From Biased to Unbiased Dynamics: An Infinitesimal Generator Approach






Published 6/14/2024 by Timoth'ee Devergne, Vladimir Kostic, Michele Parrinello, Massimiliano Pontil
From Biased to Unbiased Dynamics: An Infinitesimal Generator Approach


We investigate learning the eigenfunctions of evolution operators for time-reversal invariant stochastic processes, a prime example being the Langevin equation used in molecular dynamics. Many physical or chemical processes described by this equation involve transitions between metastable states separated by high potential barriers that can hardly be crossed during a simulation. To overcome this bottleneck, data are collected via biased simulations that explore the state space more rapidly. We propose a framework for learning from biased simulations rooted in the infinitesimal generator of the process and the associated resolvent operator. We contrast our approach to more common ones based on the transfer operator, showing that it can provably learn the spectral properties of the unbiased system from biased data. In experiments, we highlight the advantages of our method over transfer operator approaches and recent developments based on generator learning, demonstrating its effectiveness in estimating eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. Importantly, we show that even with datasets containing only a few relevant transitions due to sub-optimal biasing, our approach recovers relevant information about the transition mechanism.

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This paper presents a novel approach for learning the dynamics of a stochastic diffusion process from data, with the goal of removing bias and recovering the true underlying dynamics. The authors propose using the infinitesimal generator as a key tool to achieve this.

Learning dynamical systems from data

The researchers explain that many real-world systems can be modeled as stochastic diffusion processes, but the observed data may be biased due to factors like measurement error or external influences. This can lead to inaccurate estimates of the true dynamics. The paper introduces a framework for learning the infinitesimal generator from biased data and then using it to recover the unbiased dynamics.

Removing bias from dynamical systems

The key insight is that the infinitesimal generator, which characterizes the local dynamics of the diffusion process, can be used to identify and remove the bias. The authors show how to estimate the infinitesimal generator from biased data and then use it to reconstruct the true unbiased dynamics. This allows them to accurately model the underlying system without the confounding effects of measurement bias.

Implications and applications

The proposed method has important implications for a wide range of fields that rely on modeling dynamical systems, such as nonequilibrium physics, machine learning, and control theory. By recovering the true dynamics, researchers can gain deeper insights into the underlying processes and make more accurate predictions.


This paper presents a powerful framework for learning dynamical systems from biased data by leveraging the infinitesimal generator. The ability to remove measurement bias and recover the true underlying dynamics has far-reaching implications across many scientific and engineering disciplines.

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