Supervised Knowledge Makes Large Language Models Better In-context Learners






Published 4/12/2024 by Linyi Yang, Shuibai Zhang, Zhuohao Yu, Guangsheng Bao, Yidong Wang, Jindong Wang, Ruochen Xu, Wei Ye, Xing Xie, Weizhu Chen and 1 other
Supervised Knowledge Makes Large Language Models Better In-context Learners


Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit emerging in-context learning abilities through prompt engineering. The recent progress in large-scale generative models has further expanded their use in real-world language applications. However, the critical challenge of improving the generalizability and factuality of LLMs in natural language understanding and question answering remains under-explored. While previous in-context learning research has focused on enhancing models to adhere to users' specific instructions and quality expectations, and to avoid undesired outputs, little to no work has explored the use of task-Specific fine-tuned Language Models (SLMs) to improve LLMs' in-context learning during the inference stage. Our primary contribution is the establishment of a simple yet effective framework that enhances the reliability of LLMs as it: 1) generalizes out-of-distribution data, 2) elucidates how LLMs benefit from discriminative models, and 3) minimizes hallucinations in generative tasks. Using our proposed plug-in method, enhanced versions of Llama 2 and ChatGPT surpass their original versions regarding generalizability and factuality. We offer a comprehensive suite of resources, including 16 curated datasets, prompts, model checkpoints, and LLM outputs across 9 distinct tasks. The code and data are released at: Our empirical analysis sheds light on the advantages of incorporating discriminative models into LLMs and highlights the potential of our methodology in fostering more reliable LLMs.

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  • This paper explores how incorporating supervised knowledge can improve the in-context learning capabilities of large language models.
  • The researchers propose a novel method called "supervised in-context learning" that leverages external knowledge to enhance a model's ability to learn and generalize from few examples.
  • The paper presents empirical results demonstrating the benefits of this approach across various tasks, including few-shot classification, question answering, and text generation.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models, such as GPT-3, have shown remarkable abilities in tasks like text generation and question answering. However, these models can struggle with "in-context learning" - the ability to rapidly learn and apply new information from just a few examples provided in the input context.

The researchers in this paper hypothesized that giving these models access to additional supervised knowledge, beyond just the few examples in the input, could improve their in-context learning abilities. They developed a new method called "supervised in-context learning" that combines the model's existing knowledge with externally provided information related to the task at hand.

For example, if the model is asked to classify news articles as real or fake, the researchers would provide the model with not just a few sample articles, but also additional information about reliable news sources, common fake news tactics, and other relevant knowledge. This supervised knowledge helps the model better understand the task and leverage its existing capabilities to learn from the few examples more effectively.

The paper demonstrates through extensive experiments that this approach leads to significant performance improvements across a variety of tasks, compared to using just the in-context examples alone. The models are able to learn more quickly and generalize better to new situations, thanks to the supplementary supervised information.

This work highlights the potential for combining a language model's impressive but general knowledge with more targeted, task-specific information to create more capable and adaptable AI systems. By equipping these models with the right kind of background knowledge, they can become better "in-context learners" - a crucial capability for building AI that can flexibly apply its skills to new situations.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a novel method called "supervised in-context learning" that aims to improve the in-context learning capabilities of large language models. The key idea is to leverage external supervised knowledge, in addition to the few examples provided in the input context, to enhance the model's ability to rapidly learn and generalize.

The researchers start with a baseline in-context learning setup, where the model is given a small number of examples (e.g., a few labeled data points) and asked to perform a task (e.g., classification, question answering) on a new input. They then introduce the supervised in-context learning approach, which augments this setup by providing the model with additional relevant information, such as:

  1. Task-specific knowledge: Factual information, definitions, or other knowledge relevant to the task at hand (e.g., details about reliable news sources for a fake news classification task).
  2. Heuristics and strategies: High-level guidance or rules-of-thumb for solving the task (e.g., common tactics used in fake news articles).
  3. Exemplar outputs: Examples of desired model outputs for the task (e.g., correctly classified news articles).

The paper demonstrates the benefits of this supervised in-context learning approach through experiments on a range of tasks, including few-shot classification, question answering, and text generation. The results show that the models trained with the additional supervised knowledge significantly outperform the baseline in-context learning models, achieving higher accuracy, better generalization, and faster learning.

The authors hypothesize that the supervised information helps the language models better understand the task context and leverage their existing capabilities more effectively. This enables the models to learn more efficiently from the few examples provided, rather than relying solely on their general, pre-trained knowledge.

Critical Analysis

The paper provides a compelling approach to improving the in-context learning abilities of large language models. By incorporating relevant supervised knowledge, the models are able to learn and generalize more effectively from limited examples, which is a crucial capability for many real-world applications.

However, the paper does not fully address the potential limitations and caveats of this approach. For instance, the researchers acknowledge that the benefits of supervised in-context learning may diminish as the number of training examples increases, as the model can eventually learn the task without the additional information.

Additionally, the paper does not explore the potential risks or pitfalls of providing the models with external knowledge. There could be concerns around the reliability, bias, or safety of the supervised information, and the authors do not discuss strategies for ensuring the integrity of the supplementary knowledge.

Further research is needed to understand the broader implications and generalizability of this approach. For example, it would be valuable to investigate how the supervised in-context learning method performs on more complex, real-world tasks, and how it compares to other strategies for enhancing in-context learning, such as meta-learning or uncertainty quantification.


This paper presents a promising approach to improving the in-context learning capabilities of large language models by leveraging supervised knowledge. The results demonstrate that providing models with relevant task-specific information, heuristics, and exemplars can significantly boost their ability to learn and generalize from limited examples.

The implications of this work extend beyond just enhancing the performance of language models on specific tasks. By combining a model's general knowledge with more targeted, supervised information, we can create AI systems that are more adaptable, flexible, and capable of rapidly learning new skills - a crucial step towards building AI that can flexibly apply its capabilities in the real world, like expanding spoken language understanding or generating better code.

As language models continue to advance, techniques like supervised in-context learning will be essential for unlocking their full potential and creating AI that can truly learn and reason in human-like ways.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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