Large Language Models(LLMs) on Tabular Data: Prediction, Generation, and Understanding -- A Survey






Published 6/25/2024 by Xi Fang, Weijie Xu, Fiona Anting Tan, Jiani Zhang, Ziqing Hu, Yanjun Qi, Scott Nickleach, Diego Socolinsky, Srinivasan Sengamedu, Christos Faloutsos
Large Language Models(LLMs) on Tabular Data: Prediction, Generation, and Understanding -- A Survey


Recent breakthroughs in large language modeling have facilitated rigorous exploration of their application in diverse tasks related to tabular data modeling, such as prediction, tabular data synthesis, question answering, and table understanding. Each task presents unique challenges and opportunities. However, there is currently a lack of comprehensive review that summarizes and compares the key techniques, metrics, datasets, models, and optimization approaches in this research domain. This survey aims to address this gap by consolidating recent progress in these areas, offering a thorough survey and taxonomy of the datasets, metrics, and methodologies utilized. It identifies strengths, limitations, unexplored territories, and gaps in the existing literature, while providing some insights for future research directions in this vital and rapidly evolving field. It also provides relevant code and datasets references. Through this comprehensive review, we hope to provide interested readers with pertinent references and insightful perspectives, empowering them with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively navigate and address the prevailing challenges in the field.

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  • This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the use of large language models (LLMs) on tabular data, which is a common type of structured data found in many real-world applications.
  • The paper examines the characteristics of tabular data, the limitations of traditional machine learning approaches, and how LLMs can be leveraged to address these challenges.
  • It also covers various techniques and use cases for applying LLMs to tabular data, including feature engineering, handling class imbalance, and time series forecasting.
  • The paper concludes by discussing the efficiency and scalability of LLMs for tabular data tasks, as well as potential areas for future research and development.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence that can understand and generate human-like text. This paper explores how these powerful models can be used to work with tabular data, which is a common format for organizing information in spreadsheets, databases, and other applications.

Tabular data has some unique characteristics, such as the need to handle numerical values, categorical variables, and relationships between different columns. Traditional machine learning methods can struggle with these aspects of tabular data, but the authors show how LLMs can be a more effective solution.

For example, LLMs can automatically generate new features from the raw tabular data, which can improve the performance of downstream machine learning models. They can also help overcome issues like class imbalance, where one category of data is much more common than others.

Additionally, the paper explores how LLMs can be used for time series forecasting on tabular data, which is a common task in areas like finance and supply chain management.

Overall, the paper demonstrates the versatility of LLMs and how they can be a powerful tool for working with tabular data, which is essential in many real-world applications. The authors also discuss the efficiency and scalability of LLMs for these types of tasks, as well as areas for future research and development.

Technical Explanation

The paper begins by examining the characteristics of tabular data, which is structured in rows and columns, often containing a mix of numerical values, categorical variables, and complex relationships between different attributes. Traditional machine learning approaches, such as decision trees and linear regression, can struggle to effectively capture these nuances of tabular data.

The authors then introduce the potential of large language models (LLMs) to address the limitations of traditional methods. LLMs, such as GPT and BERT, are trained on vast amounts of text data and have shown impressive performance on a wide range of natural language processing tasks. The paper explores how these powerful models can be adapted and applied to tabular data problems.

One key area covered is feature engineering with LLMs. The authors demonstrate how LLMs can automatically generate new, informative features from the raw tabular data, which can significantly improve the performance of downstream machine learning models.

The paper also delves into techniques for addressing class imbalance in tabular data using LLMs. Class imbalance occurs when one category of data is much more common than others, which can cause issues for traditional machine learning algorithms. The authors explore various prompting methods that leverage the language understanding capabilities of LLMs to overcome this challenge.

Additionally, the paper investigates the use of LLMs for time series forecasting on tabular data. Time series data, which tracks values over time, is prevalent in many industries, and the authors demonstrate how LLMs can be effectively applied to these types of tasks.

Finally, the paper discusses the efficiency and scalability of LLMs for tabular data tasks, highlighting the potential for these models to be deployed at scale in real-world applications.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a comprehensive and insightful survey of the use of large language models (LLMs) for tabular data, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities presented by this type of structured data. The authors have done an excellent job of covering a wide range of techniques and use cases, while also acknowledging the limitations and areas for further research.

One potential limitation of the paper is that it does not delve deeply into the specific architectural choices and hyperparameter tuning required to effectively apply LLMs to tabular data tasks. While the authors provide a high-level overview, more detailed technical guidance could be beneficial for researchers and practitioners looking to implement these techniques in their own work.

Additionally, the paper does not address the potential ethical and societal implications of using LLMs for tabular data, such as issues around bias, fairness, and transparency. As these models become more widely adopted, it will be important to consider these important considerations.

Overall, this paper serves as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in understanding the current state of the art in applying large language models to tabular data problems. The authors have provided a solid foundation for further research and development in this rapidly evolving field.


This comprehensive survey paper demonstrates the exciting potential of large language models (LLMs) for working with tabular data, a ubiquitous type of structured information found in many real-world applications. The authors have highlighted how LLMs can address the limitations of traditional machine learning approaches, offering powerful techniques for feature engineering, handling class imbalance, and even time series forecasting.

By exploring the unique characteristics of tabular data and the various ways LLMs can be leveraged to tackle these challenges, the paper provides a valuable roadmap for researchers and practitioners looking to push the boundaries of what is possible with these advanced AI models. As the field of AI continues to evolve, the insights and techniques presented in this survey are sure to have a lasting impact on how we approach and solve a wide range of tabular data problems.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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