Learning telic-controllable state representations






Published 6/21/2024 by Nadav Amir, Stas Tiomkin, Angela Langdon
Learning telic-controllable state representations


Computational accounts of purposeful behavior consist of descriptive and normative aspects. The former enable agents to ascertain the current (or future) state of affairs in the world and the latter to evaluate the desirability, or lack thereof, of these states with respect to the agent's goals. In Reinforcement Learning, the normative aspect (reward and value functions) is assumed to depend on a pre-defined and fixed descriptive one (state representation). Alternatively, these two aspects may emerge interdependently: goals can be, and indeed often are, expressed in terms of state representation features, but they may also serve to shape state representations themselves. Here, we illustrate a novel theoretical framing of state representation learning in bounded agents, coupling descriptive and normative aspects via the notion of goal-directed, or telic, states. We define a new controllability property of telic state representations to characterize the tradeoff between their granularity and the policy complexity capacity required to reach all telic states. We propose an algorithm for learning controllable state representations and demonstrate it using a simple navigation task with changing goals. Our framework highlights the crucial role of deliberate ignorance - knowing what to ignore - for learning state representations that are both goal-flexible and simple. More broadly, our work provides a concrete step towards a unified theoretical view of natural and artificial learning through the lens of goals.

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  • This paper introduces a new approach for learning "telic-controllable" state representations, which are representations that capture the intended goals or effects of actions.
  • The key idea is to learn a state representation that separates the current state of the world from the intended future state that an agent is trying to achieve through its actions.
  • This allows the agent to reason more effectively about its goals and plan actions that will achieve the desired outcomes.

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new way for AI agents to learn how to represent the state of the world around them. Typically, an agent might learn a representation that simply captures the current situation, like the positions of objects or the agent's own location. However, the authors argue that it's also important for the agent to learn a representation that captures its

intended goals
- the future states it is trying to bring about through its actions.

For example, imagine a robot that is trying to tidy up a room. Rather than just learning a representation of where all the objects currently are, the robot could also learn a representation of the

goal state
it wants to achieve - a tidy room with everything in its proper place. By separating the current state from the goal state, the robot can reason more effectively about how to plan actions to reach its desired outcome.

The authors call this type of representation a "telic-controllable" state, because it captures the agent's

(goal-directed) intentions and how they can be
through its actions. They develop a new machine learning approach to train agents to learn these kinds of representations, which allows the agents to plan more effectively and achieve their goals more reliably.

Technical Explanation

The paper formalizes the notion of a "telic-controllable" state representation, which separates the current state of the world s from the intended future state or "goal" g that an agent is trying to achieve through its actions a. The key idea is to learn a representation z = f(s, g) that encodes both the current state and the desired goal state, allowing the agent to reason about how its actions can transform the current state into the goal state.

The authors propose a machine learning framework to train agents to learn these telic-controllable representations. The core component is an encoder network f(s, g) that takes in the current state s and the goal state g, and learns to produce a latent representation z that captures both. This is trained alongside a dynamics model p(s' | s, a) that predicts the next state s' given the current state s and action a.

The training objective encourages the latent representation z to be

, meaning that the agent can reliably transform the current state s into the desired goal state g by taking appropriate actions. The authors demonstrate this approach on a range of simulated environments, showing that agents trained with telic-controllable representations can plan more effectively to achieve their goals.

Critical Analysis

The paper makes a compelling case for the importance of learning representations that capture an agent's intended goals, in addition to just the current state of the world. This provides a richer and more meaningful state representation that can support more effective planning and decision-making.

However, the authors acknowledge that their approach has some limitations. Firstly, the requirement to explicitly specify the goal state g during training may be impractical in many real-world scenarios where the goals are more open-ended or difficult to define a priori. Techniques like goal-conditioned reinforcement learning may be needed to address this.

Additionally, the paper focuses on relatively simple environments with discrete actions and state spaces. Extending this approach to more complex, continuous domains with high-dimensional state representations and more complex dynamics may require significant additional research and development.

Some other open questions include: How can these telic-controllable representations be effectively used for downstream tasks like planning and decision-making? How robust are they to changes in the environment or the agent's objectives? And how might they interact with other recent advances in representation learning, like learning action-based representations or bridging state and history representations?

Overall, this paper takes an important step towards more intentional and goal-directed representations in reinforcement learning, but there is still significant room for further research and development in this area.


This paper introduces the concept of "telic-controllable" state representations, which separate the current state of the world from the intended future state or goal that an agent is trying to achieve. The authors propose a machine learning framework to train agents to learn these kinds of representations, which can support more effective planning and decision-making.

While the approach has some limitations, it represents an important step towards more intentional and goal-directed representations in reinforcement learning. As AI systems become increasingly capable, being able to reason about their objectives and plan actions to achieve desired outcomes will be crucial. Techniques like those explored in this paper, combined with other advances in representation learning and planning, could help pave the way for more capable and reliable AI agents that can robustly pursue their goals in complex, dynamic environments.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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