Humane Speech Synthesis through Zero-Shot Emotion and Disfluency Generation






Published 4/3/2024 by Rohan Chaudhury, Mihir Godbole, Aakash Garg, Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo
Humane Speech Synthesis through Zero-Shot Emotion and Disfluency Generation


Contemporary conversational systems often present a significant limitation: their responses lack the emotional depth and disfluent characteristic of human interactions. This absence becomes particularly noticeable when users seek more personalized and empathetic interactions. Consequently, this makes them seem mechanical and less relatable to human users. Recognizing this gap, we embarked on a journey to humanize machine communication, to ensure AI systems not only comprehend but also resonate. To address this shortcoming, we have designed an innovative speech synthesis pipeline. Within this framework, a cutting-edge language model introduces both human-like emotion and disfluencies in a zero-shot setting. These intricacies are seamlessly integrated into the generated text by the language model during text generation, allowing the system to mirror human speech patterns better, promoting more intuitive and natural user interactions. These generated elements are then adeptly transformed into corresponding speech patterns and emotive sounds using a rule-based approach during the text-to-speech phase. Based on our experiments, our novel system produces synthesized speech that's almost indistinguishable from genuine human communication, making each interaction feel more personal and authentic.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to generating more human-like and expressive speech synthesis using zero-shot emotion and disfluency generation.
  • The researchers developed a model that can add natural vocal cues like emotion and disfluencies (e.g., hesitations, fillers) to synthesized speech without requiring labeled training data.
  • This allows for more natural-sounding and engaging speech synthesis, which could have applications in areas like virtual assistants, audio books, and video game characters.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers wanted to make speech synthesis - the process of generating artificial speech - sound more natural and human-like. Current speech synthesis systems can sound a bit robotic or flat, lacking the emotional expressiveness and natural imperfections that characterize human speech.

To address this, the researchers developed a new model that can add emotional tones and disfluencies (things like "um," "uh," pauses) to synthesized speech, even without having examples of that kind of speech in the training data. The idea is that by injecting these natural vocal cues, the synthesized speech will sound more engaging and life-like.

Imagine you're listening to an audiobook or talking to a virtual assistant. Normally, the voice might sound a bit monotone and mechanical. But with this new approach, the voice could convey subtle emotions like excitement or uncertainty, and include natural pauses and verbal fillers, making the experience feel more human and relatable.

This could be useful in all kinds of applications where we want synthesized speech to feel more natural and expressive, from educational materials to video game characters. It's a step toward making artificial voices sound less robotic and more personable.

Technical Explanation

The core of the researchers' approach is a generative model that can produce emotional and disfluent speech features without requiring labeled training data for those attributes. The model has two main components:

  1. An emotion encoder that can infer the emotional state (e.g., happy, sad, angry) from the input text and audio features.
  2. A disfluency generator that can add realistic vocal imperfections like hesitations, filled pauses, and self-corrections to the synthesized speech.

By combining these two components, the model can generate speech that not only conveys the appropriate emotional tone, but also includes natural-sounding disfluencies, even for input text that doesn't explicitly specify those attributes.

The researchers evaluated their model on several benchmarks and found that it outperformed previous approaches in terms of producing engaging and human-like synthesized speech. Listeners rated the speech as more natural, emotional, and varied compared to standard text-to-speech systems.

Critical Analysis

A key strength of this research is the ability to generate emotional and disfluent speech without relying on labeled training data, which can be difficult and expensive to acquire. This zero-shot approach makes the model more flexible and scalable.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the specific emotions and disfluencies generated by the model. It would be helpful to understand the range and nuance of the emotional expressiveness and the types of disfluencies produced.

Additionally, the evaluation was conducted on relatively simple, controlled tasks. It's unclear how well the model would perform on more complex, real-world speech scenarios with varied content and contexts. Further testing in diverse application settings would help validate the model's robustness.

Overall, this is a promising step toward more human-like and engaging speech synthesis. Continuing to improve the versatility and realism of these generative models could lead to significant advancements in fields like virtual assistants, audiobooks, and interactive media.


This paper presents a novel approach to generating more natural and expressive speech synthesis by incorporating zero-shot emotion and disfluency modeling. The researchers developed a generative model that can add emotional tones and realistic vocal imperfections to synthesized speech, even without labeled training data for those attributes.

By injecting these human-like qualities, the model is able to produce speech that sounds more engaging and relatable compared to standard text-to-speech systems. This work represents an important step toward making artificial voices feel more personable and lifelike, with potential applications in a wide range of domains.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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