Large Language Models Can Automatically Engineer Features for Few-Shot Tabular Learning






Published 5/7/2024 by Sungwon Han, Jinsung Yoon, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister
Large Language Models Can Automatically Engineer Features for Few-Shot Tabular Learning


Large Language Models (LLMs), with their remarkable ability to tackle challenging and unseen reasoning problems, hold immense potential for tabular learning, that is vital for many real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel in-context learning framework, FeatLLM, which employs LLMs as feature engineers to produce an input data set that is optimally suited for tabular predictions. The generated features are used to infer class likelihood with a simple downstream machine learning model, such as linear regression and yields high performance few-shot learning. The proposed FeatLLM framework only uses this simple predictive model with the discovered features at inference time. Compared to existing LLM-based approaches, FeatLLM eliminates the need to send queries to the LLM for each sample at inference time. Moreover, it merely requires API-level access to LLMs, and overcomes prompt size limitations. As demonstrated across numerous tabular datasets from a wide range of domains, FeatLLM generates high-quality rules, significantly (10% on average) outperforming alternatives such as TabLLM and STUNT.

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Related Work

Few-Shot Learning with Tabular Data

Few-shot learning is the challenge of learning new tasks or making predictions with limited training data. This can be particularly difficult for tabular data, which often has complex feature interactions and dependencies. Prior research has explored ways to leverage large language models (LLMs) for few-shot learning on tabular data.

For example, a blog post discussed how LLMs can be fine-tuned on tabular data to automatically engineer useful features, boosting few-shot learning performance. Another post showed how incorporating supervised knowledge into LLMs can further improve their ability to handle tabular data.

Research has also explored how LLMs can effectively memorize and learn from small tabular datasets, as described in a post on "elephants never forgetting". Additionally, a paper examined the fairness implications of using LLMs for tabular learning compared to traditional machine learning models.

Overall, this prior work suggests that LLMs hold significant promise for addressing the challenges of few-shot learning on tabular data, though there are still open questions around feature engineering, knowledge incorporation, and fairness that require further research, as discussed in the OpenTab project.

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