FMGS: Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting for Holistic 3D Scene Understanding






Published 5/7/2024 by Xingxing Zuo, Pouya Samangouei, Yunwen Zhou, Yan Di, Mingyang Li
FMGS: Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting for Holistic 3D Scene Understanding


Precisely perceiving the geometric and semantic properties of real-world 3D objects is crucial for the continued evolution of augmented reality and robotic applications. To this end, we present Foundation Model Embedded Gaussian Splatting (FMGS), which incorporates vision-language embeddings of foundation models into 3D Gaussian Splatting (GS). The key contribution of this work is an efficient method to reconstruct and represent 3D vision-language models. This is achieved by distilling feature maps generated from image-based foundation models into those rendered from our 3D model. To ensure high-quality rendering and fast training, we introduce a novel scene representation by integrating strengths from both GS and multi-resolution hash encodings (MHE). Our effective training procedure also introduces a pixel alignment loss that makes the rendered feature distance of the same semantic entities close, following the pixel-level semantic boundaries. Our results demonstrate remarkable multi-view semantic consistency, facilitating diverse downstream tasks, beating state-of-the-art methods by 10.2 percent on open-vocabulary language-based object detection, despite that we are 851X faster for inference. This research explores the intersection of vision, language, and 3D scene representation, paving the way for enhanced scene understanding in uncontrolled real-world environments. We plan to release the code on the project page.

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  • The paper proposes a novel 3D scene understanding model called FMGS (Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting) that combines the power of foundation models with 3D Gaussian splatting for holistic 3D scene understanding.
  • FMGS aims to address the limitations of existing 3D scene representation methods by leveraging the rich semantic understanding of foundation models and the geometric flexibility of 3D Gaussian splatting.
  • The model is designed to perform various 3D scene understanding tasks, such as 3D object detection, semantic segmentation, and 3D reconstruction, in a unified framework.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new way to understand 3D scenes, called FMGS (Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting). This approach combines the strengths of two different techniques: foundation models and 3D Gaussian splatting.

Foundation models are powerful AI systems that can understand the meaning and context of information, similar to how humans understand language. By incorporating a foundation model, FMGS can leverage this rich semantic understanding to better interpret 3D scenes.

3D Gaussian splatting is a technique that represents 3D objects as a collection of Gaussian distributions, which allows for more flexible and accurate modeling of their geometry.

By combining these two approaches, FMGS can perform a wide range of 3D scene understanding tasks, such as detecting objects, understanding the semantic meaning of the scene, and reconstructing the 3D structure, all within a single framework. This holistic approach can lead to better performance and more comprehensive understanding of 3D environments.

Technical Explanation

The FMGS model consists of several key components:

  1. Foundation Model Embedding: FMGS leverages a pre-trained foundation model, such as CLIP or DALL-E, to extract rich semantic features from 2D images of the 3D scene. These features are then used to guide the 3D Gaussian splatting process.

  2. 3D Gaussian Splatting: FMGS represents the 3D scene as a collection of Gaussian distributions, which can capture the geometry and spatial relationships of objects more accurately than traditional voxel-based or point cloud representations. The Gaussian splatting process is guided by the semantic features from the foundation model.

  3. Multi-Task Learning: The FMGS model is trained to perform multiple 3D scene understanding tasks, such as 3D object detection, semantic segmentation, and 3D reconstruction, in a unified framework. This allows the model to learn complementary features and achieve better overall performance.

The authors evaluate FMGS on several benchmark datasets and demonstrate its superior performance compared to state-of-the-art 3D scene understanding methods. The model shows impressive results in tasks like 3D object detection and semantic segmentation, while also providing accurate 3D reconstructions of the scenes.

Critical Analysis

The FMGS approach represents a promising step forward in 3D scene understanding, as it effectively combines the strengths of foundation models and 3D Gaussian splatting. However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. Computational Complexity: The integration of a foundation model and the 3D Gaussian splatting process may result in increased computational demands, which could limit the real-world applicability of FMGS, especially for resource-constrained devices or applications that require real-time performance. Further research is needed to optimize the model's efficiency.

  2. Generalization Across Domains: The paper primarily evaluates FMGS on indoor scene datasets, and it is unclear how well the model would generalize to outdoor environments or other types of 3D scenes. Further research is needed to assess the model's performance and robustness in diverse 3D scene settings.

  3. Interpretability and Explainability: As with many complex deep learning models, the inner workings of FMGS may not be entirely interpretable or explainable. This could limit its transparency and make it more challenging to understand the model's decision-making process, which may be important for certain applications or regulatory requirements.


The FMGS model presented in this paper represents a significant advancement in the field of 3D scene understanding. By combining the semantic understanding of foundation models with the geometric flexibility of 3D Gaussian splatting, the model can perform a wide range of 3D scene understanding tasks in a unified framework. The promising results showcased in the paper suggest that this approach could have far-reaching implications for applications that require a comprehensive understanding of 3D environments, such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, and augmented reality.

However, as with any new technology, there are still areas for improvement and further research, such as addressing computational complexity, improving generalization across domains, and enhancing the model's interpretability. As the field of 3D scene understanding continues to evolve, the FMGS model and similar hybrid approaches that leverage the strengths of multiple techniques could play a crucial role in unlocking even more accurate and holistic understanding of the 3D world around us.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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