Learning Sparse Codes with Entropy-Based ELBOs






Published 4/11/2024 by Dmytro Velychko, Simon Damm, Asja Fischer, Jorg Lucke



Standard probabilistic sparse coding assumes a Laplace prior, a linear mapping from latents to observables, and Gaussian observable distributions. We here derive a solely entropy-based learning objective for the parameters of standard sparse coding. The novel variational objective has the following features: (A) unlike MAP approximations, it uses non-trivial posterior approximations for probabilistic inference; (B) unlike for previous non-trivial approximations, the novel objective is fully analytical; and (C) the objective allows for a novel principled form of annealing. The objective is derived by first showing that the standard ELBO objective converges to a sum of entropies, which matches similar recent results for generative models with Gaussian priors. The conditions under which the ELBO becomes equal to entropies are then shown to have analytical solutions, which leads to the fully analytical objective. Numerical experiments are used to demonstrate the feasibility of learning with such entropy-based ELBOs. We investigate different posterior approximations including Gaussians with correlated latents and deep amortized approximations. Furthermore, we numerically investigate entropy-based annealing which results in improved learning. Our main contributions are theoretical, however, and they are twofold: (1) for non-trivial posterior approximations, we provide the (to the knowledge of the authors) first analytical ELBO objective for standard probabilistic sparse coding; and (2) we provide the first demonstration on how a recently shown convergence of the ELBO to entropy sums can be used for learning.

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  • This paper introduces a novel, fully analytical objective function for learning the parameters of standard probabilistic sparse coding models.
  • The objective is derived by showing that the standard evidence lower bound (ELBO) objective converges to a sum of entropies, which can then be optimized directly.
  • The new objective has several key advantages over previous approaches, including the use of non-trivial posterior approximations and a novel form of annealing.
  • The authors demonstrate the feasibility of learning with this entropy-based ELBO through numerical experiments.

Plain English Explanation

Probabilistic sparse coding is a machine learning technique that aims to represent data using a small number of important features or "latent variables." [https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/towards-generalized-entropic-sparsification-convolutional-neural-networks] This is often done by assuming a Laplace prior distribution on the latent variables and a linear mapping to the observable data.

The paper introduces a new way to learn the parameters of this sparse coding model, based solely on maximizing the entropy of the latent variable distributions. [https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/sparse-concept-bottleneck-models-gumbel-tricks-contrastive] This is different from the typical approach, which uses an approximate inference method called the evidence lower bound (ELBO).

The key advantages of this entropy-based approach are:

  1. It can use more complex, "non-trivial" approximations of the posterior distribution, unlike previous ELBO-based methods.
  2. The new objective is fully analytical, meaning it can be optimized efficiently.
  3. It allows for a novel form of "annealing," which can improve the learning process.

The authors demonstrate the feasibility of this approach through numerical experiments, exploring different ways of approximating the posterior distribution, including using deep neural networks. [https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/bayesian-inference-consistent-predictions-overparameterized-nonlinear-regression] They also show that the entropy-based annealing can lead to better learning outcomes.

Technical Explanation

The paper starts by noting that standard probabilistic sparse coding assumes a Laplace prior on the latent variables, a linear mapping to the observables, and Gaussian observable distributions. The authors then derive a novel, entropy-based learning objective for the model parameters.

The key steps are:

  1. The authors show that the standard ELBO objective converges to a sum of entropies, similar to recent results for generative models with Gaussian priors. [https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/mathematical-theory-learning-semantic-languages-by-abstract]
  2. They then find the conditions under which the ELBO becomes equal to these entropies, and derive an analytical solution for the objective.
  3. This results in a fully analytical entropy-based objective function that can be optimized directly.

The authors test this new objective through numerical experiments, exploring different posterior approximations, including Gaussians with correlated latents and deep amortized approximations. They also investigate the effects of entropy-based annealing, which can improve the learning process.

Critical Analysis

The main strengths of this work are the theoretical insights and the demonstration of a novel, fully analytical objective function for probabilistic sparse coding. The authors show how the ELBO can be reformulated in terms of entropies, leading to an efficient optimization procedure.

One potential limitation is the focus on the standard sparse coding model, which may not capture all the complexities of real-world data. It would be interesting to see if the entropy-based approach can be extended to more sophisticated sparse coding or generative modeling frameworks.

Additionally, while the numerical experiments are promising, more extensive testing on larger-scale problems and real-world datasets would be helpful to fully assess the practical benefits of this approach. [https://aimodels.fyi/papers/arxiv/from-latent-dynamics-to-meaningful-representations]

Overall, this paper represents an interesting theoretical contribution that opens up new avenues for research in sparse coding and probabilistic modeling. The entropy-based perspective could inspire further developments in this area.


This paper introduces a novel, entropy-based objective function for learning the parameters of standard probabilistic sparse coding models. The key advantages of this approach are the use of non-trivial posterior approximations, the analytical nature of the objective, and the ability to perform principled annealing.

The authors demonstrate the feasibility of this approach through numerical experiments, exploring different posterior approximations and the effects of entropy-based annealing. While the focus is on the standard sparse coding model, the theoretical insights and the fully analytical objective function represent an important contribution to the field of probabilistic modeling and sparse representation learning.

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