GuardAgent: Safeguard LLM Agents by a Guard Agent via Knowledge-Enabled Reasoning






Published 6/14/2024 by Zhen Xiang, Linzhi Zheng, Yanjie Li, Junyuan Hong, Qinbin Li, Han Xie, Jiawei Zhang, Zidi Xiong, Chulin Xie, Carl Yang and 2 others
GuardAgent: Safeguard LLM Agents by a Guard Agent via Knowledge-Enabled Reasoning


The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has catalyzed the deployment of LLM-powered agents across numerous applications, raising new concerns regarding their safety and trustworthiness. Existing methods for enhancing the safety of LLMs are not directly transferable to LLM-powered agents due to their diverse objectives and output modalities. In this paper, we propose GuardAgent, the first LLM agent as a guardrail to other LLM agents. Specifically, GuardAgent oversees a target LLM agent by checking whether its inputs/outputs satisfy a set of given guard requests defined by the users. GuardAgent comprises two steps: 1) creating a task plan by analyzing the provided guard requests, and 2) generating guardrail code based on the task plan and executing the code by calling APIs or using external engines. In both steps, an LLM is utilized as the core reasoning component, supplemented by in-context demonstrations retrieved from a memory module. Such knowledge-enabled reasoning allows GuardAgent to understand various textual guard requests and accurately translate them into executable code that provides reliable guardrails. Furthermore, GuardAgent is equipped with an extendable toolbox containing functions and APIs and requires no additional LLM training, which underscores its generalization capabilities and low operational overhead. Additionally, we propose two novel benchmarks: an EICU-AC benchmark for assessing privacy-related access control for healthcare agents and a Mind2Web-SC benchmark for safety evaluation for web agents. We show the effectiveness of GuardAgent on these two benchmarks with 98.7% and 90.0% accuracy in moderating invalid inputs and outputs for the two types of agents, respectively. We also show that GuardAgent is able to define novel functions in adaption to emergent LLM agents and guard requests, which underscores its strong generalization capabilities.

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  • The paper proposes "GuardAgent," a system that uses knowledge-enabled reasoning to safeguard large language model (LLM) agents and ensure their safe and reliable operation.
  • GuardAgent acts as a "guard agent" that monitors and evaluates the actions of the primary LLM agent, intervening when necessary to prevent unsafe or undesirable behaviors.
  • The system leverages a comprehensive knowledge base and reasoning capabilities to assess the safety and ethical implications of the LLM agent's outputs and decisions.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have developed a system called GuardAgent that is designed to keep a close eye on large language model (LLM) agents and make sure they behave safely and responsibly. LLM agents are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text, but they can also sometimes produce harmful or unintended outputs.

GuardAgent acts as a kind of "guardian" for the LLM agent, constantly monitoring its actions and evaluating whether they are safe and ethical. GuardAgent has access to a large knowledge base that it can use to understand the implications of the LLM agent's outputs. If GuardAgent detects any potential issues, it can step in and intervene to prevent the LLM agent from doing something dangerous or undesirable.

The key idea behind GuardAgent is to prioritize safety and responsible behavior over the LLM agent's autonomy. The researchers believe that it's important to have a robust safeguarding system in place to ensure that these powerful AI systems are used in a way that benefits society, rather than causing harm.

Technical Explanation

The GuardAgent paper describes a system that uses knowledge-enabled reasoning to monitor and safeguard the actions of large language model (LLM) agents. The researchers have developed a "guard agent" that sits alongside the primary LLM agent and constantly evaluates its outputs and decisions.

The guard agent has access to a comprehensive knowledge base that covers a wide range of topics, including ethics, safety, and the potential impacts of different actions. Using this knowledge base, the guard agent can reason about the implications of the LLM agent's outputs and determine whether they are safe and desirable.

If the guard agent detects any potential issues, it can intervene and take corrective action. This might involve modifying the LLM agent's outputs, providing additional context or guidance, or even overriding the agent's decisions entirely.

The researchers have designed GuardAgent to prioritize safety and responsible behavior over the LLM agent's autonomy. They believe that this approach is necessary to ensure that these powerful AI systems are used in a way that benefits society and minimizes the risk of harm.

Critical Analysis

The GuardAgent paper presents a promising approach to safeguarding large language model (LLM) agents. By introducing a dedicated "guard agent" with access to a comprehensive knowledge base, the researchers have developed a system that can reason about the safety and ethical implications of an LLM agent's actions.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and challenges of this approach. For example, it's not clear how the guard agent's knowledge base is curated and maintained, or how it can keep up with the rapidly evolving field of AI ethics and safety. Additionally, the paper does not discuss how the guard agent's intervention mechanisms might impact the LLM agent's performance or the user's experience.

Further research is also needed to explore the potential unintended consequences of the GuardAgent system. For instance, the guard agent's intervention could potentially introduce new biases or errors, or it could create a false sense of security that leads to over-reliance on the system.

Overall, the GuardAgent paper presents an important step towards ensuring the safe and responsible use of large language models. However, more work is needed to address the system's limitations and potential drawbacks, as well as to explore alternative approaches to safeguarding LLM agents.


The GuardAgent paper proposes a novel system for safeguarding large language model (LLM) agents by introducing a dedicated "guard agent" that uses knowledge-enabled reasoning to monitor and intervene when necessary.

By prioritizing safety and responsible behavior over the LLM agent's autonomy, the researchers aim to ensure that these powerful AI systems are used in a way that benefits society and minimizes the risk of harm. The guard agent's comprehensive knowledge base and reasoning capabilities are key to this approach, allowing it to assess the implications of the LLM agent's actions and take corrective measures when needed.

While the GuardAgent system shows promise, further research is needed to address its limitations and potential drawbacks. Nonetheless, the paper represents an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to develop safe and reliable AI systems that can be trusted to assist and empower humans in a wide range of applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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