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Improving Retrieval Augmented Open-Domain Question-Answering with Vectorized Contexts






Published 4/3/2024 by Zhuo Chen, Xinyu Wang, Yong Jiang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Kewei Tu
Improving Retrieval Augmented Open-Domain Question-Answering with Vectorized Contexts


In the era of large language models, applying techniques such as Retrieval Augmented Generation can better address Open-Domain Question-Answering problems. Due to constraints including model sizes and computing resources, the length of context is often limited, and it becomes challenging to empower the model to cover overlong contexts while answering questions from open domains. This paper proposes a general and convenient method to covering longer contexts in Open-Domain Question-Answering tasks. It leverages a small encoder language model that effectively encodes contexts, and the encoding applies cross-attention with origin inputs. With our method, the origin language models can cover several times longer contexts while keeping the computing requirements close to the baseline. Our experiments demonstrate that after fine-tuning, there is improved performance across two held-in datasets, four held-out datasets, and also in two In Context Learning settings.

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  • This paper proposes an approach to improve the performance of retrieval-augmented open-domain question-answering systems.
  • Key ideas include using vectorized contexts to better capture the semantics of retrieved passages and incorporating passage-level feedback to fine-tune the retriever.
  • The authors evaluate their method on standard benchmarks and report improvements over existing retrieval-based QA models.

Plain English Explanation

Open-domain question answering is the task of finding accurate answers to questions using a large collection of documents, without any prior knowledge about the question topic. This is a challenging problem because the system needs to quickly and effectively search through vast amounts of information to find the most relevant passages that can answer the given question.

The authors of this paper introduce a new technique to enhance the performance of these retrieval-augmented question-answering systems. The key idea is to use "vectorized contexts" - representing the retrieved passages as dense numeric vectors that capture the semantic meaning, rather than just looking at the literal text. This allows the system to better understand the content and relevance of each passage, rather than just keyword matching.

Additionally, the authors incorporate feedback on the quality of the retrieved passages to fine-tune the retrieval model. This helps the system learn what types of passages are most useful for answering different questions, further improving its ability to find the right information.

The researchers evaluate their approach on standard benchmark datasets for open-domain question answering, and show that it outperforms existing retrieval-based methods. This suggests that the techniques of using vectorized contexts and passage-level feedback can significantly boost the performance of retrieval-augmented question-answering systems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a Retrieval Augmented Question Answering (RAQA) framework that incorporates two key innovations:

  1. Vectorized Contexts: Instead of representing retrieved passages as raw text, the system encodes them into dense vector representations using a pre-trained language model. This allows the downstream question-answering model to better understand the semantic meaning and relevance of each passage, rather than just relying on lexical matching.

  2. Passage-level Feedback: The authors introduce a fine-tuning procedure where the retrieval model is updated based on feedback about the quality of the retrieved passages. This passage-level supervision signal helps the retriever learn to find more relevant information to answer the given questions.

The end-to-end RAQA system first retrieves a set of relevant passages using a dense retriever, then encodes those passages into vectors. The question-answering model takes the question and the vectorized passages as input, and outputs the final answer.

The authors evaluate their approach on multiple open-domain QA benchmarks, including Natural Questions, TriviaQA, and WebQuestions. They report consistent improvements over strong baseline retrieval-augmented QA models, demonstrating the effectiveness of using vectorized contexts and passage-level feedback.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a well-designed and thorough evaluation of the proposed RAQA framework. The authors carefully ablate the contributions of the two key innovations - vectorized contexts and passage-level feedback - to validate their importance.

However, one potential limitation is that the experiments are conducted on a relatively limited set of datasets. It would be valuable to see how the method generalizes to a wider range of open-domain QA tasks, including those with different characteristics (e.g., different question types, varying passage lengths, multilingual datasets).

Additionally, the paper does not provide much insight into the failure cases or limitations of the approach. It would be helpful to understand the types of questions or situations where the RAQA system still struggles, and to discuss potential future research directions to address these challenges.

That said, the overall technical contributions appear sound, and the empirical results convincingly demonstrate the benefits of the proposed innovations. The work provides a strong foundation for further research into improving retrieval-augmented open-domain question-answering systems.


This paper introduces an effective approach to enhance retrieval-augmented open-domain question-answering systems. By using vectorized contexts to better capture passage semantics and incorporating passage-level feedback to fine-tune the retriever, the authors show consistent performance improvements over existing retrieval-based QA models.

The techniques proposed in this work represent an important step forward in making open-domain QA systems more accurate and robust. As large language models and knowledge retrieval capabilities continue to advance, research like this will play a crucial role in building question-answering systems that can reliably provide useful answers to a wide range of questions from diverse information sources.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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