An Information-Theoretic Framework for Out-of-Distribution Generalization






Published 4/1/2024 by Wenliang Liu, Guanding Yu, Lele Wang, Renjie Liao



We study the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization in machine learning and propose a general framework that provides information-theoretic generalization bounds. Our framework interpolates freely between Integral Probability Metric (IPM) and $f$-divergence, which naturally recovers some known results (including Wasserstein- and KL-bounds), as well as yields new generalization bounds. Moreover, we show that our framework admits an optimal transport interpretation. When evaluated in two concrete examples, the proposed bounds either strictly improve upon existing bounds in some cases or recover the best among existing OOD generalization bounds.

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The paper discusses improving the generalization ability of supervised learning algorithms, which is a core objective. It explores various mathematical tools that have been developed to bound the generalization gap, such as VC dimension, Rademacher complexity, covering numbers, algorithmic stability, and PAC Bayes. Recently, information-theoretic tools have been used to bound the generalization gap by treating the learning algorithm as a communication channel that maps input samples to output hypotheses.

The paper introduces previous work that bounded the generalization gap using mutual information between the samples and hypotheses. However, these bounds become vacuous when the mutual information is infinite. Two approaches are discussed to address this issue: one replaces the whole sample with individual samples, and the other introduces ghost samples and uses conditional mutual information.

The paper then focuses on the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization scenario, where the test data distribution differs from the training data distribution due to selection biases. Previous work captured OOD performance using the KL divergence between the training and test distributions, adding it as a penalty term to the generalization bounds.

The paper proposes a theoretical framework that allows interpolating freely between Integral Probability Metric (IPM) and f-divergence, encompassing existing Wasserstein-distance-based and KL-divergence-based bounds as special cases. The framework also derives new generalization bounds that can outperform existing OOD generalization bounds in some cases and recover the tightest existing bounds in other cases.

Finally, the paper mentions that the generalization bounds also apply to the in-distribution case and discusses the relationship between the proposed framework and previous work on information-theoretic generalization bounds in transfer learning, domain adaptation, and rate distortion theory.

Problem Formulation

This section introduces notation and provides background on important concepts used in the paper.


  • ℝ and ℝ+ denote the sets of real numbers and non-negative real numbers, respectively.
  • 𝒫(𝒳) is the set of probability distributions over set 𝒳.
  • ℳ(𝒳) is the set of measurable functions over 𝒳.
  • P ⟂ Q means P is singular to Q.
  • P ≪ Q means P is absolutely continuous with respect to Q.
  • dP/dQ denotes the Radon-Nikodym derivative.

The f-divergence between distributions P and Q is defined, which generalizes common divergences like KL divergence. The generalized cumulant generating function is introduced as the Legendre-Fenchel dual of the f-divergence.

The Γ-integral probability metric (IPM) between P and Q is defined as the supremum of the difference of expectations under P and Q over a set Γ of measurable functions. Examples like Wasserstein distance are special cases of IPMs.

The generalization gap quantities of interest are defined for an algorithm outputting a hypothesis W based on training data Z^n from distribution ν in an out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization setting where the test distribution is μ. Two notions are presented: the population-empirical (PE) generalization gap and the population-population (PP) generalization gap.

Main Results

This section presents several technical results related to generalization bounds for machine learning models. The key points are:

  • Proposition 1 provides an inequality that bounds the generalization gap using the Γ-IPM divergence, f-divergence, and the generalized cumulant generating function (CGF).

  • Theorem 1 gives the main result - a general theorem that provides an upper bound on the generalization error. This bound involves finding an optimal auxiliary distribution η that minimizes a combination of the Γ divergence between η and the training data distribution, and the f-divergence between η and the prior distribution.

  • Corollary 1 simplifies the bound in Theorem 1 under certain symmetry conditions on the function class Γ.

  • The final part interprets Theorem 1's bound from an optimal transport perspective, viewing the generalization error as the cost of reshaping one distribution (the prior) into another (the training data distribution) through intermediate auxiliary distributions.

Overall, this section establishes novel generalization bounds utilizing IPMs, f-divergences and the CGF, providing theoretical insights into the factors influencing a model's ability to generalize from training to test data.

V Special Cases

The section discusses several generalization bounds for both population-empirical (PE) and population-population (PP) settings. For the PE setting, it derives bounds using different divergence measures like Wasserstein distance, total variation, KL divergence, chi-squared divergence, and general f-divergences for loss functions satisfying certain conditions. These bounds relate the generalization gap to quantities involving the divergences between the distributions of model parameters and data distributions.

For the PP setting, the section provides PP generalization bounds as counterparts of the PE bounds, with the divergences between the data distributions replacing those between parameter distributions and data distributions in the PE case.

