Foundation Policies with Hilbert Representations






Published 5/28/2024 by Seohong Park, Tobias Kreiman, Sergey Levine
Foundation Policies with Hilbert Representations


Unsupervised and self-supervised objectives, such as next token prediction, have enabled pre-training generalist models from large amounts of unlabeled data. In reinforcement learning (RL), however, finding a truly general and scalable unsupervised pre-training objective for generalist policies from offline data remains a major open question. While a number of methods have been proposed to enable generic self-supervised RL, based on principles such as goal-conditioned RL, behavioral cloning, and unsupervised skill learning, such methods remain limited in terms of either the diversity of the discovered behaviors, the need for high-quality demonstration data, or the lack of a clear adaptation mechanism for downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised framework to pre-train generalist policies that capture diverse, optimal, long-horizon behaviors from unlabeled offline data such that they can be quickly adapted to any arbitrary new tasks in a zero-shot manner. Our key insight is to learn a structured representation that preserves the temporal structure of the underlying environment, and then to span this learned latent space with directional movements, which enables various zero-shot policy prompting schemes for downstream tasks. Through our experiments on simulated robotic locomotion and manipulation benchmarks, we show that our unsupervised policies can solve goal-conditioned and general RL tasks in a zero-shot fashion, even often outperforming prior methods designed specifically for each setting. Our code and videos are available at

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  • This paper introduces a novel approach to learning foundation policies that can be adapted to different tasks using Hilbert representations.
  • The researchers propose a method for learning a general "foundation policy" that can be fine-tuned to perform well on a variety of specific tasks.
  • The key idea is to use Hilbert space representations to capture the structure of the policy, which can then be efficiently adapted to new settings.
  • The paper includes experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach on several benchmark tasks, showing how the foundation policy can be leveraged to achieve strong performance.

Plain English Explanation

The researchers in this paper are exploring a new way to create AI systems that can be easily adapted to work on different tasks. The core idea is to first train a "foundation policy" - a general set of skills and knowledge that can serve as a starting point. This foundation policy is represented using Hilbert space representations, a mathematical framework that can capture the underlying structure of the policy.

Once this foundation is in place, the AI system can then be "fine-tuned" - adjusted and optimized - to perform well on specific tasks. This fine-tuning process is much more efficient than building a new system from scratch for each new task. The paper shows through experiments that this approach allows the AI to achieve strong performance across a variety of benchmark challenges, by leveraging the versatile foundation policy.

The key advantage of this method is that it enables task-generalization - the ability to adapt a single system to many different scenarios, rather than having to create a new model for each one. This could lead to more generalizable and versatile AI systems that can be efficiently applied to a wide range of real-world problems.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel approach to learning "foundation policies" - general skill sets that can be efficiently adapted to perform well on a variety of specific tasks. The core idea is to represent the policy using Hilbert space representations, a mathematical framework that can capture the underlying structure of the policy in a compact and flexible way.

The foundation policy is first trained on a broad set of tasks, learning a set of general capabilities. Then, to apply the policy to a new task, the researchers introduce a fine-tuning process that can quickly adapt the foundation policy to the specifics of the new setting. This fine-tuning leverages the structure encoded in the Hilbert space representation to make the adaptation process much more efficient than training a new policy from scratch.

The paper includes experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach on several benchmark tasks, including both continuous control and discrete decision-making problems. The results show that the foundation policies can be successfully adapted to achieve strong performance, outperforming baseline methods that do not have access to the versatile foundation.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to the problem of task-generalization in reinforcement learning, but there are a few potential limitations and areas for further research that could be considered:

One key question is the scalability of the Hilbert space representation - as the complexity of the foundation policy grows, will the representation remain compact and efficient to work with? The paper focuses on relatively simple benchmark tasks, so further exploration may be needed to understand the limits of this approach.

Additionally, the paper does not deeply explore the interpretability or "explainability" of the foundation policies learned using this method. Understanding the internal representations and decision-making processes of these versatile policies could be an important area for future work, especially as they are deployed in high-stakes real-world applications.

Finally, while the experiments demonstrate strong performance on the tested benchmarks, it would be valuable to see how these foundation policies fare when faced with more adversarial or out-of-distribution scenarios. Stress-testing the robustness and generalization capabilities of the foundation policies could uncover important limitations or areas for improvement.

Overall, this paper presents an intriguing and promising approach to the challenge of building versatile and adaptable AI systems. The use of Hilbert space representations to capture the structure of foundation policies is a novel contribution that could have significant implications for the field of reinforcement learning and beyond.


This paper introduces a novel method for learning "foundation policies" that can be efficiently adapted to perform well on a variety of tasks. By representing the policy using Hilbert space representations, the researchers have developed a framework that allows for compact and flexible encoding of general skills and knowledge.

The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, showing how the foundation policies can be fine-tuned to achieve strong performance on benchmark challenges. This work represents an important step towards the goal of building more generalizable and versatile AI systems that can be readily applied to real-world problems.

As the field of reinforcement learning continues to advance, techniques like those presented in this paper will likely play a critical role in enabling AI agents to flexibly adapt to a wide range of tasks and environments. The integration of Hilbert space representations with foundation policy learning is a promising direction that merits further exploration and refinement.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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