff is a diffusion-based 3D facial avatar generative model that can accurately reconstruct relightable facial avatars from a single unconstrained 2D facial image. The model leverages an identity embedding extracted from the input image to guide a reverse diffusion process, producing 3D facial reflectance maps (diffuse and specular albedo, and normals) and shapes.

Unlike previous 3D face reconstruction approaches that relied on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), FitDiff utilizes the powerful capabilities of diffusion models, which have been shown to surpass the performance of GANs in various generative tasks. The introduced multi-modal diffusion model is the first to concurrently output both facial reflectance maps and shapes, demonstrating impressive generalization abilities.

The key innovation of FitDiff is its use of face recognition embeddings to condition the diffusion process. This allows the model to better capture the identity of the subject in the input image, leading to more accurate 3D reconstructions. The authors revisit the typical 3D facial fitting approach by guiding the reverse diffusion process using perceptual and face recognition losses, which helps FitDiff achieve state-of-the-art performance in reconstructing relightable human avatars from a single 2D facial image.

Critical Analysis

The FitDiff model represents a significant advancement in 3D face reconstruction, leveraging the powerful capabilities of diffusion models to generate highly detailed and photorealistic facial avatars. However, the paper does not extensively discuss potential limitations or caveats of the approach.

One area that could warrant further exploration is the model's performance on diverse facial features, ethnicities, and age groups. The training dataset and evaluation may have been skewed towards certain demographics, so it would be important to assess the model's generalization abilities across a broader range of facial characteristics.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential privacy and ethical concerns related to the generation of photorealistic human avatars from single images. As these technologies become more advanced, it will be crucial to consider the implications and potential misuse, such as the creation of deepfakes or unauthorized digital twins.

Future research could also explore the integration of FitDiff with other 3D modeling and rendering techniques to enhance the realism and versatility of the generated avatars, as well as investigating the model's performance in real-time applications, such as virtual and augmented reality experiences.


FitDiff represents a significant advancement in 3D facial avatar generation, leveraging the power of diffusion models to accurately reconstruct relightable human faces from a single 2D image. By conditioning the diffusion process on face recognition embeddings, the model can better capture the identity of the subject, leading to highly detailed and photorealistic 3D reconstructions.

The ability to generate such high-quality 3D facial avatars from unconstrained 2D inputs has numerous potential applications, from virtual avatars in games and social media to realistic digital doubles for film and animation. As the field of 3D facial reconstruction continues to evolve, models like FitDiff 4D facial expression diffusion model, MVDiff, and Diff3F are paving the way for even more realistic and versatile GEODiffuser applications in the years to come.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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