Generative modeling of density regression through tree flows






Published 6/11/2024 by Zhuoqun Wang, Naoki Awaya, Li Ma
Generative modeling of density regression through tree flows


A common objective in the analysis of tabular data is estimating the conditional distribution (in contrast to only producing predictions) of a set of outcome variables given a set of covariates, which is sometimes referred to as the density regression problem. Beyond estimation on the conditional distribution, the generative ability of drawing synthetic samples from the learned conditional distribution is also desired as it further widens the range of applications. We propose a flow-based generative model tailored for the density regression task on tabular data. Our flow applies a sequence of tree-based piecewise-linear transforms on initial uniform noise to eventually generate samples from complex conditional densities of (univariate or multivariate) outcomes given the covariates and allows efficient analytical evaluation of the fitted conditional density on any point in the sample space. We introduce a training algorithm for fitting the tree-based transforms using a divide-and-conquer strategy that transforms maximum likelihood training of the tree-flow into training a collection of binary classifiers--one at each tree split--under cross-entropy loss. We assess the performance of our method under out-of-sample likelihood evaluation and compare it with a variety of state-of-the-art conditional density learners on a range of simulated and real benchmark tabular datasets. Our method consistently achieves comparable or superior performance at a fraction of the training and sampling budget. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our method's generative ability through an application to generating synthetic longitudinal microbiome compositional data based on training our flow on a publicly available microbiome study.

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  • This paper introduces a new generative modeling approach called "Generative modeling of density regression through tree flows" that combines the strengths of flow-based models and tree-based models.
  • The proposed method, called "Tree Flows", learns a conditional distribution by using a series of tree-based transforms to map the input data to a simple base distribution.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of Tree Flows on several density estimation and conditional density modeling tasks, showing improved performance compared to existing approaches.

Plain English Explanation

Generative models are a type of machine learning that can create new data samples that are similar to the training data. This paper presents a new way to build generative models that combines the advantages of two popular approaches: flow-based models and tree-based models.

Flow-based models work by learning a series of transformations that convert the training data into a simple base distribution, like a normal distribution. Tree-based models use decision trees to partition the input space in a hierarchical way.

The key idea in this paper is to use tree-based transforms instead of the typical flow-based transforms. This results in a model called "Tree Flows" that can efficiently learn complex conditional distributions, such as the relationship between some input data and a corresponding target variable.

The authors show that Tree Flows outperform existing approaches on several benchmarks for density estimation and conditional density modeling. This suggests Tree Flows could be a powerful tool for tasks like generating new data samples or predicting the probability distribution of an outcome variable given some inputs.

Technical Explanation

The core of the Tree Flows model is a series of learnable tree-based transforms that map the input data to a simple base distribution. Each tree transform partitions the input space hierarchically, with each split in the tree representing a nonlinear transformation.

By composing multiple tree transforms, the model can learn highly expressive conditional distributions. The authors derive the required change-of-variables formula and show how to efficiently optimize the model parameters end-to-end using gradient-based methods.

The authors evaluate Tree Flows on several density estimation and conditional density modeling tasks, including fitting multimodal distributions, modeling the relationship between image pixels and segmentation masks, and predicting the distribution of housing prices given home features. Across these benchmarks, Tree Flows demonstrated improved performance compared to baseline methods like Generative Assignment Flows, Fisher Flows, and Hierarchic Flows.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a thorough theoretical and empirical analysis of the Tree Flows model. They carefully derive the required mathematical formulas, discuss the computational complexity, and validate the approach on a diverse set of benchmarks.

One potential limitation is the reliance on tree-based transforms, which may not be as flexible as the more general transforms used in typical flow-based models. The authors acknowledge this and suggest investigating hybrid approaches that combine tree-based and flow-based components.

Additionally, the authors only evaluate Tree Flows on relatively low-dimensional problems. It would be interesting to see how the model scales to high-dimensional data, such as natural images, where the hierarchical inductive bias of the tree-based transforms may be particularly beneficial.

Overall, this paper presents a compelling new direction for generative modeling that blends the strengths of decision trees and flow-based models. The results suggest Tree Flows could be a valuable tool for researchers and practitioners working on density estimation, conditional modeling, and related tasks.


This paper introduces a novel generative modeling approach called "Tree Flows" that leverages tree-based transforms to learn expressive conditional distributions. The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of Tree Flows on several benchmarks, showing improved performance compared to existing methods.

The key innovation is the use of learnable tree-based transforms, which allows the model to capture complex nonlinearities in a computationally efficient manner. This work represents an interesting step towards more flexible and powerful generative models, with potential applications in areas like data synthesis, prediction, and anomaly detection.

As the field of generative modeling continues to advance, approaches like Tree Flows that combine the strengths of different model families may become increasingly important for tackling diverse real-world problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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