Game-Theoretic Robust Reinforcement Learning Handles Temporally-Coupled Perturbations

Read original: arXiv:2307.12062 - Published 4/26/2024 by Yongyuan Liang, Yanchao Sun, Ruijie Zheng, Xiangyu Liu, Benjamin Eysenbach, Tuomas Sandholm, Furong Huang, Stephen McAleer
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  • Deploying reinforcement learning (RL) systems requires robustness to uncertainty and model misspecification
  • Prior robust RL methods typically only study noise introduced independently across time
  • Practical sources of uncertainty are usually coupled across time, presenting a new challenge
  • The paper proposes a novel game-theoretic approach called GRAD to address temporally-coupled perturbations in robust RL

Plain English Explanation

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful technique for training AI systems to make decisions, such as controlling a robot or playing a game. However, real-world RL systems often face "uncertainty" - factors that are hard to predict or control, like sensor noise or changing environments.

Previous methods for making RL systems more "robust" to uncertainty have typically only looked at noise that happens independently over time. But in reality, many sources of uncertainty are actually linked together over time in complex ways. This creates a new challenge that existing robust RL methods struggle with.

To address this, the researchers propose a new approach called GRAD. GRAD treats the problem of RL under temporally-coupled uncertainty as a special type of game between two players - the RL system and the "adversary" trying to introduce uncertainty. By finding a balance or "equilibrium" in this game, GRAD can make the RL system more robustly able to handle various types of coupled uncertainty.

Experiments show that GRAD outperforms previous methods at maintaining good performance even when the RL system faces different kinds of temporally-linked disturbances or attacks.

Technical Explanation

The paper formally introduces the concept of "temporally-coupled perturbations" - sources of uncertainty in RL that are linked together over time, rather than occurring independently. This presents a new challenge for existing robust RL methods, which have typically only studied noise that is independent across time steps.

To address this, the authors propose a novel "game-theoretic" approach called GRAD (Generalized Robust Adversarial Dynamics). GRAD models the temporally-coupled robust RL problem as a partially observable two-player zero-sum game, where one player is the RL agent and the other is an "adversary" trying to introduce the most harmful temporal perturbations.

By finding an approximate equilibrium solution to this game, GRAD is able to optimize the RL agent for robustness against a wide range of temporally-coupled perturbations. The authors demonstrate GRAD's effectiveness through experiments on continuous control tasks, showing it achieves higher robustness than prior methods in the face of various temporally-coupled attacks.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a valuable contribution by formally defining the problem of temporally-coupled perturbations in RL, which is an important real-world challenge not well-addressed by prior robust RL techniques. The proposed GRAD framework provides a principled game-theoretic approach to solving this problem.

However, the paper does not explore the full scope of potential temporal couplings that could occur in practice. The experiments only consider a limited set of attack types, and it's unclear how well GRAD would generalize to other kinds of temporally-structured uncertainties.

Additionally, the game-theoretic formulation relies on strong assumptions, such as the RL agent and adversary having perfect knowledge of each other's strategies. Relaxing these assumptions could make the approach more realistic but also more computationally challenging.

Further research is needed to better understand the limitations of GRAD, explore more diverse temporal perturbation scenarios, and potentially develop complementary techniques for robust RL under uncertainty. [Connecting to relevant papers: Distributionally Robust Policy Lyapunov Certificate Learning, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Control-Theoretic Safety]


This paper introduces a novel challenge for robust reinforcement learning - dealing with temporally-coupled perturbations rather than just independent noise over time. To address this, the authors propose GRAD, a game-theoretic approach that can optimize RL agents for general robustness against a wide range of temporally-linked disturbances.

The experimental results demonstrate GRAD's effectiveness at maintaining good performance under different types of temporal attacks, outperforming previous robust RL methods. This work represents an important step towards developing RL systems that are truly reliable and resilient in complex real-world environments. [Connecting to relevant paper: Combining Reinforcement Learning with Tensor Networks: Application to Robot Motion Planning in Zero-Shot Domains]

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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