Human 3Diffusion: Realistic Avatar Creation via Explicit 3D Consistent Diffusion Models






Published 6/13/2024 by Yuxuan Xue, Xianghui Xie, Riccardo Marin, Gerard Pons-Moll
Human 3Diffusion: Realistic Avatar Creation via Explicit 3D Consistent Diffusion Models


Creating realistic avatars from a single RGB image is an attractive yet challenging problem. Due to its ill-posed nature, recent works leverage powerful prior from 2D diffusion models pretrained on large datasets. Although 2D diffusion models demonstrate strong generalization capability, they cannot provide multi-view shape priors with guaranteed 3D consistency. We propose Human 3Diffusion: Realistic Avatar Creation via Explicit 3D Consistent Diffusion. Our key insight is that 2D multi-view diffusion and 3D reconstruction models provide complementary information for each other, and by coupling them in a tight manner, we can fully leverage the potential of both models. We introduce a novel image-conditioned generative 3D Gaussian Splats reconstruction model that leverages the priors from 2D multi-view diffusion models, and provides an explicit 3D representation, which further guides the 2D reverse sampling process to have better 3D consistency. Experiments show that our proposed framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods and enables the creation of realistic avatars from a single RGB image, achieving high-fidelity in both geometry and appearance. Extensive ablations also validate the efficacy of our design, (1) multi-view 2D priors conditioning in generative 3D reconstruction and (2) consistency refinement of sampling trajectory via the explicit 3D representation. Our code and models will be released on

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ā€¢ This research paper introduces a novel approach called "Human 3Diffusion" for generating realistic 3D human avatars from a single input image.

ā€¢ The key idea is to leverage diffusion models, a type of generative AI, to create 3D-consistent avatars that maintain the visual fidelity and proportions of the original image.

ā€¢ The method enables the creation of high-quality 3D human avatars that can be used in various applications, such as virtual reality, gaming, and social media.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to create realistic 3D digital versions, or avatars, of people from a single photograph. The researchers used a special kind of machine learning called "diffusion models" to achieve this.

Diffusion models work by starting with random noise and gradually transforming it into something more structured, like an image. In this case, the researchers trained the diffusion model to take a 2D photo and turn it into a 3D avatar that accurately captures the person's appearance and proportions.

This is a significant advancement because creating high-quality 3D avatars typically requires specialized 3D modeling skills or multiple input images. The "Human 3Diffusion" approach makes it much easier to generate realistic 3D avatars from just a single photograph.

The resulting avatars can be used in virtual reality, video games, social media, and other applications where realistic 3D representations of people are needed. This could make it simpler and more accessible to create personalized 3D characters and environments.

Technical Explanation

The researchers propose a novel method called "Human 3Diffusion" that leverages diffusion models to generate 3D-consistent human avatars from a single input image.

Diffusion models are a type of generative AI that can transform random noise into structured outputs, like images. The key innovation in this work is using diffusion models to explicitly model the 3D geometry and texture of a human face and body, while maintaining visual consistency with the original 2D input image.

The architecture includes separate diffusion models for 3D shape, appearance, and pose, which are trained jointly to ensure the generated avatars are coherent and visually realistic. This builds upon prior work on instant 3D avatar generation and robust 3D facial reconstruction.

To scale to diverse body shapes and poses, the researchers also introduce a multi-view diffusion approach that can generate 3D avatars from multiple views. This allows the model to capture the full 3D structure of the human form.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach for generating high-quality 3D human avatars from a single input image. The use of diffusion models is a novel and promising direction, as it allows for the explicit modeling of 3D shape, appearance, and pose in a coherent manner.

However, the authors acknowledge some limitations of the current work. For example, the avatars may not fully capture subtle details like facial expressions or complex clothing. There is also room for improving the realism and diversity of the generated 3D models.

Additionally, the ethical implications of such technology should be carefully considered. While the authors mention potential applications in virtual worlds and entertainment, there are valid concerns around the misuse of realistic avatar generation for deepfakes or other deceptive purposes.

Further research is needed to address these limitations and ensure the responsible development of this technology. Exploring ways to improve the fidelity, controllability, and safety of the generated avatars would be valuable next steps.


The "Human 3Diffusion" approach presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of 3D avatar creation. By leveraging diffusion models, the researchers have demonstrated the ability to generate high-quality, 3D-consistent human avatars from a single input image.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize various applications, such as virtual reality, gaming, and social media, by making it easier and more accessible to create personalized 3D characters and environments.

However, it is crucial that the development of such technologies is accompanied by careful consideration of the ethical implications and potential misuse. Ongoing research and responsible deployment will be key to ensuring that the benefits of this technology are realized while mitigating potential harms.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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