Hyperedge Interaction-aware Hypergraph Neural Network






Published 4/8/2024 by Rongping Ye, Xiaobing Pei, Haoran Yang, Ruiqi Wang



Hypergraphs provide an effective modeling approach for modeling high-order relationships in many real-world datasets. To capture such complex relationships, several hypergraph neural networks have been proposed for learning hypergraph structure, which propagate information from nodes to hyperedges and then from hyperedges back to nodes. However, most existing methods focus on information propagation between hyperedges and nodes, neglecting the interactions among hyperedges themselves. In this paper, we propose HeIHNN, a hyperedge interaction-aware hypergraph neural network, which captures the interactions among hyperedges during the convolution process and introduce a novel mechanism to enhance information flow between hyperedges and nodes. Specifically, HeIHNN integrates the interactions between hyperedges into the hypergraph convolution by constructing a three-stage information propagation process. After propagating information from nodes to hyperedges, we introduce a hyperedge-level convolution to update the hyperedge embeddings. Finally, the embeddings that capture rich information from the interaction among hyperedges will be utilized to update the node embeddings. Additionally, we introduce a hyperedge outlier removal mechanism in the information propagation stages between nodes and hyperedges, which dynamically adjusts the hypergraph structure using the learned embeddings, effectively removing outliers. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets show the competitive performance of HeIHNN compared with state-of-the-art methods.

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  • Hypergraphs can effectively model complex, high-order relationships in real-world datasets.
  • Existing hypergraph neural networks focus on information propagation between hyperedges and nodes, but neglect the interactions among hyperedges.
  • The proposed model, HeIHNN, captures the interactions among hyperedges during the convolution process and introduces a mechanism to enhance information flow between hyperedges and nodes.

Plain English Explanation

Hypergraphs are a powerful way to model intricate relationships in real-world data. Unlike traditional graphs, which only represent pairwise connections, hypergraphs can capture complex, high-order relationships involving multiple entities at once. This makes them useful for understanding the complex interactions in many real-world datasets.

Several machine learning models have been developed to work with hypergraphs, by learning to propagate information from nodes to hyperedges and back again. However, most of these models have focused solely on the flow of information between nodes and hyperedges, and have neglected the interactions that can occur between the hyperedges themselves.

The HeIHNN model aims to address this by explicitly modeling the interactions between hyperedges during the convolution process. It does this through a three-stage propagation mechanism: first spreading information from nodes to hyperedges, then performing a special "hyperedge-level convolution" to update the hyperedge embeddings based on their interactions, and finally using those updated hyperedge embeddings to refine the node embeddings.

Additionally, HeIHNN incorporates a mechanism to dynamically adjust the structure of the hypergraph by identifying and removing outlier hyperedges. This helps to ensure that the model is focusing on the most relevant connections in the data.

By capturing the rich information from the interactions between hyperedges, HeIHNN is able to outperform state-of-the-art methods on a range of real-world datasets.

Technical Explanation

The key innovation in the HeIHNN model is the introduction of a hyperedge-level convolution operation. After the initial propagation of information from nodes to hyperedges, HeIHNN performs this additional convolution step to update the hyperedge embeddings based on their interactions with each other.

This hyperedge-level convolution leverages the learned node and hyperedge embeddings to model the relationships between hyperedges. The updated hyperedge embeddings are then used to refine the node embeddings in the final stage of the process.

The paper also proposes a hyperedge outlier removal mechanism, which dynamically adjusts the structure of the hypergraph by identifying and removing hyperedges that are deemed to be outliers based on the learned embeddings. This helps the model focus on the most relevant connections in the data.

Extensive experiments on real-world datasets, such as citation networks and traffic flow data, demonstrate the competitive performance of HeIHNN compared to state-of-the-art hypergraph neural network models.

Critical Analysis

The HeIHNN model represents a significant advancement in hypergraph neural networks by explicitly modeling the interactions between hyperedges. This is an important step forward, as the relationships between the high-order connections in a hypergraph can be just as informative as the connections themselves.

However, the paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the computational complexity of the proposed model, which could be an important consideration for real-world applications. Additionally, the authors do not discuss the sensitivity of the model to the choice of hyperparameters or the robustness of the outlier removal mechanism.

Further research could explore the application of HeIHNN to a wider range of problem domains, as well as investigate ways to improve the efficiency and interpretability of the model.


The HeIHNN model represents an important advance in hypergraph neural networks by capturing the interactions between hyperedges. By incorporating a hyperedge-level convolution and a dynamic outlier removal mechanism, HeIHNN is able to outperform state-of-the-art methods on a variety of real-world datasets.

This research highlights the importance of considering the high-order relationships in complex data, and suggests that further advancements in hypergraph-based models could lead to significant breakthroughs in our understanding of many real-world phenomena.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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