Large Language Models Enable Automated Formative Feedback in Human-Robot Interaction Tasks






Published 5/28/2024 by Emily Jensen, Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Bradley Hayes
Large Language Models Enable Automated Formative Feedback in Human-Robot Interaction Tasks


We claim that LLMs can be paired with formal analysis methods to provide accessible, relevant feedback for HRI tasks. While logic specifications are useful for defining and assessing a task, these representations are not easily interpreted by non-experts. Luckily, LLMs are adept at generating easy-to-understand text that explains difficult concepts. By integrating task assessment outcomes and other contextual information into an LLM prompt, we can effectively synthesize a useful set of recommendations for the learner to improve their performance.

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  • This paper explores how large language models (LLMs) can be used to provide automated formative feedback in human-robot interaction (HRI) tasks.
  • The researchers developed a system that leverages LLMs to analyze user responses to robot prompts and generate tailored feedback to help users improve their performance.
  • The system was evaluated in a study where participants completed HRI tasks and received automated feedback from the LLM-based system.

Plain English Explanation

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that have been trained on vast amounts of text data, allowing them to understand and generate human-like language. In this paper, the researchers explored how LLMs can be used to enhance human-robot interaction (HRI) tasks, such as when a person is interacting with a robot.

The key idea is that an LLM can be used to analyze the responses that a person provides to a robot's prompts or questions, and then generate tailored feedback to help the person improve their performance. For example, if a person is trying to give instructions to a robot on how to complete a task, the LLM could analyze their response and provide feedback on how to make the instructions clearer or more specific.

To test this, the researchers developed a system that integrates an LLM to provide this kind of automated formative feedback during HRI tasks. They then conducted a study where participants completed various HRI tasks and received the automated feedback from the system.

The results of the study suggest that this approach can be effective in helping people improve their performance on HRI tasks, by providing them with timely and personalized feedback that is generated by the LLM. This could have important implications for enhancing human-robot interaction and using LLMs as research assistants to support human learning and skill development.

Technical Explanation

The researchers developed a system that integrates large language models (LLMs) to provide automated formative feedback during human-robot interaction (HRI) tasks. The system works by analyzing the textual responses that a person provides to a robot's prompts or questions, and then generating tailored feedback to help the person improve their performance.

The key technical components of the system include:

  • LLM-based Feedback Generator: An LLM model that is fine-tuned to analyze user responses and generate appropriate feedback. This component uses techniques from the field of reinforcement learning to learn how to provide effective feedback.
  • Interaction Logging and Analysis: A module that records the interactions between the user and the robot, including the user's responses and the feedback provided by the system.
  • User Interface: A natural language user interface that allows users to interact with the robot and receive the automated feedback.

The researchers evaluated the system in a user study where participants completed a series of HRI tasks, such as giving instructions to a robot or answering questions about a robot's capabilities. The participants received automated feedback from the LLM-based system, and their performance and learning outcomes were measured.

The results of the study showed that the automated feedback provided by the system was effective in helping participants improve their performance on the HRI tasks. Participants reported that the feedback was relevant and helpful, and their task completion times and accuracy improved over the course of the study.

Critical Analysis

The research presented in this paper demonstrates a promising approach for leveraging large language models to enhance human-robot interaction. The ability to provide automated, personalized feedback to users during HRI tasks could be a valuable tool for supporting skill development and improving task performance.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the study was conducted in a controlled laboratory setting, and it's unclear how well the system would perform in more complex, real-world HRI scenarios. Additionally, the paper does not explore potential biases or ethical considerations that may arise from using an LLM-based system to provide feedback to users.

Further research could investigate the long-term effects of this approach on user learning and engagement, as well as explore ways to make the feedback generation more transparent and accountable. Additionally, researchers could investigate ways to integrate LLMs with other AI techniques to provide even more robust and effective feedback in HRI tasks.


This paper presents a novel approach for using large language models to provide automated formative feedback in human-robot interaction tasks. The researchers developed a system that analyzes user responses and generates personalized feedback to help users improve their performance, and their evaluation showed promising results.

While the paper highlights the potential of this approach, it also raises questions about the limitations and broader implications of using LLMs in this context. Overall, this research contributes to the growing body of work on leveraging large language models to enhance human-robot interaction and support human learning and skill development.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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