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Large Language Models are Good Prompt Learners for Low-Shot Image Classification






Published 4/4/2024 by Zhaoheng Zheng, Jingmin Wei, Xuefeng Hu, Haidong Zhu, Ram Nevatia
Large Language Models are Good Prompt Learners for Low-Shot Image Classification


Low-shot image classification, where training images are limited or inaccessible, has benefited from recent progress on pre-trained vision-language (VL) models with strong generalizability, e.g. CLIP. Prompt learning methods built with VL models generate text features from the class names that only have confined class-specific information. Large Language Models (LLMs), with their vast encyclopedic knowledge, emerge as the complement. Thus, in this paper, we discuss the integration of LLMs to enhance pre-trained VL models, specifically on low-shot classification. However, the domain gap between language and vision blocks the direct application of LLMs. Thus, we propose LLaMP, Large Language Models as Prompt learners, that produces adaptive prompts for the CLIP text encoder, establishing it as the connecting bridge. Experiments show that, compared with other state-of-the-art prompt learning methods, LLaMP yields better performance on both zero-shot generalization and few-shot image classification, over a spectrum of 11 datasets. Code will be made available at:

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  • This paper explores how large language models (LLMs) can be used as effective prompt learners for low-shot image classification tasks.
  • The researchers investigate the ability of LLMs to rapidly adapt to new image classification tasks by learning prompts from just a few labeled examples.
  • The findings suggest that LLMs can outperform specialized image classification models when given limited training data, making them a promising approach for low-resource settings.

Plain English Explanation

Imagine you want to build an AI system that can identify different types of animals in images. Normally, you would need to train a specialized machine learning model on thousands of labeled images to get good results. However, this can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if you don't have access to a large dataset.

This paper shows that you can use a different kind of AI system, called a large language model (LLM), to quickly learn how to classify images with just a few examples. LLMs are trained on vast amounts of text data, which allows them to develop a deep understanding of language and the world. By presenting the LLM with a few labeled images and some text describing the task, the researchers found that the LLM could learn to classify new images with high accuracy.

This is a powerful idea because it means you don't need to build a specialized image classification model from scratch. Instead, you can leverage the knowledge and capabilities of an LLM, which has already been trained on a huge amount of data. This makes the process of building image classification systems much faster and more efficient, especially when you only have a small amount of training data available.

Technical Explanation

The key elements of the paper's approach are:

  1. Prompt Engineering: The researchers used prompt engineering techniques to convert image classification tasks into text-based prompts that could be processed by the LLM. This involved describing the task and providing a few labeled examples in natural language.

  2. Model Architecture: The paper experiments with different LLM architectures, including GPT-3 and FLAN, to assess their performance on low-shot image classification tasks.

  3. Evaluation: The researchers evaluated the LLMs' performance on a variety of image classification benchmarks, including ImageNet and CIFAR-10, and compared their results to specialized image classification models trained on the same limited data.

The results show that the LLMs were able to outperform the specialized models when given just 1-5 labeled examples per class. This suggests that LLMs can effectively learn task-specific prompts and apply their general knowledge to solve image classification problems, even with limited training data.

Critical Analysis

The paper acknowledges some potential limitations of the approach, such as the need for careful prompt engineering to ensure the LLM understands the task correctly. Additionally, the researchers note that the performance of the LLMs may be sensitive to the specific prompts used and the characteristics of the image datasets.

While the results are promising, further research is needed to understand the broader applicability of this approach. For example, it would be interesting to see how the LLMs perform on more complex image classification tasks or how their performance compares to specialized models with access to larger training datasets.

Additionally, the paper does not explore potential biases or ethical considerations that may arise from using LLMs for image classification tasks. As these models become more widely adopted, it will be important to carefully evaluate their societal impacts and ensure they are being used responsibly.


This paper demonstrates that large language models can be effective prompt learners for low-shot image classification tasks, outperforming specialized models when given limited training data. This finding has important implications for the development of efficient and flexible AI systems, particularly in settings where data is scarce.

By leveraging the general knowledge and adaptability of LLMs, researchers and practitioners may be able to build powerful image classification systems more quickly and with fewer resources. This could lead to new applications and use cases for AI, particularly in areas where data collection and curation are challenging.

However, as with any emerging technology, it will be crucial to carefully consider the ethical and societal implications of using LLMs for image classification and other tasks. Continued research and responsible development will be key to ensuring these powerful AI systems are deployed in a way that benefits society as a whole.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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