Marrying Causal Representation Learning with Dynamical Systems for Science






Published 5/24/2024 by Dingling Yao, Caroline Muller, Francesco Locatello



Causal representation learning promises to extend causal models to hidden causal variables from raw entangled measurements. However, most progress has focused on proving identifiability results in different settings, and we are not aware of any successful real-world application. At the same time, the field of dynamical systems benefited from deep learning and scaled to countless applications but does not allow parameter identification. In this paper, we draw a clear connection between the two and their key assumptions, allowing us to apply identifiable methods developed in causal representation learning to dynamical systems. At the same time, we can leverage scalable differentiable solvers developed for differential equations to build models that are both identifiable and practical. Overall, we learn explicitly controllable models that isolate the trajectory-specific parameters for further downstream tasks such as out-of-distribution classification or treatment effect estimation. We experiment with a wind simulator with partially known factors of variation. We also apply the resulting model to real-world climate data and successfully answer downstream causal questions in line with existing literature on climate change.

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  • This paper explores the connection between causal representation learning and dynamical systems, aiming to develop models that are both identifiable (can isolate the underlying causal factors) and practical (can be applied to real-world data).
  • It builds on recent progress in causal representation learning, which has focused on proving identifiability results, and the field of dynamical systems, which has benefited from deep learning but lacks the ability to identify model parameters.
  • The key idea is to apply the identifiability methods from causal representation learning to dynamical systems, while leveraging scalable differentiable solvers for differential equations to make the models practical.

Plain English Explanation

In this paper, the researchers are trying to bridge the gap between two different areas of research: causal representation learning and dynamical systems.

Causal representation learning is about finding the underlying causal factors that drive observed data, even when the data is entangled and the causal factors are hidden. The researchers in this field have made a lot of progress in proving that their methods can actually identify the true causal factors, but they haven't really been able to apply these methods to real-world problems yet.

On the other hand, the field of dynamical systems has seen a lot of success in using deep learning to model complex systems, like the weather or the stock market. These dynamical systems models can make accurate predictions, but they don't actually tell you what the underlying causal factors are.

In this paper, the researchers found a way to combine the best of both worlds. They take the identifiability methods from causal representation learning and apply them to dynamical systems models. This allows them to build models that not only make accurate predictions, but also isolate the key causal factors that are driving the system.

The researchers test their approach on a wind simulator with partially known factors, as well as real-world climate data. They show that their models are able to capture the underlying causal structure and answer downstream causal questions, which could be useful for things like understanding the effects of climate change.

Technical Explanation

The key contribution of this paper is the connection it draws between causal representation learning and dynamical systems. Causal representation learning has made progress in proving the identifiability of latent causal variables from raw, entangled measurements. Meanwhile, the field of dynamical systems has benefited greatly from deep learning techniques to model complex systems, but lacks the ability to identify the underlying model parameters.

By bridging these two areas, the researchers are able to develop models that are both identifiable (can isolate the causal factors) and practical (can be applied to real-world data). They do this by applying the identifiability methods from causal representation learning to dynamical systems, while leveraging scalable differentiable solvers for differential equations.

The researchers experiment with a wind simulator with partially known factors of variation, as well as real-world climate data. Their models are able to learn explicitly controllable representations that isolate the trajectory-specific parameters, allowing them to answer downstream causal questions in line with existing literature on climate change.

Critical Analysis

The researchers have made an important step in bridging the gap between causal representation learning and dynamical systems modeling. By combining the strengths of both approaches, they have developed models that are both identifiable and practical, which is a significant achievement.

However, the paper does acknowledge some limitations. The experiments are still relatively simple, and it remains to be seen how well the approach will scale to more complex, high-dimensional real-world systems. Additionally, the paper does not address the potential challenges in obtaining accurate and comprehensive data for training these models, which is often a significant hurdle in real-world applications.

Furthermore, while the paper demonstrates the ability to answer downstream causal questions, it does not provide a comprehensive evaluation of the model's performance in this regard. It would be valuable to see a more thorough assessment of the model's causal reasoning capabilities, including potential biases or errors that may arise.

Despite these limitations, the researchers have made a compelling case for the potential of this approach, and their work opens up exciting avenues for further research and development in this area.


This paper presents a novel approach that combines the strengths of causal representation learning and dynamical systems modeling. By applying the identifiability methods from causal representation learning to dynamical systems, the researchers have developed models that can not only make accurate predictions, but also isolate the underlying causal factors driving the system.

The successful application of this approach to both a wind simulator and real-world climate data demonstrates its potential for addressing complex, real-world problems. The ability to learn explicitly controllable representations and answer downstream causal questions could have far-reaching implications for fields such as climate science, decision-making, and policy development.

While the current implementation has some limitations, the researchers have laid the groundwork for further advancements in this promising area of research. By continuing to bridge the gap between causal representation learning and dynamical systems, the field may unlock new possibilities for understanding and manipulating complex systems in ways that were previously out of reach.

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