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Grey-informed neural network for time-series forecasting






Published 4/4/2024 by Wanli Xie, Ruibin Zhao, Zhenguo Xu, Tingting Liang
Grey-informed neural network for time-series forecasting


Neural network models have shown outstanding performance and successful resolutions to complex problems in various fields. However, the majority of these models are viewed as black-box, requiring a significant amount of data for development. Consequently, in situations with limited data, constructing appropriate models becomes challenging due to the lack of transparency and scarcity of data. To tackle these challenges, this study suggests the implementation of a grey-informed neural network (GINN). The GINN ensures that the output of the neural network follows the differential equation model of the grey system, improving interpretability. Moreover, incorporating prior knowledge from grey system theory enables traditional neural networks to effectively handle small data samples. Our proposed model has been observed to uncover underlying patterns in the real world and produce reliable forecasts based on empirical data.

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  • This paper proposes a "grey-informed neural network" for time-series forecasting.
  • The approach combines traditional grey prediction models with modern neural networks to leverage the strengths of both.
  • The authors test the model on electricity market signal forecasting and show improved performance over existing methods.

Plain English Explanation

The paper describes a new way to forecast future values in time-series data using a machine learning technique called a "neural network." Traditional forecasting methods, known as "grey prediction models," can struggle with complex, nonlinear patterns in data. Neural networks are good at capturing these patterns, but they require a lot of training data.

The researchers' approach, called a "grey-informed neural network," tries to combine the strengths of both methods. It uses insights from grey prediction to guide the neural network, allowing it to make accurate forecasts with less training data. The authors tested this on predicting future electricity market signals, where it outperformed other forecasting techniques.

The key idea is to use grey prediction to provide additional information, or "grey knowledge," to the neural network. This helps the neural network converge to a good solution more efficiently, without needing as much historical data. The authors show this grey-informed approach leads to better forecasting accuracy compared to using a standard neural network or traditional grey prediction alone.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces a "grey-informed neural network" for time-series forecasting. The core innovation is incorporating "grey prediction" techniques into a neural network architecture to leverage the strengths of both approaches.

Grey prediction models are a family of methods that can make forecasts based on limited or "grey" information about a system. They are relatively simple but can struggle with complex, nonlinear patterns in the data. Neural networks, on the other hand, are powerful function approximators that can capture intricate relationships, but require large amounts of training data.

The grey-informed neural network combines these two techniques. It uses a "truncated M-fractional derivative" from grey prediction to guide the neural network's learning process. This allows the neural network to make accurate forecasts even with limited historical data, by leveraging the grey model's domain knowledge.

The authors evaluate the grey-informed neural network on the task of forecasting electricity market signals, comparing it to standard neural networks and traditional grey prediction models. Their results show the grey-informed approach outperforms these baselines, demonstrating the benefits of hybridizing the two techniques.

Critical Analysis

The grey-informed neural network proposed in this paper represents an interesting approach to time-series forecasting that attempts to marry the strengths of traditional grey models and modern neural networks. By incorporating grey prediction concepts, the authors show they can improve forecasting performance compared to using either technique alone.

However, the paper does not provide a deep analysis of the limitations or potential drawbacks of this hybrid approach. For example, it is unclear how the grey-informed neural network scales as the time-series data becomes more complex or high-dimensional. Incorporating physical constraints and domain knowledge into neural networks is an active area of research, and the trade-offs involved are not fully explored here.

Additionally, the evaluation is focused solely on electricity market signal forecasting. Further testing on a broader range of time-series datasets would help validate the generalizability of the method. Comparisons to other hybrid forecasting techniques, such as Generative Contrastive Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks, would also provide useful context.

Overall, the grey-informed neural network is a promising direction for time-series forecasting, but more research is needed to fully understand its capabilities, limitations, and potential areas of application.


This paper presents a novel "grey-informed neural network" approach to time-series forecasting that combines the strengths of traditional grey prediction models and modern neural networks. By incorporating grey prediction concepts into the neural network architecture, the authors demonstrate improved forecasting accuracy on electricity market signal data compared to using either technique alone.

While the results are promising, the paper does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the method's limitations or potential areas for further improvement. Expanding the evaluation to a wider range of datasets and comparing to other hybrid forecasting techniques would help establish the grey-informed neural network as a robust and generalizable solution for time-series prediction tasks.

Overall, this research represents an interesting step towards developing more powerful and efficient forecasting models by leveraging complementary techniques from classical statistical methods and modern machine learning.

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