On the Convergence of the ELBO to Entropy Sums






Published 4/30/2024 by Jorg Lucke, Jan Warnken



The variational lower bound (a.k.a. ELBO or free energy) is the central objective for many established as well as many novel algorithms for unsupervised learning. During learning such algorithms change model parameters to increase the variational lower bound. Learning usually proceeds until parameters have converged to values close to a stationary point of the learning dynamics. In this purely theoretical contribution, we show that (for a very large class of generative models) the variational lower bound is at all stationary points of learning equal to a sum of entropies. For standard machine learning models with one set of latents and one set of observed variables, the sum consists of three entropies: (A) the (average) entropy of the variational distributions, (B) the negative entropy of the model's prior distribution, and (C) the (expected) negative entropy of the observable distribution. The obtained result applies under realistic conditions including: finite numbers of data points, at any stationary point (including saddle points) and for any family of (well behaved) variational distributions. The class of generative models for which we show the equality to entropy sums contains many well-known generative models. As concrete examples we discuss Sigmoid Belief Networks, probabilistic PCA and (Gaussian and non-Gaussian) mixture models. The result also applies for standard (Gaussian) variational autoencoders, a special case that has been shown previously (Damm et al., 2023). The prerequisites we use to show equality to entropy sums are relatively mild. Concretely, the distributions of a given generative model have to be of the exponential family, and the model has to satisfy a parameterization criterion (which is usually fulfilled). Proving the equality of the ELBO to entropy sums at stationary points (under the stated conditions) is the main contribution of this work.

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  • The paper focuses on the variational lower bound (ELBO or free energy), which is a key objective for many machine learning algorithms.
  • The authors show that for a broad class of generative models, the ELBO at stationary points of the learning dynamics is equal to a sum of entropies.
  • This result applies to various models, including Sigmoid Belief Networks, probabilistic PCA, Gaussian and non-Gaussian mixture models, and Gaussian variational autoencoders.

Plain English Explanation

The variational lower bound, also known as the ELBO or free energy, is a fundamental concept in unsupervised machine learning. It's a mathematical expression that measures how well a model is able to describe the observed data. Many machine learning algorithms, both established and novel, aim to maximize this ELBO during the learning process.

The authors of this paper have made a significant theoretical contribution by showing that for a wide range of generative models, the ELBO is equal to a sum of entropies at the stationary points of the learning process. Entropy is a measure of uncertainty or unpredictability, and the authors have found that the ELBO can be broken down into three entropy-related terms:

  1. The average entropy of the variational distributions, which represents the uncertainty in the model's latent variables.
  2. The negative entropy of the model's prior distribution, which reflects the inherent structure or patterns in the model.
  3. The expected negative entropy of the observable distribution, which captures the uncertainty in the observed data.

This result holds true for a wide range of generative models, including Sigmoid Belief Networks, probabilistic PCA, and Gaussian and non-Gaussian mixture models. It also applies to the popular Gaussian variational autoencoder, a special case that was previously shown.

The authors' main contribution is proving this equality between the ELBO and the sum of entropies under relatively mild conditions, such as the distributions being in the exponential family and the model satisfying a specific parameterization criterion.

Technical Explanation

The paper shows that for a broad class of generative models, the variational lower bound (ELBO) is equal to a sum of entropies at the stationary points of the learning dynamics. This result holds true under realistic conditions, including finite datasets and for any family of well-behaved variational distributions.

The class of generative models covered includes many well-known models, such as Sigmoid Belief Networks, probabilistic PCA, and Gaussian and non-Gaussian mixture models. The authors also demonstrate that the result applies to the standard Gaussian variational autoencoder, a special case that was previously established.

The key prerequisites for this equality to hold are that the distributions of the generative model must be in the exponential family and the model must satisfy a specific parameterization criterion, which is typically fulfilled.

The authors prove that at the stationary points of the learning process, the ELBO can be decomposed into three entropy-related terms: the average entropy of the variational distributions, the negative entropy of the model's prior distribution, and the expected negative entropy of the observable distribution.

This theoretical result provides a deeper understanding of the ELBO and its relationship to the underlying uncertainty and structure of the generative model. It has implications for the interpretation and analysis of unsupervised learning algorithms that optimize the ELBO.

Critical Analysis

The authors have provided a rigorous theoretical analysis of the variational lower bound (ELBO) and its relationship to entropy at the stationary points of the learning dynamics. The result is quite general, applying to a broad class of generative models, which strengthens the significance of the findings.

One potential limitation of the paper is that the analysis is purely theoretical and does not include any empirical validation or experiments. While the theoretical insights are valuable, it would be interesting to see how the entropy decomposition of the ELBO manifests in practical applications and whether it can provide additional insights or guide the development of more effective learning algorithms.

Furthermore, the paper focuses on the stationary points of the learning dynamics, which may not capture the full picture of the learning process. It would be informative to understand how the ELBO and its entropy components evolve during the entire course of learning, particularly in the transient phase before convergence.

Another area for further research could be examining the implications of this entropy-based ELBO decomposition for model interpretability and the ability to extract meaningful insights about the underlying generative process. The connection between information theory and machine learning uncertainty could be an interesting direction to explore.

Overall, the authors have made a valuable contribution to the theoretical understanding of the variational lower bound and its relationship to entropy in generative models. The findings provide a solid foundation for further investigations into the interpretability and optimization of unsupervised learning algorithms.


This paper presents a significant theoretical result, showing that for a broad class of generative models, the variational lower bound (ELBO) is equal to a sum of entropies at the stationary points of the learning dynamics. This deepens our understanding of the ELBO and its connection to the underlying uncertainty and structure of the models.

The authors' proof applies to a wide range of well-known generative models, including Sigmoid Belief Networks, probabilistic PCA, and Gaussian and non-Gaussian mixture models. The result also extends to the popular Gaussian variational autoencoder, a special case that was previously established.

The theoretical insights provided in this paper have the potential to inform the development of more effective and interpretable unsupervised learning algorithms. By understanding the entropy-based decomposition of the ELBO, researchers and practitioners may be able to gain better insights into the learning process and design models that capture the essential patterns and uncertainties in the data more accurately.

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