Better-than-KL PAC-Bayes Bounds






Published 4/5/2024 by Ilja Kuzborskij, Kwang-Sung Jun, Yulian Wu, Kyoungseok Jang, Francesco Orabona



Let $f(theta, X_1),$ $ dots,$ $ f(theta, X_n)$ be a sequence of random elements, where $f$ is a fixed scalar function, $X_1, dots, X_n$ are independent random variables (data), and $theta$ is a random parameter distributed according to some data-dependent posterior distribution $P_n$. In this paper, we consider the problem of proving concentration inequalities to estimate the mean of the sequence. An example of such a problem is the estimation of the generalization error of some predictor trained by a stochastic algorithm, such as a neural network where $f$ is a loss function. Classically, this problem is approached through a PAC-Bayes analysis where, in addition to the posterior, we choose a prior distribution which captures our belief about the inductive bias of the learning problem. Then, the key quantity in PAC-Bayes concentration bounds is a divergence that captures the complexity of the learning problem where the de facto standard choice is the KL divergence. However, the tightness of this choice has rarely been questioned. In this paper, we challenge the tightness of the KL-divergence-based bounds by showing that it is possible to achieve a strictly tighter bound. In particular, we demonstrate new high-probability PAC-Bayes bounds with a novel and better-than-KL divergence that is inspired by Zhang et al. (2022). Our proof is inspired by recent advances in regret analysis of gambling algorithms, and its use to derive concentration inequalities. Our result is first-of-its-kind in that existing PAC-Bayes bounds with non-KL divergences are not known to be strictly better than KL. Thus, we believe our work marks the first step towards identifying optimal rates of PAC-Bayes bounds.

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  • The paper considers the problem of proving concentration inequalities to estimate the mean of a sequence of random elements.
  • The authors challenge the tightness of the KL-divergence-based bounds in the PAC-Bayes framework and propose a novel, better-than-KL divergence for deriving tighter high-probability PAC-Bayes bounds.
  • The proof is inspired by recent advances in regret analysis of gambling algorithms and their use to derive concentration inequalities.

Plain English Explanation

The paper focuses on a common problem in machine learning and statistics: estimating the average or mean value of a sequence of random measurements or observations. This type of problem arises, for example, when estimating the generalization error of a machine learning model trained using a stochastic algorithm like a neural network.

Traditionally, this problem is tackled using a statistical framework called PAC-Bayes, which combines a prior belief about the model with the observed data to derive bounds on the estimate. The key quantity in these PAC-Bayes bounds is a measure of the complexity of the learning problem, often chosen to be the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.

However, the authors argue that the KL divergence may not be the optimal choice and show that it is possible to achieve strictly tighter bounds using a novel divergence measure inspired by recent work. Their proof draws on advances in the analysis of gambling algorithms and how they can be used to derive concentration inequalities.

This is a significant result, as existing PAC-Bayes bounds with non-KL divergences have not been shown to be strictly better than the standard KL-based bounds. The authors believe their work represents a important step towards identifying the optimal rates for PAC-Bayes bounds.

Technical Explanation

The paper considers a setup where there is a sequence of random elements $f(θ, X_1), ..., f(θ, X_n)$, where $f$ is a fixed scalar function, $X_1, ..., X_n$ are independent random variables (the data), and $θ$ is a random parameter distributed according to some data-dependent posterior distribution $P_n$.

The authors' goal is to prove concentration inequalities to estimate the mean of this sequence. This is a common problem in machine learning, such as estimating the generalization error of a predictor trained by a stochastic algorithm, like a neural network where $f$ is a loss function.

Classically, this problem is approached through a PAC-Bayes analysis, where in addition to the posterior, a prior distribution is chosen to capture the inductive bias of the learning problem. The key quantity in PAC-Bayes concentration bounds is a divergence that captures the complexity of the learning problem, with the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence being the de facto standard choice.

However, the authors challenge the tightness of the KL-divergence-based bounds. They demonstrate new high-probability PAC-Bayes bounds using a novel, better-than-KL divergence inspired by recent work. Their proof is inspired by advances in regret analysis of gambling algorithms and how these can be used to derive concentration inequalities.

This result is significant, as existing PAC-Bayes bounds with non-KL divergences are not known to be strictly better than the KL-based bounds. The authors believe their work represents the first step towards identifying optimal rates of PAC-Bayes bounds.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a novel and potentially impactful result in the field of PAC-Bayes analysis. The authors successfully demonstrate that it is possible to achieve strictly tighter high-probability bounds than the standard KL-divergence-based bounds, which is an important advancement.

However, the authors do not discuss the specific properties or interpretations of the new divergence measure they propose. It would be helpful to understand the intuition behind this measure and how it differs from the KL divergence. Additionally, the authors do not provide any insights into the broader implications of their findings or how this work could impact other areas of machine learning and statistics.

Furthermore, the paper does not address potential limitations or caveats of their approach. For example, it is unclear how the new bounds perform in practice compared to the standard KL-based bounds, or whether there are any specific settings or problem domains where the new bounds are particularly advantageous.

Overall, the technical work presented in the paper is solid and represents an important contribution to the field. However, a more comprehensive discussion of the broader context, implications, and limitations of the research would strengthen the paper and help readers better understand the significance of the authors' findings.


This paper presents a novel approach to deriving high-probability PAC-Bayes bounds for estimating the mean of a sequence of random elements. The authors challenge the tightness of the standard KL-divergence-based bounds and demonstrate the existence of a new, better-than-KL divergence measure that can lead to strictly tighter bounds.

This work is a significant advancement in the field of PAC-Bayes analysis, as existing non-KL divergence-based bounds have not been shown to be strictly better than the KL-based bounds. The authors' proof, inspired by recent progress in regret analysis of gambling algorithms, represents an important step towards identifying the optimal rates for PAC-Bayes bounds.

While the technical aspects of the paper are strong, a more comprehensive discussion of the broader implications, limitations, and potential applications of this research would further strengthen the contribution. Nevertheless, this work is a valuable addition to the literature and has the potential to influence future developments in machine learning and statistical learning theory.

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