Graph Convolutions Enrich the Self-Attention in Transformers!






Published 6/3/2024 by Jeongwhan Choi, Hyowon Wi, Jayoung Kim, Yehjin Shin, Kookjin Lee, Nathaniel Trask, Noseong Park
Graph Convolutions Enrich the Self-Attention in Transformers!


Transformers, renowned for their self-attention mechanism, have achieved state-of-the-art performance across various tasks in natural language processing, computer vision, time-series modeling, etc. However, one of the challenges with deep Transformer models is the oversmoothing problem, where representations across layers converge to indistinguishable values, leading to significant performance degradation. We interpret the original self-attention as a simple graph filter and redesign it from a graph signal processing (GSP) perspective. We propose a graph-filter-based self-attention (GFSA) to learn a general yet effective one, whose complexity, however, is slightly larger than that of the original self-attention mechanism. We demonstrate that GFSA improves the performance of Transformers in various fields, including computer vision, natural language processing, graph regression, speech recognition, and code classification.

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  • The paper explores incorporating graph convolutions into the self-attention mechanism of Transformers to enrich the model's understanding of input data.
  • The proposed approach, called Graph-enriched Transformers (GET), leverages graph convolutional networks to capture structural information and enhance the self-attention process.
  • Experiments on various tasks, including language modeling, machine translation, and visual recognition, demonstrate the effectiveness of the GET model in improving performance compared to standard Transformer architectures.

Plain English Explanation

The paper introduces a new way to make Transformer models, which are a type of machine learning model, smarter. Transformers are good at understanding things like text and images, but they can struggle to capture the underlying structure or relationships in the data.

The researchers propose adding "graph convolutions" to the self-attention mechanism in Transformers. Self-attention is a key part of Transformers that helps the model understand how different parts of the input are related. By incorporating graph convolutions, the model can better learn the connections and structure within the data, which can lead to improved performance on various tasks.

The graph convolutions essentially allow the Transformer to "see" the relationships between different elements in the input, similar to how a social network graph can show how people are connected. This extra information helps the model make more informed decisions when processing the data.

The researchers test their Graph-enriched Transformer (GET) model on language modeling, machine translation, and visual recognition tasks. They find that the GET model outperforms standard Transformer architectures, demonstrating the benefits of incorporating graph-based information into the self-attention mechanism.

Technical Explanation

The paper presents the Graph-enriched Transformer (GET) model, which integrates graph convolutional networks (GCNs) into the self-attention mechanism of Transformer models. The key idea is to leverage the structural information captured by GCNs to enrich the self-attention process, allowing the model to better understand the underlying relationships in the input data.

The self-attention mechanism in Transformers [<a href="">1</a>, <a href="">2</a>] computes attention weights based on the similarity between the query and key vectors. The GET model extends this by introducing a graph convolution module that operates on the input features and the attention weights. This allows the model to incorporate graph-based information into the self-attention process, capturing structural relationships that can be beneficial for various tasks.

The researchers evaluate the GET model on language modeling, machine translation, and visual recognition tasks, and demonstrate its superior performance compared to standard Transformer architectures. The improvements are particularly notable in tasks where the underlying structure of the input data plays a crucial role, such as in graph-structured data or images with strong spatial relationships.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling approach to enhance Transformer models by incorporating graph-based information through the use of graph convolutions. The key strengths of the proposed GET model are its ability to capture structural relationships and its versatility in improving performance across different application domains.

One potential limitation of the study is the reliance on pre-defined graph structures for the graph convolution module. In some cases, the graph structure may not be readily available or may need to be inferred from the input data. Further research could explore methods to automatically construct the graph structure or learn it as part of the model training process.

Additionally, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the computational overhead and inference latency of the GET model compared to standard Transformers. As model efficiency is a critical consideration for real-world applications, it would be valuable to evaluate the trade-offs between the performance gains and the computational requirements of the proposed approach.

Despite these minor caveats, the paper presents a promising direction for improving Transformer models by leveraging graph-based information. The successful integration of graph convolutions into the self-attention mechanism opens up new avenues for further research and development in this area. Readers are encouraged to critically examine the findings and consider how the GET model could be adapted or extended to address their specific needs or challenges.


The paper introduces the Graph-enriched Transformer (GET) model, which incorporates graph convolutions into the self-attention mechanism of Transformer architectures. By leveraging structural information captured by graph convolutional networks, the GET model can better understand the underlying relationships in the input data, leading to improved performance on a variety of tasks, including language modeling, machine translation, and visual recognition.

The key contribution of this work is the effective integration of graph-based information into the self-attention process, allowing Transformers to go beyond capturing only local dependencies and instead learn from the broader structural context. This approach demonstrates the potential for enhancing the capabilities of Transformer models, particularly in domains where the input data exhibits strong relational or spatial structure.

As the field of machine learning continues to evolve, the insights and techniques presented in this paper can serve as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners seeking to develop more powerful and adaptable Transformer-based models. By blending the strengths of self-attention and graph-based reasoning, the GET model represents a promising step towards building more versatile and effective artificial intelligence systems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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