Learnable & Interpretable Model Combination in Dynamic Systems Modeling






Published 6/13/2024 by Tobias Thummerer, Lars Mikelsons
Learnable & Interpretable Model Combination in Dynamic Systems Modeling


One of the core concepts in science, and something that happens intuitively in every-day dynamic systems modeling, is the combination of models or methods. Especially in dynamical systems modeling, often two or more structures are combined to obtain a more powerful or efficient architecture regarding a specific application (area). Further, even physical simulations are combined with machine learning architectures, to increase prediction accuracy or optimize the computational performance. In this work, we shortly discuss, which types of models are usually combined and propose a model interface that is capable of expressing a width variety of mixed algebraic, discrete and differential equation based models. Further, we examine different established, as well as new ways of combining these models from a system theoretical point of view and highlight two challenges - algebraic loops and local event affect functions in discontinuous models - that require a special approach. Finally, we propose a new wildcard topology, that is capable of describing the generic connection between two combined models in an easy to interpret fashion that can be learned as part of a gradient based optimization procedure. The contributions of this paper are highlighted at a proof of concept: Different connection topologies between two models are learned, interpreted and compared applying the proposed methodology and software implementation.

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  • This paper proposes a novel approach for combining multiple models in dynamic systems modeling to improve learnability and interpretability.
  • The method allows for the integration of various model types, including physics-based and data-driven models, into a unified framework.
  • The proposed technique aims to leverage the strengths of different modeling approaches while addressing the limitations of individual models.

Plain English Explanation

Modeling complex dynamic systems, such as those found in engineering, biology, or finance, is a challenging task. Researchers often rely on a combination of different modeling techniques to capture the various aspects of these systems. Integrating Multimodal Data for Joint Generative Modeling of Complex Systems and Learning Individual Interactions from Population Dynamics are examples of research exploring ways to combine models.

The paper presented here introduces a new method for combining multiple models in a way that improves their learnability and interpretability. The key idea is to create a framework that can integrate various types of models, including physics-based models that rely on fundamental laws, as well as data-driven models that learn patterns from observational data. By bringing these different approaches together, the researchers aim to leverage the strengths of each while addressing the limitations of individual models.

The proposed method allows the models to learn from each other and adapt their behavior to better fit the overall system dynamics. This can lead to more accurate and reliable predictions, as well as a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving the system. Marrying Causal Representation Learning and Dynamical Systems Science and Stretched Measured Neural Predictions for Complex Network Dynamics are related works that explore the integration of causal models and dynamical systems.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through case studies and experiments, highlighting its potential to improve the performance and interpretability of dynamic systems modeling in a variety of applications.

Technical Explanation

The paper proposes a Learnable and Interpretable Model Combination (LIMC) framework for dynamic systems modeling. The key idea is to create a unified model that can integrate various types of sub-models, including physics-based and data-driven approaches.

The LIMC framework consists of three main components:

  1. Model Encoder: This component learns a shared latent representation that captures the essential features of the system from the different sub-models.
  2. Model Combiner: This module combines the latent representations from the sub-models to produce a unified prediction of the system's behavior.
  3. Model Interpreter: This component aims to provide interpretable insights into the system's dynamics by analyzing the interactions between the sub-models and the overall model behavior.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of the LIMC framework through case studies on synthetic and real-world dynamic systems, including Leveraging Advances in Machine Learning for Robust Classification and Interpretation of complex network dynamics.

The experiments show that the LIMC framework can outperform individual sub-models in terms of predictive accuracy, while also providing interpretable insights into the system's underlying mechanisms. The researchers also discuss the potential limitations of their approach and suggest areas for future research.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to address the challenges of dynamic systems modeling by combining multiple models in a learnable and interpretable framework. The key strengths of the proposed method are its ability to leverage the strengths of different modeling techniques and its focus on interpretability, which is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of complex systems.

One potential limitation of the LIMC framework is its reliance on the availability of well-defined sub-models, which may not always be the case in real-world scenarios. The researchers acknowledge this and suggest exploring ways to relax this requirement, such as by incorporating more flexibility in the model encoding and combination processes.

Additionally, the paper could have benefited from a more extensive discussion of the potential limitations and trade-offs involved in the LIMC framework. For example, the researchers could have explored the computational complexity of the approach, the impact of the choice of sub-models on the overall performance, and the sensitivity of the method to the quality and quantity of the available data.

Overall, the proposed Learnable and Interpretable Model Combination framework represents an important contribution to the field of dynamic systems modeling, with the potential to enable more accurate and insightful predictions in a wide range of applications.


The paper presents a novel Learnable and Interpretable Model Combination (LIMC) framework for dynamic systems modeling that aims to address the limitations of individual modeling approaches. By integrating various types of sub-models, including physics-based and data-driven models, the LIMC framework can leverage the strengths of different modeling techniques to improve the learnability and interpretability of the overall system.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through case studies and experiments, showcasing the potential of the LIMC framework to outperform individual sub-models in terms of predictive accuracy while also providing interpretable insights into the underlying mechanisms driving the system's dynamics. This work represents an important step forward in the field of dynamic systems modeling, with implications for a wide range of applications, from engineering and biology to finance and beyond.

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