Hierarchic Flows to Estimate and Sample High-dimensional Probabilities






Published 5/7/2024 by Etienne Lempereur, St'ephane Mallat
Hierarchic Flows to Estimate and Sample High-dimensional Probabilities


Finding low-dimensional interpretable models of complex physical fields such as turbulence remains an open question, 80 years after the pioneer work of Kolmogorov. Estimating high-dimensional probability distributions from data samples suffers from an optimization and an approximation curse of dimensionality. It may be avoided by following a hierarchic probability flow from coarse to fine scales. This inverse renormalization group is defined by conditional probabilities across scales, renormalized in a wavelet basis. For a $varphi^4$ scalar potential, sampling these hierarchic models avoids the critical slowing down at the phase transition. An outstanding issue is to also approximate non-Gaussian fields having long-range interactions in space and across scales. We introduce low-dimensional models with robust multiscale approximations of high order polynomial energies. They are calculated with a second wavelet transform, which defines interactions over two hierarchies of scales. We estimate and sample these wavelet scattering models to generate 2D vorticity fields of turbulence, and images of dark matter densities.

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ā€¢ This paper introduces a novel approach called "Hierarchic Flows" for estimating and sampling high-dimensional probability distributions.

ā€¢ The method leverages the hierarchical structure of complex systems to build a flexible and efficient model for representing and manipulating high-dimensional probabilities.

ā€¢ The key idea is to decompose the high-dimensional probability distribution into a hierarchy of lower-dimensional conditional distributions, which can be learned and sampled more effectively.

ā€¢ This allows the approach to overcome the challenges of traditional methods for high-dimensional probability estimation and sampling, which often struggle with the curse of dimensionality.

Plain English Explanation

Estimating and sampling high-dimensional probability distributions is a fundamental challenge in many areas of science and engineering. Imagine you have a complex system with hundreds or thousands of interacting variables - things like the weather, the stock market, or the human brain. Understanding the joint probability distribution of all these variables is crucial for tasks like forecasting, decision-making, and generating realistic synthetic data.

However, traditional probability models struggle to capture the full complexity of high-dimensional systems. As the number of variables grows, the number of parameters required to represent the joint probability distribution explodes, making it extremely difficult to estimate and sample from the distribution effectively.

The key insight of this paper is that many high-dimensional systems have an inherent hierarchical structure. For example, in the weather system, there are large-scale patterns like high and low pressure systems, which then influence smaller-scale phenomena like cloud formation and precipitation. By decomposing the high-dimensional probability distribution into a hierarchy of lower-dimensional conditional distributions, the Hierarchic Flows approach can model and sample from these complex probability distributions much more efficiently.

The hierarchical structure allows the model to capture the essential features of the high-dimensional system without getting bogged down in the curse of dimensionality. And by using powerful normalizing flow techniques, the authors can learn flexible, expressive models for the conditional probability distributions at each level of the hierarchy.

Technical Explanation

The key technical innovation of the Hierarchic Flows approach is the decomposition of the high-dimensional probability distribution into a hierarchy of lower-dimensional conditional distributions. Specifically, the authors propose modeling the joint probability distribution p(x) as a product of conditional distributions:

p(x) = p(x_1) * p(x_2 | x_1) * p(x_3 | x_1, x_2) * ... * p(x_n | x_1, x_2, ..., x_{n-1})

where x = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) is the high-dimensional random variable.

By learning flexible models for each of these conditional distributions using normalizing flows, the authors can efficiently represent and sample from the overall high-dimensional probability distribution. The hierarchical structure allows the model to capture the essential features of the system without being overwhelmed by the curse of dimensionality.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach on a variety of high-dimensional probability estimation and sampling tasks, including network reconstruction and multivariate self-similarity analysis. The results show significant improvements over traditional methods, particularly in terms of sample quality and computational efficiency.

Critical Analysis

The Hierarchic Flows approach is a promising and innovative solution to the challenging problem of high-dimensional probability estimation and sampling. By leveraging the inherent hierarchical structure of complex systems, the method is able to overcome the limitations of traditional models and achieve impressive performance on a range of tasks.

That said, the paper does not explore the full scope of potential limitations and caveats. For example, the performance of the method likely depends on the extent to which the true high-dimensional distribution can be well-approximated by the proposed hierarchical decomposition. In cases where the underlying structure is more complex or irregular, the method may struggle to capture the essential features.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a rigorous theoretical analysis of the conditions under which the Hierarchic Flows approach is guaranteed to outperform alternative methods. While the empirical results are compelling, a deeper theoretical understanding of the method's strengths and weaknesses would be valuable for guiding its application in practice.

Overall, the Hierarchic Flows approach represents a significant advance in the field of high-dimensional probability modeling, and the ideas introduced in this paper are likely to spur further research and innovation. By continuing to push the boundaries of what is possible with high-dimensional data, researchers can unlock new possibilities in a wide range of scientific and engineering domains.


The Hierarchic Flows approach introduced in this paper offers a powerful and flexible solution for estimating and sampling high-dimensional probability distributions. By decomposing the complex joint distribution into a hierarchy of more manageable conditional distributions, the method is able to overcome the challenges posed by the curse of dimensionality and deliver state-of-the-art performance on a range of tasks.

The key insights of the paper ā€“ leveraging hierarchical structure, using normalizing flows for expressive modeling, and employing efficient sampling techniques ā€“ have the potential to significantly impact a wide range of fields, from weather forecasting and financial modeling to neuroscience and materials science. As researchers continue to explore the boundaries of high-dimensional data analysis, the Hierarchic Flows approach is poised to play an increasingly important role in unlocking new discoveries and driving innovation.

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