A Hessian for Gaussian Mixture Likelihoods in Nonlinear Least Squares






Published 4/9/2024 by Vassili Korotkine, Mitchell Cohen, James Richard Forbes
A Hessian for Gaussian Mixture Likelihoods in Nonlinear Least Squares


This paper proposes a novel Hessian approximation for Maximum a Posteriori estimation problems in robotics involving Gaussian mixture likelihoods. The proposed Hessian leads to better convergence properties. Previous approaches manipulate the Gaussian mixture likelihood into a form that allows the problem to be represented as a nonlinear least squares (NLS) problem. However, they result in an inaccurate Hessian approximation due to additional nonlinearities that are not accounted for in NLS solvers. The proposed Hessian approximation is derived by setting the Hessians of the Gaussian mixture component errors to zero, which is the same starting point as for the Gauss-Newton Hessian approximation for NLS, and using the chain rule to account for additional nonlinearities. The proposed Hessian approximation is more accurate, resulting in improved convergence properties that are demonstrated on simulated and real-world experiments. A method to maintain compatibility with existing solvers, such as ceres, is also presented. Accompanying software and supplementary material can be found at https://github.com/decargroup/hessian_sum_mixtures.

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  • This paper presents a method for computing the Hessian matrix for Gaussian mixture likelihoods in nonlinear least squares problems.
  • The Hessian matrix is a crucial component in many optimization techniques, but its computation can be challenging for complex likelihood functions.
  • The authors derive a closed-form expression for the Hessian of Gaussian mixture likelihoods, which can be efficiently computed and incorporated into nonlinear least squares solvers.

Plain English Explanation

The paper discusses a mathematical technique to help optimize complex models. In many fields, scientists and engineers need to find the best set of parameters for their models to match real-world data. This is known as nonlinear least squares optimization.

A key part of this optimization process is calculating the Hessian matrix, which describes how the model's performance changes as the parameters are adjusted. However, computing the Hessian can be very challenging, especially when the model involves a mixture of Gaussian distributions, which are commonly used to represent noisy or uncertain data.

The researchers in this paper have developed a new way to calculate the Hessian for Gaussian mixture models. Their method provides a closed-form expression for the Hessian, meaning it can be computed efficiently and incorporated directly into nonlinear least squares optimization algorithms. This advance can help make these optimization techniques more accurate and reliable, with applications in [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/gaussian-process-regression-soft-inequality-monotonicity-constraints] Gaussian process regression[/link], [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/stochastic-online-optimization-cyber-physical-robotic-systems]robotic systems[/link], and other areas where complex models need to be fitted to real-world data.

Technical Explanation

The paper focuses on computing the Hessian matrix for Gaussian mixture likelihoods in the context of nonlinear least squares optimization. The Hessian matrix captures the second-order derivatives of the likelihood function with respect to the model parameters, and is a crucial component in many optimization techniques like Newton's method.

The authors derive a closed-form expression for the Hessian of Gaussian mixture likelihoods. This allows the Hessian to be computed efficiently and incorporated into nonlinear least squares solvers, rather than relying on approximate or numerical methods. The key steps in their derivation include:

  1. Representing the Gaussian mixture likelihood as a sum of individual Gaussian component likelihoods.
  2. Differentiating the likelihood function to obtain the gradient vector.
  3. Differentiating the gradient again to obtain the Hessian matrix.

The resulting Hessian expression involves terms related to the means, variances, and mixing weights of the Gaussian components, as well as the data residuals. The authors show that this Hessian can be computed in closed-form, avoiding the need for costly numerical approximations.

Critical Analysis

The authors provide a rigorous mathematical treatment of the Hessian computation for Gaussian mixture likelihoods, and demonstrate the utility of their approach through numerical experiments. However, a few caveats and limitations are worth noting:

  • The derivation assumes the Gaussian component parameters (means, variances, mixing weights) are known a priori. In practice, these may need to be learned or estimated from data, which could impact the Hessian computation.
  • The paper focuses on the Hessian for a single data point. Extending the results to batches of data or online optimization settings [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/stochastic-online-optimization-cyber-physical-robotic-systems]may require further analysis[/link].
  • The Gaussian mixture model may not be appropriate for all types of data or applications. [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/modeling-kinematic-uncertainty-tendon-driven-continuum-robots]More flexible probabilistic models[/link] may be needed in some cases.
  • The paper does not explore the potential numerical stability or conditioning issues that could arise when computing the Hessian, especially for ill-conditioned problems or high-dimensional parameter spaces.

Overall, the authors have made a valuable contribution by providing a closed-form Hessian expression for Gaussian mixture likelihoods. This result can help improve the efficiency and reliability of nonlinear least squares optimization in a variety of applications. [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/investigating-combinatorial-potential-applicability-random-equation-systems]Further research[/link] on extensions and robustness of this approach would be a natural next step.


This paper presents a new method for efficiently computing the Hessian matrix for Gaussian mixture likelihoods in nonlinear least squares problems. The authors derive a closed-form expression for the Hessian, which can be directly incorporated into optimization algorithms without relying on approximate or numerical techniques.

This advance can help improve the accuracy and reliability of nonlinear least squares optimization in a wide range of applications, from [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/gaussian-process-regression-soft-inequality-monotonicity-constraints]Gaussian process regression[/link] to [link to https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/stochastic-online-optimization-cyber-physical-robotic-systems]robotic systems[/link]. By providing a computationally efficient way to calculate the Hessian, the authors have made an important contribution to the field of nonlinear optimization and its many real-world use cases.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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