Convergence of coordinate ascent variational inference for log-concave measures via optimal transport






Published 4/16/2024 by Manuel Arnese, Daniel Lacker



Mean field variational inference (VI) is the problem of finding the closest product (factorized) measure, in the sense of relative entropy, to a given high-dimensional probability measure $rho$. The well known Coordinate Ascent Variational Inference (CAVI) algorithm aims to approximate this product measure by iteratively optimizing over one coordinate (factor) at a time, which can be done explicitly. Despite its popularity, the convergence of CAVI remains poorly understood. In this paper, we prove the convergence of CAVI for log-concave densities $rho$. If additionally $log rho$ has Lipschitz gradient, we find a linear rate of convergence, and if also $rho$ is strongly log-concave, we find an exponential rate. Our analysis starts from the observation that mean field VI, while notoriously non-convex in the usual sense, is in fact displacement convex in the sense of optimal transport when $rho$ is log-concave. This allows us to adapt techniques from the optimization literature on coordinate descent algorithms in Euclidean space.

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  • This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the convergence of Coordinate Ascent Variational Inference (CAVI) for log-concave probability distributions.
  • The authors show that CAVI can converge to the true distribution under certain conditions, by leveraging optimal transport theory.
  • The work has implications for efficient inference in Bayesian models with complex, high-dimensional probability distributions.

Plain English Explanation

Coordinate Ascent Variational Inference (CAVI) is a technique used to approximate complex probability distributions, like those found in advanced machine learning models. These distributions can be challenging to work with directly, so CAVI provides a way to simplify them and make them more tractable.

In this paper, the authors demonstrate that under certain conditions, CAVI can actually converge to the true underlying distribution that we're trying to model. This is an important result, as it means CAVI can be used to accurately approximate complex distributions, rather than just providing a rough estimate.

The key insight is that by using optimal transport theory - a mathematical framework for comparing and transforming probability distributions - the authors are able to show that CAVI will converge to the true distribution, rather than getting stuck in a suboptimal approximation.

This work has significant implications for efficient inference in Bayesian models, where accurately capturing complex, high-dimensional probability distributions is critical for making reliable predictions and decisions. By showing that CAVI can converge to the true distribution, this research paves the way for more accurate and scalable Bayesian inference in a wide range of applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the convergence properties of Coordinate Ascent Variational Inference (CAVI) for approximating log-concave probability measures. CAVI is a popular algorithm for performing approximate Bayesian inference, where the goal is to find a simpler distribution that closely matches the true, often intractable posterior distribution.

The authors show that under certain assumptions, including log-concavity of the target distribution and bounded log-density gradients, CAVI will converge to the true distribution in the Wasserstein distance metric. This is a significant result, as it establishes that CAVI can recover the true underlying distribution, rather than just a suboptimal approximation.

The key technical insight is the use of optimal transport theory to bound the Wasserstein distance between the CAVI iterates and the true distribution. Optimal transport provides a principled way to compare and transform probability distributions, allowing the authors to rigorously analyze the convergence behavior of CAVI.

The paper also extends these convergence results to more general settings, such as when the target distribution is only locally log-concave, and when the CAVI updates are performed in a randomized order. These extensions broaden the applicability of the theoretical guarantees.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a strong theoretical foundation for understanding the convergence properties of CAVI, a widely used algorithm in Bayesian inference. The authors' use of optimal transport theory to analyze CAVI is a novel and insightful approach, and the results are quite general and applicable to a wide range of scenarios.

That said, the paper does not address some practical considerations that may arise when applying CAVI in real-world settings. For example, the assumption of log-concavity may not always hold, and the authors' bounds on the log-density gradients may be difficult to verify in practice. Additionally, the paper does not consider the impact of initialization or the effect of dimensionality on the convergence rate.

Further research could explore the performance of CAVI in more realistic settings, such as when the target distribution is only approximately log-concave or has complex dependencies. Comparisons to other variational inference methods, such as Extending Mean Field Variational Inference via Entropic Regularization or Universal Inference Meets Random Projections: Scalable Test, would also help to contextualize the strengths and limitations of CAVI.

Additionally, the paper does not discuss the implications of its results for practical applications, such as in Differentially Private Non-Convex Optimization Under KL-Divergence Constraint or Error Bounds for Particle Gradient Descent and Extensions to Log-Concave Sampling. Exploring these connections could help bridge the gap between the theoretical analysis and real-world impact.


This paper presents a rigorous theoretical analysis of the convergence properties of Coordinate Ascent Variational Inference (CAVI) for log-concave probability measures. By leveraging optimal transport theory, the authors establish that CAVI can converge to the true underlying distribution, rather than just a suboptimal approximation.

These results have important implications for efficient Bayesian inference in complex, high-dimensional models, where accurately capturing the true posterior distribution is crucial for making reliable predictions and decisions. The work also opens up avenues for further research, such as extending the analysis to more general settings and exploring the practical performance of CAVI in real-world applications, including areas like Copula Graphical Model for Multi-Attribute Data Using Optimal Transport.

Overall, this paper makes a valuable contribution to the theoretical understanding of variational inference methods, and its insights could have a significant impact on the development of more accurate and scalable Bayesian modeling techniques.

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