Inductive Generalization in Reinforcement Learning from Specifications






Published 6/7/2024 by Vignesh Subramanian, Rohit Kushwah, Subhajit Roy, Suguman Bansal
Inductive Generalization in Reinforcement Learning from Specifications


We present a novel inductive generalization framework for RL from logical specifications. Many interesting tasks in RL environments have a natural inductive structure. These inductive tasks have similar overarching goals but they differ inductively in low-level predicates and distributions. We present a generalization procedure that leverages this inductive relationship to learn a higher-order function, a policy generator, that generates appropriately adapted policies for instances of an inductive task in a zero-shot manner. An evaluation of the proposed approach on a set of challenging control benchmarks demonstrates the promise of our framework in generalizing to unseen policies for long-horizon tasks.

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  • This paper explores a novel approach to reinforcement learning (RL) where the agent learns to generalize from high-level specifications rather than low-level rewards.
  • The key idea is to learn a set of "foundation policies" that can be combined in different ways to solve a wide range of tasks, rather than learning a single task-specific policy.
  • The authors demonstrate their approach on a set of challenging RL tasks and show that it can outperform standard RL methods in terms of sample efficiency and performance.

Plain English Explanation

In traditional reinforcement learning, an agent learns to perform a specific task by receiving rewards or penalties for its actions. However, this can be slow and inefficient, especially when the agent needs to learn multiple, related tasks.

The paper's approach aims to address this by having the agent learn a set of "foundation policies" - general skills or behaviors that can be combined in different ways to solve a wide range of tasks. These foundation policies are learned from high-level task specifications, rather than low-level rewards.

For example, imagine an agent that needs to learn how to navigate a maze. Instead of just learning how to get from the start to the finish, the agent would learn foundational skills like moving forward, turning left or right, and avoiding obstacles. These could then be combined in different ways to solve various maze configurations.

By learning these more general skills, the agent can generalize and apply them to solve new tasks more efficiently, without having to learn everything from scratch. This can lead to faster and more robust learning, which is especially important in complex environments where the agent needs to adapt to changing conditions.

Technical Explanation

The core idea of this paper is to learn a set of foundation policies that can be combined in different ways to solve a wide range of tasks, rather than learning a single task-specific policy.

To achieve this, the authors propose an approach where the agent learns from high-level task specifications, rather than low-level rewards. These specifications describe the desired behavior of the agent in abstract terms, without prescribing the exact sequence of actions.

The agent then learns a set of foundation policies that can be combined to satisfy these specifications. The authors show that this approach can outperform standard RL methods in terms of sample efficiency and performance on a range of challenging tasks.

One key insight is that by learning more general skills, the agent can generalize and apply them to solve new tasks more efficiently, without having to learn everything from scratch. This is especially important in complex environments where the agent needs to adapt to changing conditions.

Critical Analysis

The authors present a promising approach to improving the sample efficiency and performance of reinforcement learning agents. By learning a set of foundation policies rather than a single task-specific policy, the agent can better generalize and adapt to new situations.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the authors do not discuss how the foundation policies are chosen or learned, or how the agent determines which policies to combine for a given task. Additionally, the experiments are limited to relatively simple environments, and it's unclear how well the approach would scale to more complex, real-world scenarios.

Further research could explore techniques for automatically discovering and learning the foundation policies, as well as methods for efficiently combining them to solve new tasks. Evaluating the approach on more challenging benchmarks would also help to better understand its strengths and limitations.


This paper presents a novel approach to reinforcement learning that aims to improve sample efficiency and performance by learning a set of foundation policies that can be combined in different ways to solve a wide range of tasks. By learning from high-level task specifications rather than low-level rewards, the agent can generalize and apply its skills more effectively to new situations.

While the authors demonstrate promising results, further research is needed to address potential limitations and explore the scalability of the approach. Nevertheless, this work represents an exciting step forward in the field of reinforcement learning, with the potential to lead to more efficient and adaptable agents that can tackle increasingly complex real-world problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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