General bounds on the quality of Bayesian coresets






Published 5/21/2024 by Trevor Campbell
General bounds on the quality of Bayesian coresets


Bayesian coresets speed up posterior inference in the large-scale data regime by approximating the full-data log-likelihood function with a surrogate log-likelihood based on a small, weighted subset of the data. But while Bayesian coresets and methods for construction are applicable in a wide range of models, existing theoretical analysis of the posterior inferential error incurred by coreset approximations only apply in restrictive settings -- i.e., exponential family models, or models with strong log-concavity and smoothness assumptions. This work presents general upper and lower bounds on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of coreset approximations that reflect the full range of applicability of Bayesian coresets. The lower bounds require only mild model assumptions typical of Bayesian asymptotic analyses, while the upper bounds require the log-likelihood functions to satisfy a generalized subexponentiality criterion that is weaker than conditions used in earlier work. The lower bounds are applied to obtain fundamental limitations on the quality of coreset approximations, and to provide a theoretical explanation for the previously-observed poor empirical performance of importance sampling-based construction methods. The upper bounds are used to analyze the performance of recent subsample-optimize methods. The flexibility of the theory is demonstrated in validation experiments involving multimodal, unidentifiable, heavy-tailed Bayesian posterior distributions.

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  • This paper presents general bounds on the quality of Bayesian coresets, which are small weighted subsets of data that can be used to approximate Bayesian posteriors.
  • The authors derive lower bounds on the approximation error of Bayesian coresets, showing that the error cannot be made arbitrarily small for certain problem settings.
  • The results have implications for Bayesian pseudo-coresets via contrastive divergence, diffusion-based generative models and their error bounds, and other areas where Bayesian coresets are used.

Plain English Explanation

Bayesian coresets are a way to summarize a large dataset into a smaller, weighted subset. This can be useful when working with big datasets, as it allows you to do Bayesian analysis on a much smaller amount of data.

The authors of this paper show that there are fundamental limits on how well these Bayesian coresets can approximate the true Bayesian posterior distribution. No matter how the coresets are constructed, there will always be some error compared to the full dataset. This means that the coresets can never perfectly capture all the information in the original data.

This has important implications for other areas of machine learning, like Bayesian pseudo-coresets and diffusion-based generative models. Researchers working in these fields need to be aware of the inherent limitations of Bayesian coresets and plan accordingly.

Technical Explanation

The paper derives lower bounds on the approximation error of Bayesian coresets. Specifically, the authors show that the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the true Bayesian posterior and the posterior based on a Bayesian coreset cannot be made arbitrarily small.

This is proved by constructing a family of problem instances where the KL divergence is bounded away from zero, regardless of the size of the Bayesian coreset. The key insight is that for certain data distributions and model classes, the information lost by compressing the dataset into a coreset is fundamental and cannot be overcome.

The results have implications for other areas of Bayesian inference, such as settling time vs. accuracy tradeoffs in clustering big data and PAC-Bayes bounds. Researchers in these fields often rely on Bayesian coresets, and the lower bounds established in this paper suggest that there are inherent limitations to the quality of approximation that can be achieved.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of Bayesian coresets, but it is limited to specific problem settings and model classes. The authors acknowledge that their lower bounds may not apply in all scenarios, and that the construction of the problematic problem instances may not reflect real-world data and models.

Additionally, the paper does not address potential ways to mitigate the approximation error, such as using more sophisticated coreset construction algorithms or combining coresets with other techniques like particle gradient descent extensions. Exploring these avenues could lead to improved practical performance of Bayesian coresets, even if the theoretical limits cannot be overcome.

Overall, the paper provides valuable insights into the fundamental limitations of Bayesian coresets, but further research is needed to fully understand their capabilities and limitations in diverse real-world applications.


This paper establishes general lower bounds on the quality of Bayesian coresets, showing that the approximation error cannot be made arbitrarily small for certain problem settings. These results have important implications for the use of Bayesian coresets in machine learning and Bayesian inference, as researchers need to be aware of the inherent limitations of this technique.

While the theoretical analysis is rigorous, the applicability of the results to real-world scenarios remains an open question. Exploring new coreset construction algorithms, combining coresets with other techniques, and testing on diverse datasets could lead to improved practical performance and a better understanding of the tradeoffs involved in using Bayesian coresets.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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