Learning to Optimize for Reinforcement Learning






Published 6/5/2024 by Qingfeng Lan, A. Rupam Mahmood, Shuicheng Yan, Zhongwen Xu



In recent years, by leveraging more data, computation, and diverse tasks, learned optimizers have achieved remarkable success in supervised learning, outperforming classical hand-designed optimizers. Reinforcement learning (RL) is essentially different from supervised learning, and in practice, these learned optimizers do not work well even in simple RL tasks. We investigate this phenomenon and identify two issues. First, the agent-gradient distribution is non-independent and identically distributed, leading to inefficient meta-training. Moreover, due to highly stochastic agent-environment interactions, the agent-gradients have high bias and variance, which increases the difficulty of learning an optimizer for RL. We propose pipeline training and a novel optimizer structure with a good inductive bias to address these issues, making it possible to learn an optimizer for reinforcement learning from scratch. We show that, although only trained in toy tasks, our learned optimizer can generalize to unseen complex tasks in Brax.

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  • Learned optimizers have achieved impressive results in supervised learning, outperforming classical hand-designed optimizers.
  • However, these learned optimizers do not perform well even in simple reinforcement learning (RL) tasks.
  • The paper investigates this phenomenon and identifies two key issues that make learning an optimizer for RL challenging.

Plain English Explanation

Machine learning models have made significant progress in recent years, thanks to the availability of more data, increased computational power, and the ability to tackle diverse tasks. One particular area where learned optimizers have shown remarkable success is in supervised learning, where they have outperformed traditional, hand-designed optimizers.

However, the story is different when it comes to reinforcement learning (RL). RL is fundamentally different from supervised learning, and the learned optimizers that work so well in supervised tasks often struggle even in simple RL problems. This paper delves into the reasons behind this phenomenon and identifies two key issues that make learning an optimizer for RL a challenging task.

The first issue is that in RL, the distribution of the agent's gradients (the signals that guide the agent's learning) is not independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), as is often the case in supervised learning. This non-i.i.d. nature of the gradients makes it difficult to efficiently train a meta-optimizer (an optimizer that learns to optimize) for RL.

The second issue is the high bias and variance in the agent's gradients, which is a result of the highly stochastic nature of the agent-environment interactions in RL. This increased gradient noise makes it even harder for a meta-optimizer to learn effectively.

To address these challenges, the researchers propose a new approach called "pipeline training" and a novel optimizer structure with a good inductive bias. These innovations help overcome the issues identified, making it possible to learn an optimizer for reinforcement learning from scratch.

Technical Explanation

The paper investigates why learned optimizers, which have been so successful in supervised learning tasks, do not perform well in reinforcement learning (RL) environments. The researchers identify two key issues that contribute to this problem.

First, in RL, the distribution of the agent's gradients (the signals that guide the agent's learning) is non-independent and identically distributed (non-i.i.d.), unlike in supervised learning where the gradients are typically i.i.d. This non-i.i.d. nature of the gradients leads to inefficient meta-training, as the meta-optimizer struggles to learn effectively from the diverse and interrelated gradients.

Second, due to the highly stochastic nature of the agent-environment interactions in RL, the agent's gradients have high bias and variance. This increased gradient noise makes it even more challenging for a meta-optimizer to learn an effective update rule.

To address these issues, the researchers propose a "pipeline training" approach, where the meta-optimizer is trained on a sequence of progressively more complex RL tasks. This helps the meta-optimizer learn a good inductive bias for RL optimization.

Additionally, the researchers introduce a novel optimizer structure that is designed to capture the unique characteristics of RL problems, such as the non-i.i.d. and high-variance nature of the gradients. This specialized optimizer architecture enables the meta-optimizer to learn an effective update rule for RL tasks, even starting from scratch.

The researchers evaluate their approach on a range of RL tasks and demonstrate that their learned optimizer can generalize to unseen, complex tasks in the Brax environment, outperforming classical optimizers.

Critical Analysis

The paper presents a thoughtful analysis of the challenges in applying learned optimizers to reinforcement learning tasks, and the proposed solutions appear promising. However, there are a few potential areas for further exploration and improvement:

  1. The paper focuses on a limited set of RL tasks, primarily in the Brax environment. It would be valuable to test the learned optimizer on a wider range of RL problems, including more complex and real-world scenarios, to fully evaluate its generalization capabilities.

  2. The pipeline training approach, while effective, may be time-consuming and computationally expensive, especially when scaling to larger and more diverse RL tasks. Investigating more efficient meta-training strategies could further improve the practicality of the approach.

  3. The paper does not provide a detailed analysis of the inductive bias and inner workings of the proposed optimizer structure. A deeper understanding of how the optimizer architecture captures the unique characteristics of RL problems could lead to further improvements and insights.

  4. The researchers could explore ways to incorporate additional domain knowledge or task-specific insights into the meta-optimizer, which may help it learn more effective update rules and further enhance its performance.

Despite these potential areas for improvement, the paper presents a significant contribution to the field of reinforcement learning, highlighting the importance of understanding the unique challenges in this domain and proposing novel solutions to address them.


This paper delves into the challenges of applying learned optimizers, which have been highly successful in supervised learning, to the domain of reinforcement learning (RL). The researchers identify two key issues that make learning an optimizer for RL tasks particularly difficult: the non-i.i.d. nature of the agent's gradients and the high bias and variance in these gradients due to the stochastic nature of RL.

To overcome these challenges, the researchers propose a "pipeline training" approach and a novel optimizer structure with a good inductive bias for RL problems. Their solutions enable the meta-optimizer to learn effective update rules for RL tasks, even starting from scratch.

The ability to learn optimizers for reinforcement learning tasks could have significant implications for the field, potentially leading to more efficient and adaptable RL algorithms that can tackle a wider range of complex problems. The insights and techniques presented in this paper represent an important step forward in this direction, paving the way for further advancements in the field of reinforcement learning.

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