On the Importance of Uncertainty in Decision-Making with Large Language Models






Published 4/4/2024 by Nicol`o Felicioni, Lucas Maystre, Sina Ghiassian, Kamil Ciosek
On the Importance of Uncertainty in Decision-Making with Large Language Models


We investigate the role of uncertainty in decision-making problems with natural language as input. For such tasks, using Large Language Models as agents has become the norm. However, none of the recent approaches employ any additional phase for estimating the uncertainty the agent has about the world during the decision-making task. We focus on a fundamental decision-making framework with natural language as input, which is the one of contextual bandits, where the context information consists of text. As a representative of the approaches with no uncertainty estimation, we consider an LLM bandit with a greedy policy, which picks the action corresponding to the largest predicted reward. We compare this baseline to LLM bandits that make active use of uncertainty estimation by integrating the uncertainty in a Thompson Sampling policy. We employ different techniques for uncertainty estimation, such as Laplace Approximation, Dropout, and Epinets. We empirically show on real-world data that the greedy policy performs worse than the Thompson Sampling policies. These findings suggest that, while overlooked in the LLM literature, uncertainty plays a fundamental role in bandit tasks with LLMs.

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  • This research paper explores the importance of uncertainty in decision-making with large language models (LLMs).
  • LLMs are powerful AI systems that can generate human-like text, but their outputs can be uncertain or unreliable.
  • The paper investigates how incorporating uncertainty into LLM-based decision-making systems can lead to more robust and trustworthy decisions.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are AI systems that can generate human-like text on a wide range of topics. They've become incredibly powerful, but they also have a problem - they don't always know when they're uncertain or might be making mistakes.

Imagine you asked an LLM to help you decide which career path to choose. The LLM might give you a detailed response, laying out the pros and cons of different options. But it may not be fully aware of the limits of its own knowledge and experience. It could express overconfidence in its recommendations, even if there's a lot of uncertainty involved.

This research paper argues that it's crucial for LLM-based decision-making systems to be able to recognize and express their own uncertainty. By doing so, they can provide more transparent and trustworthy guidance to users. The system could say "I'm not entirely sure, but based on the information I have, I think option A might be the best choice." That allows the user to make a more informed decision, rather than blindly trusting the LLM's output.

The paper explores different ways to build this kind of uncertainty awareness into LLMs, through techniques like calibrating their confidence levels and providing explanations for their reasoning. The goal is to create AI assistants that are honest about what they know and don't know, leading to better decisions overall.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a framework for incorporating uncertainty estimation into LLM-based decision-making systems. Key elements include:

Experiment Design: The researchers tested their approach on two types of decision-making tasks - open-ended question answering and multi-choice question answering. They compared LLM outputs with and without uncertainty estimation to evaluate the impact on decision quality and user trust.

Architecture: The core idea is to train LLMs to not only generate text outputs, but also provide calibrated confidence scores that reflect the model's uncertainty. This is achieved through specialized loss functions and uncertainty estimation modules.

Insights: The results show that LLMs equipped with uncertainty estimation provided more reliable and trustworthy decisions, with users reporting higher satisfaction. The models were better able to identify when they were likely to be incorrect, rather than expressing overconfidence.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a strong case for the importance of uncertainty awareness in LLM-based decision-making systems. However, a few potential limitations are worth considering:

  • The tasks evaluated were relatively narrow in scope. More research is needed to see how the approach generalizes to real-world, high-stakes decision-making scenarios.

  • The user studies relied on self-reported metrics of trust and satisfaction. Objective measures of decision quality and downstream impacts would provide additional insights.

  • While the uncertainty estimation techniques showed promise, there may be room for further refinement and optimization to improve calibration and expressiveness.

Overall, the research represents an important step forward in making LLMs more reliable and trustworthy assistants. Continued work in this area could lead to AI systems that are truly helpful partners in complex decision-making processes.


This paper highlights the critical need for large language models to be able to express and reason about their own uncertainty. By incorporating uncertainty estimation into LLM-based decision-making, the researchers demonstrated improved reliability, transparency, and user trust.

As LLMs become increasingly capable and ubiquitous, it will be essential for them to have a well-calibrated sense of what they know and don't know. This will allow them to provide more thoughtful, nuanced guidance to users, rather than overconfident but potentially flawed recommendations. The insights from this work represent an important step towards building AI assistants that are truly reliable and trustworthy collaborators.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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