Some key results include:

  • Wasserstein distance and total variation bounds for Lipschitz/bounded loss functions (Corollaries 2, 3)
  • KL divergence bounds for sub-Gaussian and sub-gamma loss functions (Corollaries 4, 5)
  • Chi-squared divergence bound under a variance condition (Corollary 6)
  • General f-divergence bounds for bounded loss satisfying certain convexity conditions, with a table relating divergences to coefficient terms (Corollary 7, Table I)
  • PP generalization bounds for any f-divergence under conditions on the loss function (Corollary 8, Table II)

The section also discusses optimizing some bounds over the reference distribution and specializing to in-distribution generalization. Overall, it provides a comprehensive derivation of generalization bounds using information projections and f-divergences in both empirical and population settings.


The provided text discusses estimating the mean of Gaussian and Bernoulli random variables using the empirical risk minimization (ERM) algorithm. Key points:

For Gaussian variables:

  • The training data follows N(m, σ^2) and test data N(m', (σ')^2)
  • The ERM estimate w = (1/n)Σz_i minimizes the squared error loss
  • The χ^2 and KL divergence bounds on the generalization gap are derived and compared
  • For in-distribution (m'=m, σ'=σ), both bounds decay as O(1/√n) while the true gap decays as O(1/n)
  • The KL bound is tighter for in-distribution but the χ^2 bound is tighter for out-of-distribution cases

For Bernoulli variables:

  • Training data from Bern(p)^⊗n, test data Bern(p')
  • Same squared error loss and ERM estimate used
  • Various f-divergence bounds like squared Hellinger, Jensen-Shannon, Le Cam are derived
  • These bounds are tighter than the KL bound for the plotted case of p=0.3, p'=0.1
  • The total variation bound is the tightest among those considered

The text provides theoretical analysis comparing the tightness of different generalization bounds for simple statistical estimation problems.

Appendix A Proof of Section III

The provided text proves some key mathematical results related to f-divergences and generalized Bayesian learning. Here is a summary:

It first proves Proposition 11, which provides an upper bound on the generalized Bayesian risk gen(PW|Zn,ν,μ) in terms of f-divergences and IPMs. The proof uses the variational representation of f-divergences and the Fenchel-Young inequality.

It then shows in Proposition 2 that the upper bound in Proposition 11 is tight under certain conditions on the set Γ¯ and the distributions ηi.

Next, it provides an alternative proof of Proposition 11 using the concept of (f,Γ)-divergence, showing the relationship between the two results.

It proves Theorem 12 by invoking a lemma about generalized inverses of convex functions. This provides a more general upper bound on gen(PW|Zn,ν,μ) involving an infimum over parameters ti.

Finally, it proves Corollary 14 which upper bounds gen(PW|Zn,ν,μ) solely in terms of IPMs when certain conditions on the loss function ℓ and set Γ hold.

The proofs rely heavily on tools from convex analysis and make use of properties of f-divergences, variational representations, Fenchel duality, and integral probability metrics. Overall, these results characterize the generalized Bayesian risk in terms of divergences and IPMs under different function classes.

Appendix B Proofs in Section IV

The provided text proves several corollaries related to generalizing different f-divergences to the conditional setting. Here are the key points:

  • Corollary 15 bounds the generalized f-divergence in terms of Wasserstein distances between the conditional distributions and marginals.

  • Corollary 3 relates the generalized f-divergence to the total variation distance when the f-divergence is the variational representation of total variation.

  • Corollaries 4 and 19 bound the generalized f-divergence in terms of KL divergences between the conditional distributions and between the marginal distributions.

  • Corollary 21 specializes the bound for the squared error loss.

  • Corollary 7 lists conditions under which various classical f-divergences satisfy the required assumptions.

  • Corollary 25 provides a bound on the difference between the expectations of a function under two different marginal distributions in terms of the f-divergence between those marginals.

The proofs make use of various properties of f-divergences, like the variational representation, chain rules, and duality results. Technical tools like tower property of conditional expectation and Kantorovich-Rubinstein duality are employed in the derivations.

Appendix C Supplementary materials of Section V

The provided text gives details on estimating the means for Gaussian and Bernoulli distributions when calculating generalization bounds. Some key points:

For the Gaussian case:

  • The training distribution is N(m, σ^2 I_d) and testing distribution is N(m', (σ')^2 I_d)
  • Expressions are provided for the KL divergence and chi-squared divergence between the training and testing distributions

For the Bernoulli case:

  • Expressions are given for the probabilities P(Z=1, W=k/n) and P(Z=0, W=k/n) under the training distribution
  • The testing distribution Q is the product of Bern(p') and a binomial(n,p)
  • An expression is provided for the true generalization gap

The text also discusses properties of the various divergence bounds like KL, chi-squared, Hellinger, Jensen-Shannon, and explains their relationships. Numerical results are shown comparing the bounds for certain parameter settings.

Overall, it provides technical details needed to calculate and understand the divergence bounds used for generalization analysis when the means differ between training and test distributions.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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