Weak Generative Sampler to Efficiently Sample Invariant Distribution of Stochastic Differential Equation






Published 5/30/2024 by Zhiqiang Cai, Yu Cao, Yuanfei Huang, Xiang Zhou
Weak Generative Sampler to Efficiently Sample Invariant Distribution of Stochastic Differential Equation


Sampling invariant distributions from an Ito diffusion process presents a significant challenge in stochastic simulation. Traditional numerical solvers for stochastic differential equations require both a fine step size and a lengthy simulation period, resulting in both biased and correlated samples. Current deep learning-based method solves the stationary Fokker--Planck equation to determine the invariant probability density function in form of deep neural networks, but they generally do not directly address the problem of sampling from the computed density function. In this work, we introduce a framework that employs a weak generative sampler (WGS) to directly generate independent and identically distributed (iid) samples induced by a transformation map derived from the stationary Fokker--Planck equation. Our proposed loss function is based on the weak form of the Fokker--Planck equation, integrating normalizing flows to characterize the invariant distribution and facilitate sample generation from the base distribution. Our randomized test function circumvents the need for mini-max optimization in the traditional weak formulation. Distinct from conventional generative models, our method neither necessitates the computationally intensive calculation of the Jacobian determinant nor the invertibility of the transformation map. A crucial component of our framework is the adaptively chosen family of test functions in the form of Gaussian kernel functions with centres selected from the generated data samples. Experimental results on several benchmark examples demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which offers both low computational costs and excellent capability in exploring multiple metastable states.

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  • This paper proposes a "weak generative sampler" to efficiently sample the invariant distribution of a stochastic differential equation (SDE).
  • The key idea is to learn an approximation of the infinitesimal generator of the SDE, which can then be used to generate samples from the invariant distribution more efficiently than traditional approaches.
  • The paper builds on recent advances in learning infinitesimal generators of stochastic diffusion processes, implicit diffusion models for efficient optimization, and improved sampling via learned diffusions.

Plain English Explanation

Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are mathematical models that describe how random processes evolve over time. These equations are used in many fields, such as finance, physics, and biology, to study complex phenomena. However, sampling from the invariant, or long-term, distribution of an SDE can be computationally challenging.

The authors of this paper propose a new method, called a "weak generative sampler," to efficiently generate samples from the invariant distribution of an SDE. The key insight is that if you can learn a good approximation of the infinitesimal generator of the SDE, you can then use this to quickly generate samples from the invariant distribution, without having to simulate the full SDE.

This is similar to how diffusion models can be used to generate samples from complex distributions by learning a diffusion process that gradually adds noise to the data. In this case, the authors are learning an approximation of the infinitesimal generator, which describes how the SDE evolves over an infinitesimal time step.

By using this learned approximation, the authors show that they can generate samples from the invariant distribution of the SDE much more efficiently than traditional Monte Carlo methods that simulate the full SDE. This could have important applications in fields where quickly sampling from the invariant distribution of an SDE is crucial, such as in quantitative finance or systems biology.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of this paper is the development of a "weak generative sampler" that can efficiently sample from the invariant distribution of a stochastic differential equation (SDE).

The starting point is the observation that the invariant distribution of an SDE is determined by its infinitesimal generator, which describes how the SDE evolves over an infinitesimal time step. The authors build on recent work on learning infinitesimal generators of stochastic diffusion processes to learn an approximation of the infinitesimal generator from data.

Once this approximation is learned, the authors show that it can be used to construct a "weak generative sampler" that can efficiently generate samples from the invariant distribution of the SDE. This is similar in spirit to implicit diffusion models and improved sampling via learned diffusions, where a learned diffusion process is used to generate samples from complex distributions.

The key advantage of the weak generative sampler is that it can generate samples from the invariant distribution much more efficiently than traditional Monte Carlo methods that simulate the full SDE. This is because the learned approximation of the infinitesimal generator allows the sampler to take larger steps in the state space without sacrificing accuracy.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a range of synthetic and real-world SDEs, showing significant improvements in sampling efficiency compared to existing methods. They also discuss how the weak generative sampler could be extended to solve general noisy inverse problems by constructing efficient samplers for the posterior distribution.

Critical Analysis

The proposed weak generative sampler is a promising approach for efficiently sampling from the invariant distribution of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The key innovation is the use of a learned approximation of the infinitesimal generator to construct a more efficient sampler, building on recent advances in related areas.

However, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the limitations and potential issues with the method. For example, the authors do not discuss how the quality of the learned infinitesimal generator approximation affects the performance of the sampler, or how robust the method is to misspecification of the SDE model.

Additionally, while the authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a range of examples, it would be helpful to see a more systematic evaluation of the method's performance across a wider set of SDE models and settings. This could help identify the types of problems and applications where the weak generative sampler is most well-suited.

Finally, the paper does not address the potential computational and memory requirements of learning the infinitesimal generator approximation, which could be an important practical consideration, especially for high-dimensional or complex SDEs.

Overall, the weak generative sampler is an interesting and promising approach, but further research is needed to fully understand its capabilities, limitations, and potential applications. Readers should critically evaluate the claims and results presented in the paper and consider how the method could be extended or improved upon in future work.


This paper presents a new "weak generative sampler" approach for efficiently sampling from the invariant distribution of stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The key idea is to learn an approximation of the infinitesimal generator of the SDE, which can then be used to generate samples from the invariant distribution much more efficiently than traditional Monte Carlo methods.

The authors build on recent advances in related areas, such as learning infinitesimal generators of stochastic diffusion processes, implicit diffusion models for efficient optimization, and improved sampling via learned diffusions. They demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a range of synthetic and real-world SDEs, showing significant improvements in sampling efficiency.

The weak generative sampler could have important applications in fields where quickly sampling from the invariant distribution of an SDE is crucial, such as in quantitative finance or systems biology. However, further research is needed to fully understand the method's capabilities, limitations, and potential issues, as well as to explore extensions to general noisy inverse problems.

Overall, this paper represents an interesting and promising contribution to the field of efficient sampling for stochastic processes, and it will likely inspire further developments and applications in this area.

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