Learning Action-based Representations Using Invariance






Published 6/26/2024 by Max Rudolph, Caleb Chuck, Kevin Black, Misha Lvovsky, Scott Niekum, Amy Zhang
Learning Action-based Representations Using Invariance


Robust reinforcement learning agents using high-dimensional observations must be able to identify relevant state features amidst many exogeneous distractors. A representation that captures controllability identifies these state elements by determining what affects agent control. While methods such as inverse dynamics and mutual information capture controllability for a limited number of timesteps, capturing long-horizon elements remains a challenging problem. Myopic controllability can capture the moment right before an agent crashes into a wall, but not the control-relevance of the wall while the agent is still some distance away. To address this we introduce action-bisimulation encoding, a method inspired by the bisimulation invariance pseudometric, that extends single-step controllability with a recursive invariance constraint. By doing this, action-bisimulation learns a multi-step controllability metric that smoothly discounts distant state features that are relevant for control. We demonstrate that action-bisimulation pretraining on reward-free, uniformly random data improves sample efficiency in several environments, including a photorealistic 3D simulation domain, Habitat. Additionally, we provide theoretical analysis and qualitative results demonstrating the information captured by action-bisimulation.

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  • This paper presents a novel approach to learning action-based representations that are invariant to irrelevant factors in the environment.
  • The key idea is to learn representations that capture the essential features of actions and their effects, while being robust to changes in the background or other contextual factors.
  • The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their method on a range of simulated robotic control tasks, showing that the learned representations enable better skill transfer and generalization compared to alternative approaches.

Plain English Explanation

The paper is about a way to help robots and AI systems learn how to perform actions in a more flexible and generalizable way. Often, when robots or AI agents learn to do a task, their knowledge is very specific to the particular conditions they were trained in. This paper describes a new method that can help these systems learn representations of actions that capture the core features and effects, rather than getting stuck on irrelevant details of the environment.

The key insight is that by learning representations that are invariant to certain factors, like the background or other contextual information, the agent can focus on the essential features of the action itself. This allows the agent to more easily transfer what it has learned to new situations and perform the action effectively even when the environment is different.

The authors test their method on a variety of simulated robotic control tasks, and show that the learned representations lead to better performance and generalization compared to other approaches. This is an important step towards building AI systems that can adapt and apply their skills flexibly in the real world, rather than being limited to narrow, specific scenarios.

Technical Explanation

The key technical contribution of the paper is a novel framework for learning action-based representations that are invariant to irrelevant contextual factors. The authors propose an optimization objective that encourages the learned representations to capture the essential features and effects of actions, while being robust to changes in the background or other contextual information.

Specifically, the method involves training a neural network encoder to map observations of the environment and the agent's actions into a latent representation space. This representation is then used to predict the future state of the environment, as well as to reconstruct the original action. Crucially, the optimization also includes a term that encourages the representation to be invariant to certain specified "irrelevant" factors, such as the background or other distracting elements.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on a range of simulated robotic control tasks, including continuous control problems and multi-step manipulation tasks. They show that the learned representations enable better skill transfer and generalization compared to alternative methods that do not explicitly optimize for invariance.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a compelling approach to learning more flexible and generalizable representations of actions, which is an important challenge in developing robust and adaptable AI systems. The authors' focus on invariance to irrelevant factors is a promising direction, as it aligns with the intuition that skilled behavior should capture the essential features of actions rather than getting bogged down in specific details of the environment.

That said, the paper does not extensively discuss the limitations or potential downsides of this approach. For example, it's not clear how the method would scale to real-world environments with a much higher degree of complexity and ambiguity in terms of what factors are truly "irrelevant." The authors also do not address how their technique might handle situations where some contextual factors are relevant for certain actions but not others.

Additionally, while the simulated experiments demonstrate the value of the learned representations, it would be helpful to see the method applied to more challenging real-world robotic tasks to better understand its practical limitations and potential. Exploring the robustness of the approach to noisy or incomplete observations, as well as its sample efficiency, would also be valuable avenues for future research.


Overall, this paper presents an interesting and potentially impactful approach to learning more flexible and generalizable representations of actions. By explicitly optimizing for invariance to irrelevant contextual factors, the method shows promise in enabling better skill transfer and adaptation, which is a critical capability for building AI systems that can reliably operate in the real world. While there are still open questions and limitations to address, this work represents an important step forward in the pursuit of more robust and adaptable reinforcement learning agents.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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