FoundationGrasp: Generalizable Task-Oriented Grasping with Foundation Models






Published 4/17/2024 by Chao Tang, Dehao Huang, Wenlong Dong, Ruinian Xu, Hong Zhang
FoundationGrasp: Generalizable Task-Oriented Grasping with Foundation Models


Task-oriented grasping (TOG), which refers to the problem of synthesizing grasps on an object that are configurationally compatible with the downstream manipulation task, is the first milestone towards tool manipulation. Analogous to the activation of two brain regions responsible for semantic and geometric reasoning during cognitive processes, modeling the complex relationship between objects, tasks, and grasps requires rich prior knowledge about objects and tasks. Existing methods typically limit the prior knowledge to a closed-set scope and cannot support the generalization to novel objects and tasks out of the training set. To address such a limitation, we propose FoundationGrasp, a foundation model-based TOG framework that leverages the open-ended knowledge from foundation models to learn generalizable TOG skills. Comprehensive experiments are conducted on the contributed Language and Vision Augmented TaskGrasp (LaViA-TaskGrasp) dataset, demonstrating the superiority of FoudationGrasp over existing methods when generalizing to novel object instances, object classes, and tasks out of the training set. Furthermore, the effectiveness of FoudationGrasp is validated in real-robot grasping and manipulation experiments on a 7 DoF robotic arm. Our code, data, appendix, and video are publicly available at

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  • This paper introduces FoundationGrasp, a system that uses large language models (foundation models) to enable robots to perform generalizable, task-oriented grasping.
  • The key idea is to leverage the broad knowledge and language understanding capabilities of foundation models to enable robots to grasp objects in a way that is tailored to specific tasks or goals, rather than just maximizing grip strength.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of FoundationGrasp on a range of grasping tasks, showing it can outperform prior approaches that are more specialized.

Plain English Explanation

The paper presents a new approach to robot grasping called FoundationGrasp that uses large AI language models (called "foundation models") to enable more versatile and task-oriented grasping. Typical robot grasping systems focus mainly on maximizing the strength of the robot's grip on an object. In contrast, FoundationGrasp aims to grasp objects in a way that is tailored to the specific task or goal, rather than just grip strength.

The key insight is that foundation models, which are trained on vast amounts of text data, have developed a broad understanding of language and the world that can be leveraged for robot control. By incorporating this knowledge, FoundationGrasp can grasp objects in a more "intelligent" way that is adapted to the user's intent, rather than just trying to grip tightly.

For example, if the goal is to pour liquid from a container, FoundationGrasp might grasp the container in a way that leaves the pouring spout accessible, even if that doesn't result in the maximum grip strength. Or if the goal is to hand an object to a person, FoundationGrasp might orient the object in a natural hand-over position.

The authors show that FoundationGrasp outperforms prior grasping approaches on a variety of tasks, demonstrating the power of leveraging foundation models for more versatile and task-oriented robot control.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces FoundationGrasp, a system that uses large language models (foundation models) to enable robots to perform more generalizable, task-oriented grasping. Prior grasping approaches have typically focused on maximizing the strength of the robot's grip, without considering the specific task or goal.

In contrast, FoundationGrasp aims to grasp objects in a way that is tailored to the user's intent or the task at hand. The key insight is that foundation models, which are trained on vast amounts of text data, have developed a broad understanding of language, semantics, and common sense reasoning that can be leveraged for robot control.

FoundationGrasp incorporates this knowledge by conditioning the grasping policy on a language description of the task or goal. For example, if the goal is to "pour liquid from the container," FoundationGrasp would grasp the container in a way that leaves the pouring spout accessible, even if that doesn't result in the maximum grip strength.

The authors evaluate FoundationGrasp on a range of grasping tasks, including object handover, pouring, and tool use. They show that FoundationGrasp outperforms prior approaches, such as Generalizing 6-DOF Grasp Detection via Domain Adaptation, Learning Cross-Hand Policies for High-DOF Reaching, and CenterGrasp: Object-Aware Implicit Representation Learning for Simultaneous Grasp and Grasp-Type Prediction, which are more specialized and do not leverage the broad knowledge of foundation models.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to robot grasping that leverages the power of large language models in a novel way. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of FoundationGrasp on a range of tasks, showing that it can outperform prior specialized grasping systems.

One potential limitation of the approach is that it relies on the availability of a language description of the task or goal. In real-world scenarios, users may not always be able to provide such a description, or the description may be ambiguous or incomplete. The authors acknowledge this challenge and suggest that future work could explore ways to infer the task intent from other modalities, such as visual cues or user demonstrations.

Additionally, while the paper focuses on grasping tasks, the underlying idea of leveraging foundation models for more generalizable and task-oriented robot control could potentially be applied to a wider range of robotic manipulation and navigation tasks. Exploring these broader applications could be an interesting direction for future research.

Overall, the FoundationGrasp approach represents an exciting step forward in the field of robot grasping, and the authors' use of foundation models to enable more versatile and intelligent robot control is a promising direction for the field.


This paper introduces FoundationGrasp, a novel approach to robot grasping that leverages large language models (foundation models) to enable more generalizable, task-oriented grasping. By conditioning the grasping policy on a language description of the task or goal, FoundationGrasp can grasp objects in a way that is tailored to the user's intent, rather than just maximizing grip strength.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of FoundationGrasp on a range of grasping tasks, showing that it can outperform prior specialized grasping systems. This work represents an exciting step forward in the field of robot grasping, and the broader idea of leveraging foundation models for more versatile and intelligent robot control could have significant implications for a wide range of robotic applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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