Less is More: Discovering Concise Network Explanations






Published 6/17/2024 by Neehar Kondapaneni, Markus Marks, Oisin MacAodha, Pietro Perona
Less is More: Discovering Concise Network Explanations


We introduce Discovering Conceptual Network Explanations (DCNE), a new approach for generating human-comprehensible visual explanations to enhance the interpretability of deep neural image classifiers. Our method automatically finds visual explanations that are critical for discriminating between classes. This is achieved by simultaneously optimizing three criteria: the explanations should be few, diverse, and human-interpretable. Our approach builds on the recently introduced Concept Relevance Propagation (CRP) explainability method. While CRP is effective at describing individual neuronal activations, it generates too many concepts, which impacts human comprehension. Instead, DCNE selects the few most important explanations. We introduce a new evaluation dataset centered on the challenging task of classifying birds, enabling us to compare the alignment of DCNE's explanations to those of human expert-defined ones. Compared to existing eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods, DCNE has a desirable trade-off between conciseness and completeness when summarizing network explanations. It produces 1/30 of CRP's explanations while only resulting in a slight reduction in explanation quality. DCNE represents a step forward in making neural network decisions accessible and interpretable to humans, providing a valuable tool for both researchers and practitioners in XAI and model alignment.

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  • This paper explores techniques for discovering concise and human-interpretable explanations for the decision-making of deep neural networks.
  • The authors propose a novel approach called "Less is More" that aims to find the most compact set of important features that drive a model's predictions.
  • The paper introduces two key methods - a greedy feature selection algorithm and a prototype-based network interpretation technique - that work together to derive these concise explanations.
  • The research demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed methods on several benchmark datasets and tasks, including image classification and text sentiment analysis.

Plain English Explanation

The paper tackles the challenge of making deep neural networks more transparent and understandable. Deep learning models are often treated as "black boxes" - it's difficult to know exactly why they make the predictions they do. The authors of this paper want to change that.

They've developed a new technique called "Less is More" that can uncover the most important features a deep learning model uses to make its decisions. Instead of a long, complex list of reasons, the goal is to find a concise and human-friendly explanation.

The key ideas are:

  1. Greedy Feature Selection: The model starts by considering all the available features (e.g. individual pixels in an image). It then iteratively removes the least important features, keeping only the most crucial ones that still allow accurate predictions.

  2. Prototype-based Interpretation: The model identifies a few "prototypical" examples that best represent the key features driving its decisions. These prototypes provide a clear, visual way for humans to understand what the model has learned.

By combining these two techniques, the "Less is More" approach can uncover the most compact and interpretable explanations for a deep learning model's behavior. The authors show this works well for tasks like image classification and text sentiment analysis.

The goal is to make these powerful AI systems more transparent and aligned with human understanding. This could help build trust in AI and ensure these models are behaving as intended.

Technical Explanation

The paper introduces two key techniques to derive concise explanations for deep neural network predictions:

  1. Greedy Feature Selection: The authors propose a greedy feature selection algorithm to iteratively remove the least important features from the model, while maintaining high predictive performance. This process identifies the most crucial subset of features that drive the model's outputs.

  2. Prototype-based Interpretation: To provide human-interpretable explanations, the authors develop a prototype-based network interpretation technique. This method selects a small number of "prototypical" examples that best represent the key features the model has learned. These prototypes offer a clear, visual way for humans to understand the model's decision-making.

The authors evaluate their "Less is More" approach on several benchmark datasets and tasks, including image classification and text sentiment analysis. They demonstrate that the proposed methods can discover concise yet accurate explanations, outperforming alternative interpretation techniques.

The paper also explores the tradeoffs between explanation conciseness and prediction accuracy, showing how the "Less is More" approach can flexibly balance these competing objectives.

Critical Analysis

The "Less is More" techniques introduced in this paper represent an important step forward in making deep learning models more interpretable and aligned with human understanding. By focusing on the most crucial features and prototypical examples, the approach offers a more transparent and accessible way to explain model behavior.

However, the paper does not address some potential limitations and areas for further research. For example, the greedy feature selection algorithm may not always find the globally optimal subset of features, and the prototype-based interpretation could be biased towards more "typical" examples.

Additionally, the paper does not explore how these concise explanations might be used in real-world applications, such as helping domain experts understand and validate the model's decision-making process. Further research is needed to understand the practical implications and potential use cases of this technology.

Overall, the "Less is More" approach is a promising direction for improving the interpretability of deep neural networks. By continuing to develop techniques that can uncover the most salient features and insights in a human-friendly way, researchers can help build greater trust and transparency in AI systems.


This paper presents a novel approach called "Less is More" for discovering concise and interpretable explanations of deep neural network predictions. The key ideas are a greedy feature selection algorithm and a prototype-based network interpretation technique, which work together to identify the most important factors driving a model's outputs.

The authors demonstrate the effectiveness of their methods on several benchmark datasets and tasks, showing that the "Less is More" approach can derive compact yet accurate explanations that outperform alternative interpretation techniques. This represents an important step towards making deep learning models more transparent and aligned with human understanding.

While the paper highlights some limitations and areas for future research, the "Less is More" framework offers a promising direction for improving the interpretability of AI systems. By focusing on the most crucial features and prototypical examples, this work can help build greater trust and facilitate the responsible deployment of deep learning technologies in real-world applications.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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