Generalization error of min-norm interpolators in transfer learning






Published 6/21/2024 by Yanke Song, Sohom Bhattacharya, Pragya Sur
Generalization error of min-norm interpolators in transfer learning


This paper establishes the generalization error of pooled min-$ell_2$-norm interpolation in transfer learning where data from diverse distributions are available. Min-norm interpolators emerge naturally as implicit regularized limits of modern machine learning algorithms. Previous work characterized their out-of-distribution risk when samples from the test distribution are unavailable during training. However, in many applications, a limited amount of test data may be available during training, yet properties of min-norm interpolation in this setting are not well-understood. We address this gap by characterizing the bias and variance of pooled min-$ell_2$-norm interpolation under covariate and model shifts. The pooled interpolator captures both early fusion and a form of intermediate fusion. Our results have several implications: under model shift, for low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), adding data always hurts. For higher SNR, transfer learning helps as long as the shift-to-signal (SSR) ratio lies below a threshold that we characterize explicitly. By consistently estimating these ratios, we provide a data-driven method to determine: (i) when the pooled interpolator outperforms the target-based interpolator, and (ii) the optimal number of target samples that minimizes the generalization error. Under covariate shift, if the source sample size is small relative to the dimension, heterogeneity between between domains improves the risk, and vice versa. We establish a novel anisotropic local law to achieve these characterizations, which may be of independent interest in random matrix theory. We supplement our theoretical characterizations with comprehensive simulations that demonstrate the finite-sample efficacy of our results.

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  • This paper investigates the generalization error of min-norm interpolators in the context of transfer learning.
  • Min-norm interpolators are a class of machine learning models that try to fit the training data as closely as possible while minimizing the norm of the model parameters.
  • The paper analyzes how the generalization error of min-norm interpolators scales with the number of training samples and the complexity of the task, with a focus on transfer learning scenarios.

Plain English Explanation

When training machine learning models, there is often a tradeoff between fitting the training data closely and having the model generalize well to new, unseen data. Min-norm interpolators are a type of model that tries to strike a balance by fitting the training data exactly, while keeping the overall complexity of the model (as measured by the norm of the parameters) as low as possible.

In the context of transfer learning, where a model trained on one task is used to solve a related but different task, the paper examines how the generalization error of min-norm interpolators scales. The researchers look at how factors like the number of training samples and the complexity of the target task affect the model's ability to generalize.

Technical Explanation

The paper analyzes the generalization error of min-norm interpolators in transfer learning scenarios. Specifically, the authors consider a setup where the model is first trained on a source task and then fine-tuned on a target task with a limited number of samples.

The key technical insights from the paper include:

  1. The generalization error of min-norm interpolators is shown to depend on the complexity of the target task, as measured by the Gaussian width of the function class. This relates to the concept of PAC-Chernoff bounds.
  2. The authors prove that the generalization error scales inversely with the number of training samples on the target task, similar to the behavior of standard regression models.
  3. The paper also investigates how the initialization of the model parameters from the source task affects the generalization performance on the target task. This connects to the phenomenon of non-uniform scaling of weights in deep networks.
  4. The analysis suggests that min-norm interpolators can exhibit favorable generalization properties in transfer learning scenarios, providing theoretical justification for their use in practice.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the generalization properties of min-norm interpolators in transfer learning. While the results are promising, there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research:

  1. The analysis assumes a specific setup with a limited number of training samples on the target task, which may not capture all the nuances of real-world transfer learning problems.
  2. The paper focuses on linear models, and it's unclear how the insights would extend to more complex, nonlinear architectures like deep neural networks.
  3. The theoretical analysis relies on certain simplifying assumptions, such as Gaussian noise and specific properties of the function classes, which may not always hold in practice.

Further research could explore the generalization of min-norm interpolators in more diverse transfer learning scenarios, including the use of modern neural network architectures and datasets. Empirical validation of the theoretical insights would also be valuable to assess the practical relevance of the findings.


This paper provides a rigorous theoretical analysis of the generalization properties of min-norm interpolators in the context of transfer learning. The key insights suggest that min-norm interpolators can exhibit favorable generalization behavior, with the generalization error scaling inversely with the number of training samples and depending on the complexity of the target task.

These findings have the potential to inform the design and use of min-norm interpolators in practical transfer learning applications, where the ability to generalize well from limited data is often crucial. While the analysis relies on certain simplifying assumptions, the paper contributes to our understanding of the underlying mechanisms governing the generalization of this class of machine learning models.

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